2019 Overwatch League All-Star Game - FINAL

seems like it’s impossible to log in for some reason. i havent been earning tokens from this at all :confused:

all aboard the Shu Shu train!

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RJH looming over Fleta’s shoulder. I’d be nervous as hell, lol.

Well I know they have a set schedule and everything, but when it’s 1v1 Widow on Widow we don’t need the same amount of commentary on what could happen and all this down time. There’s less to predict and should be less time to setup between matches but sure doesn’t feel like it. :man_shrugging:

still not better than Brenminator XD

these are the plays i kind of try to do when i play widowmaker in deathmatch

Really want them to do a MT widow 1v1 for next year.

Quarterfinals Semifinals Final Match
Pine -
Jjnoak -
Carpe -
Nenne -
??? -
??? -
??? -
??? -
Viol3t 0
Diem 7
Diem -
Fleta -
Fleta 7
Shu 3

WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueESPN3

Hey what’s going on I tune into OWL and I don’t see GOATs. How Disappointing :rofl:

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i did log in but not getting tokens at all lol

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im gonna load up overwatch later, up my sensitivity on widow, and then join a deathmatch server and miss every shot

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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ JJONAK TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Because goats is such an “easy to run braindead comp” that only pros run it and the supreme caster do not… /s

I was logged in but the page refreshed and now it redirects me whenever I try to log in again
And yeah no tokens either

you should watch replay of previous games… widow is the order of the day

JJONAK’S STATS! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

jjonak absolutely has this in the bag lol

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LUL my Widow stats are better than JJonak

Please take time to follow my troubleshooting steps in my guide:

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