20+ losing streak

Lets think it in this way instead… You are solo queing and the team you are put in to 2 of them had won their previous game and the matchmaker want to test them if they can carry and puts you in there game due to your loosing previous game.

What works in gold where I´m is Rein and Zarya combo! Lucio is still a great pick as support! And DPS is all about counters! Had teams where Phara was dominating just because the other team didn´t use a hit scan!


See you in a couple weeks :innocent:

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Or have fun in a game that you vibe with a bit better. The world is crazy, my guy, try to stay sane.

I think I’m off too tbh. Finished last season on 2250 on support. in placements I had throwers, leavers and smurfs every support game, 4 losses put me 1800. Silver is hell. There is no coordination, absolutely stupid tank comps (hog dva, zarya dva etc) and nobody seems able to kill anything on my team. Every 3 games I’ll get the world’s most obvious smurf on genji or widow which we can never shut down. I’ve had reins charging into a full team of 6, on critical health, while I’m getting somewhere I can heal him. Hogs flaming heals, then running directly away from me, keeping at least 1 corner in the way before they find the enemy team.

Due to all that, I’ve gone from last season’s 2250, to 1600 right now. I can’t do anything anymore.

And because I’ve spent so long now trying to improve my heals to no avail, I’m out of practice for DPS, my main role last season, also down 200 sr from last season after pretty much just placements, with a similar situation to the healer games, plus a slew of nerfs/buffs meaning all the muscle memory doesn’t even matter anymore.

The only times I can get some sort of reasonable game is tanks now, which I find ridiculously dull these days.

I’m sorry Overwatch, it’s time to go for now


Nah, i hope he stays away for a prosper life instead of wasting time and heartbeats on a game this devolved and unloved. Ya‘ll got the stockholm syndrome. Escape it.


I’ve been rank1, yes, literally rank1, in about 8 different video games/elo systems. And I always saw the exploits and new where/how/why their shortcomings. What I find hilarious is that somehow my 20 years of gaming skill and 4000+ comp wins place me <500 on this supposed ‘eLoSyStEm’. Ok well if I’m <1% skill I better not see a widow land a single shot.

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Are you denying that overwatch MMR is different from other ELO systems?

I get the exact same result bouncing around when I play Brawlhalla and that’s a straight +/-16 per game.

[edit:] btw, you can play brawlhalla for yourself - it’s a free-to-play fighting game similar to smash.

[edit 2:] I even get the straight loss and win streaks that everyone claims are FORCED while playing it.

[edit 3:] Just to clarify, Brawlhalla is 1v1.

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In short, yes. I think it’s richer and more complex than basic elo/glinko derivatives. With ATVI the customer is the product - there is performance tracking via data and coca-cola gets some of that. So does the MIL. Everyone wants to know what gamers are capable of in terms of neurokinetics/APM. So that’s all gathered, some of it traded-off/sold, and some of it used for/against you.

Then there is a lot of trend analysis to discover your “intent” - and pre-empt what you’re going to play in a match, how well you’re going to play it (mmr), and how much carry potential that will account for (ksr). And as for the team-level matchmaking, there is knapsack rating (ksr) that no one talks about (but most journal papers on ranking systems do). Most practicioners consider elo/glinko/trueskill to be total rubbish for online teamplay, especially in the presence of noise/adversarial spoofing (smurfs, throwers, leavers).

And I’m not sure they even use a harmonic mean for team strength (teams are parallel operations not serial ones, so ‘averaging’ mmr doesn’t work). Just one of the many details a full code audit could reveal.

My list of issues goes on and on. But repeat explain to normies is exhausting. And then you have this 3-year unoffical necro ‘sticky’, passed around into all these discords by some random non-authoritative poster, that professes to hold all the explanations on how it all works. It’s tragic.


Quick question: Would you label me as a “normie”, too?

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Idk - do you wake up in the morning, have a coffee, and read journal papers on neurokinetics, performance classifiers, ranking systems, scoring functions, and skill indicators? I mean if not then you’re probably normal.

btw afternoon is usually AI/bot algs and nighttime is OW.

Not normally. My day typically consists of data analysis and spreadsheets as well as testing game systems… also World of Warcraft.

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I miss Talbadar and Hoodrich. They work there now :face_with_monocle:

I saw the original name and I’m not quite sure what place you’re talking about.


Im on a massive losing streak, too. Within the last 15 games or so, I literally only had total potaoes as DPS players. No matter what I did, there was no way to enable them in any form. Because you would have to hit at least SOMETHING.


As the game is loosing number of players most of the time from gold/plat ranks, the system is forcing to fill the gap with the other players, most of the time from higher ranks. For example if gold has 32% of all the players. If 2% will stop playing these 2% need to be fill. Simple.

Without a reason Jeff showed in the past the percentage of players in each rank
GM 1%
M 3%
D 10%
P 25%
G 32%
S 21%
B 8%



This meme is so old. Let it be


Had a 14-game losing streak
oh wait, had a 16-game winning streak right after
randomness is streaky, work on yourselves to overcome it


I’m old. Let me be :rofl:


Wait you ended the previous Season on 2250 and got placed 1800 in the new Season? How? How is that possible? I thought, and everyone else said the same, that placements are meaningless and you end up where you where last Season?

How can you drop 450 SR in placements? I personally would be around +/- 100 SR than the previous Season, but never went down a rank. And never went above rank either. I have lost all of my placements for this Season and ended up like 50 SR less than the previous one.

How is this possible? Can someone explain? Am I missing something?

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