20+ losing streak

I think it’s safe to say I’m done with this game, over the past two weeks I counted my wins and losses and ended up getting 23 losses before my first win. I was near the 3200 range and now I am 2700. I don’t mind losing games normally but it really gets to me when I lose to stuff I can’t control (the usual god on widow and throwers) Cya lads.


I was at 2700 but I was dropped to 2072. That sucks dude, sorry.


press f to pay respects to our SR


F 20 damn characters


Looks like you need a break. I hope you are gonna come back one day.

Think of it as infinite replayability…


MMR algos doing indirect forced losses. You play better = level you off with worse teammates.

MMR is also irrelevant now with smurfs being top player alts or formerly banned cheaters who paid their $20 re-entry fee.

And yes, cheating is FAR more common than Blizz (or the cheaters on this very forum denying it) would want you to think.


Don’t play comp, it’s not worth it, just play QPC or deathmatch.


Agree playing stuff you can leave is way more fun.


RIP I’m sorry for your loss.


You’ve never experienced an ELO system, have you? You get the same feeling in 1v1 Brawlhalla as you get in Comp. It’s not your teammates holding you down - it’s you.


I just lost 8 straight games, every single $&^&$% game we had DVA-Hog as our tanks and got rolled, I even had 4 golds with Tracer the one game and like 68 elims and we still lost, it was insane, I could’nt have played any better, dropped from 2700 to 2100 this season on DPS


I was at 3900, dropped 3700 and i keep going down, now im scared to play and its kinda boring when you know you will lose (27% average winrate support)

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Ouch. I think my record is like 12 losses in a row. Which is already ridiculous honestly, assuming there’s a 50% chance of winning any given game (that’s the goal of the matchmaker after all if I understand correctly), that would mean the odds of losing twelve in a row would be about… 0,02%. (And for your case, 23 losses, it would be about 0,00001%!)

That’s completely unrealistic of course, so maybe the assumption of a 50% win chance is wrong. But even if we say there’s only a 20% chance of winning a match, that would still translate to less than 7% chance of losing 12 in a row, and about 0,6% for your situation. Quite unlucky indeed!

Of course with so many people playing so many games there’s bound to be statistical outliers, but I do understand how things like this feed the feeling of ‘forced losing streaks’.


you might have performed well stat wise. But did you play for the win? No because you clearly lost. Also medals don’t matter.


I’m having a horrendous season too. There are so many wild nerfs and buffs and meta swings going on its hard to find anything consistant

… could you explain your math a bit more? Wouldn’t a pure probability analysis not apply here because of all the outside factors?

I was under the impression that the 50% winrate shows that the matchmaker is working because most people are learning slowly over time so they are not actively climbing or dropping. I wouldn’t expect to see 50% winrate on someone who’s not played for a while or who’s hero pool is vulnerable to meta changes.

@OP That’s rough, buddy. I’ve been on those huge losing steaks before and they really suck.

Ah, I just used high school math, lol. And you’re right of course, this is all purely theoretical and simplified. Personally I would suspect that a lot of long losing streaks are caused by the player in question getting more and more worked up, affecting his play. Although; even if someone gets tilted so much that he’s basically throwing at that point, it still seems odd to lose ten games or more in a row. But as I said, there’s so many games being played every day that all kinds of unlikely things will occur to someone.


Lose streak affects the mental of someone. My question to OP how much game do you lose before you stop your play session?

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Losing streaks fuel my inner troll. Easy games tomorrow!

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