2019 Overwatch League All-Star Game - FINAL

diem just CLAPPED viol2t

there should be one more round… SMG only

Alright, folks, ol’ man Arena25 is feeling tired, so he’s heading to bed…

Until I see you all tomorrow, PLEASE keep a body on the objective, help control the outbreak of C9s (an outbreak demonstrated by 2 C9s in the Talent Takedown). Until tomorrow, good night!

They should let us buy the ingame jerseys, too :unamused:

Quarterfinals Semifinals Final Match
Pine -
Jjnoak -
Carpe -
Nenne -
??? -
??? -
??? -
??? -
Viol3t 0
Diem 7
Diem -
??? -
Fleta -
Shu -

WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueESPN3


Does anyone know why surefour, the champion of the previous widow 1v1, isn’t playing?

He wasn’t voted in as an all-star.

Feel like they should have worked him in there anyway, but yeah.

Tax evasion idk.

I think he just simply wasn’t voted in.

oooo, CARPE-DIEM… aaaaahhhh that explains a lot (to me at lest) :smiley:

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Ugh this is way too much commentary for the Widow v Widow… dragging this out so hard, especially for those of us on the east coast. :man_facepalming:

Yeah, I thought it was gonna start earlier in the day, but that would suck for West Coasters.

The real solution would be to have it on the weekend, though. Not sure why it’s Wednesday/Thursday…

Man I missed Fleta. Time to watch him click on heads.

its 4.35 AM lol, talking about draggin it :smiley:

I’ve been trying to work out how to do tournament brackets on here!

When in doubt, copy and paste. That’s how most coding works these days anyhow lol


Every time I hear a caster say something along the lines of, “I hope they play soon” or something equivalent, I feel like they are going to 2-2-2 lock stage 3, and the casters know.

Well that’s unfortunate :// Though I’m sure this would have been alot more interesing than having a quarter of the players in this competition not even play widow.

Fleta with the spam. :joy:

Maybe we’ll see some surprises! I’m a biased JJonak fanboy, so I’d love to see a Zen main win it all.

SHU you absolute mad lad!