20 damage is way too much

This was a bad nerf
Zarya in the first place didn’t need changes she was in a good spot
and secondly a 20 damage drop is way too big of a nerf


But then if you think about it, zarya absolutely no charge at 95 could kill a squishy in 2 seconds. I know this is slightly unrealistic in an actual 6v6 match but this is comparable to some of the dps without even having to get any value with her bubbles first. Also, let’s just remember how hard it is to take her on at full charge which is what went unchanged. Something like this was bound to happen.


If you have 100% accuracy tracking on a dps that also was so out of position as to get focused down by a Zarya at a point where she might have 0 charge(the beginning of a fight), then a bit more than 2 seconds is merciful. At 3 seconds they have 15-20 yards of running time(again with 100% accuracy) to fix their terrible positioning. That’s a lot.

Not sure what the best change was, but I don’t think this is an especially good one for anybody.


Let’s start with this shall we?
Zarya is as close of a tank as were going to get to a class canon
sure she can dish out high damage on full charge but lacks range and without personal she has to play cover to cover or she will get focused down.

in a 1v1 where zarya is full charge and has personal sure she would win but it depends on the hero since once again: massive hitbox

in exactly 2 seconds they would live with 10 hp
also read what the other guy said


I was saying 2 seconds ish because the added milliseconds aren’t necessary to state.

Let’s also remember that zarya 98% of the time is ran with reinhardt. This covers zarya’s weakness as a glass cannon and essentially grants her the ability to get charge for free. Also, the enemy team is just going to sometimes not even run shield tanks, leaving zarya to hit them from a range that’s 4 meters longer than symmetra and still has a higher base damage. This can all be done with the safety or reins barrier.

Lowering her base damage doesn’t solve the rein/zarya problem but it makes it just a little less oppressive in some situations.


Part of her problem is that she gets about the same value when played moderately well as when she is played great, which makes the Rein/Zarya tankline almost ubiquitous since it is unlikely that a weak offtank will contribute as much value on any other hero.

They should have expanded the top end of the curve along with lowering the floor, so that her low energy damage was less, her average damage stayed about the same in the middle, and so she had a higher peak at the top end to increase her skill ceiling.

So instead of 95-170 → 75-170 it should have been something like 95-170 → 80-180.

Even 75-175 would have made more sense, because then it’s back to being 100% energy for +100 dps, plus it has the same 155 DPS output at 80% energy like in pre-patch curve.

The way they did it suggests they picked a random-ish number beforehand that they were already going to change it to, and did not pay any attention to the experimental card or the feedback that was given about it.


Rest assured, i won’t be playing her anymore. But don’t think i’ll be playing other tanks instead either.

True, this feels like one of the balance team members died to a Zarya when they were out of position so they nerfed her out of spite… Despite what the forums say, Rein Zarya is not meta and it’s sad that they nerf her damage, making it EVEN harder to kill a squishy getting healed. No compensation buffs either, no ult cost buff or decay rate revert :(( Zarya can’t do her job as well for contesting off angles, and this makes her duels with McCree a lot closer than it has to be


Imo, the right choice would’ve been making her energy discharge on use. Like using a full clip would reduce like 20-25 total charge. It also makes a lot of sense that a weapon discharges power output. That alone requests that the zarya needs to use shields more frequently to keep the power output. I’d reduce decay in that case.


Okay, but hear me out Tricky… Hog. Here is my sales pitch: Your team will hate you, enemies will hate you even more. Life is pain, so is death. I hope that was persuasive enough for you to stop ducking this Piglet.

I like playing Zayra, but all tanks needed and need even more drastic damage nerfs.


The Notorious PIG is just really a fat dps when you think about it, so nerfs necessary for him.

Either half damage or half hp. His current state is ridiculous.

Let’s compromise, half his hitbox.


Ok, half hitbox, half damage and half hp. Then he would be about the same as Reaper.

Strongest tank in game. Strongest dps In game.although they needed to nerf the top number.

Zarya is meta. She’s either with rein or in double bubble. The two current meta comps with dive played when they have high ground and even then it’s still double bubble.

What do you think about no decay but it is fully on the resource meter. Could be really interesting

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So do we just keep nerfing whichever is the most picked tank and then buff an irrelevant stat once Blizz sees no one wants to play tank? Think why Zarya is meta in the first place, it’s because of the amount of CC and damage in the game that a bubble is necessary for a main tank to survive. 90% of tank buffs for the past year has just been a cover up so that they can say they have been buffing tanks, when in reality, they nerf what makes a tank a tank, and give them a replacement useless buff. Instead of addressing the amount of damage or CC in the game, they nerf Zarya with no compensation buffs and make her even worse against a competent dps.


She still is fine with Rein but this probably make her not fun for Double Bubble to play in especially getting decent charge