2020 Overwatch League Streaming & Rewards Guide - Info about Grand Finals problems here

I am tracking the issues, its still in the preshow so I am not too worried yet. I will be posting updates in the match discussion thread here:

for some reason it’s messed up on Edge, while that was working the other final days ? how do you guys seriously keep messing this up :confused: its ridiculous

Timer delayed, no stream on website for me on Chrome browser, someone is reporting that Edge is working for them

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Not sure if you know this but WyomingMyst is not a Blizzard employee. He’s a forum MVP.

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i have a stream on firefox, not on Edge - i already cleared cookies and stuff but still nothing on Edge ; im logged in to firefox now, and hoping the stream will come up on the App ; else we will all miss these drops and its making me rage

i know this but im just mad its broke again when it matters most, for the most important drops of the season and its broke … again ; its ridiculous

Does the match detail page also have differences at the moment with maps being displayed? I have an accurate timer (10 mins to go) but nothing much else and main page has no video player at all

not sure what you mean with this, but that shows only that 1st map will be oasis; but no VOD if thats what u mean ?

I don’t even have the Oasis graphic, I know player won’t start until game begins

ah ok i do have that but only in firefox ; it also shows 7 mins to go ; same in Edge, but in Edge on the mainpage, there is not even a vod whereas on firefox i do have it :confused:

Edge has same problems as Chrome for me on the website and match page

The mobile app is now working

Multiple players (including myself) are confirming the live player is working on the Overwatch League Mobile App.

Download links:

I can’t login from the website.

Ay grand finals.

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Okay everyone, I am confident that Blizzard is fully aware of the issues going on with the websites. OverwatchLeague.com is going in and out of maintenance mode. Blizzard CS EU has responded on Twitter, and I got word passed to America’s CS team. However, there are no official solutions from them yet.

Again the mobile app now seems to be the most optimal way to get it working, though it may not work for everyone.

Yeah I can’t log into the app either, guess I’ll just have to wait until the login issues are resolved, if that even happens before the finals are over.

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I haven’t been able to log in to the overwatch league website for at least 2 months. I’ve missed out on countless tokens. I’ve tried wiping my browser, disabling adblock and trying 2 other freshly installed browsers. I can’t even log in with a different computer. This is so frustrating.

Tried Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera and Waterfox on 3 different computers. It’s not a browser issue, it’s the website.

The app has the same issue tried it on 2 different phones. I can login into the app but not into the blizzard login part to get rewards. Tried Chrome and Firefox on both phones as well to login into the website.

Like I said in another thread, last year something similar happened and blizzard actually took the time to reward all the players that tried to login and watch the stream. Not many companies would take that effort. So you should not worry just yet :slight_smile:

You can watch the stream itself fine from Youtube.

Blizzard has made an official tweet acknowledging the issue. They are working on it as quickly as possible.

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WTF! It took me near an hour to log back into the forums, so yeah, Edge doesn’t work, website can’t load either player, I am in no position to download the App and I don’t know whether I’ll be able to stay logged in wihout something else being screwed up today!!

Is this what 2018’s situation was like, good lord :grimacing: :face_vomiting: :pleading_face:

I was just now able to login to the forums from mobile. The app would show me as logged in but wouldn’t show my followed teams, which is how I know it has properly logged in. Website, when refreshed would show 17hrs until matchtime, then update but with no stream. Attempts to login would be met with unexpected errors, maintenance messages, or straight up 404s for the login page. I think the site finally worked with login and stream as I’m writing this, but that’s 52 minutes lost. Hey, at least it’s something.