20 damage is way too much

It would be worth a test for sure. I’d still add a minimal decay though, like one unit per second.

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2 seconds is a very long time… it’s also quite limited by range :man_shrugging:t2:

Tbh I’d rather they bring the other tanks to her level… :man_shrugging:t2:


The top number still didn’t change. Which is the main. Issue. Zaryas can easily get charge. She’s still the best dps in the game and the best off tank currently.

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This is the biggest fallacy towards Zarya. To some DPS like what? Name a DPS that deals 95 DPS. In comparison Cree has 240 DPS potential. Ever soldier sits at a bit over +170 DPS potential at maximum falloff range ramping up to a bit over +340 DPS at maximum damage. 3 Sym turrets is 120 DPS + 60/120/180 depending on the charge. Even Widow sits around 240 DPS potential

I have no idea why but everyone seems to have no idea what damage potential and how much damage heroes actually deal even though it’s very basic ABC to know all the damage numbers of the game while actively playing it. 95 DPS nowhere near a DPS’s damage output and retaining High Energy on Zarya takes a lot of conditions and constant farming to keep up above +80 which means that her damage potential is really low. On top of that her 400hp body is extremely fragile especially considering how her range and mobility are both limited. She’s the embodiment of a limited hero on all aspects of her kit. She has relatively low damage output, low burst potential, low pick potential, low sustainability, low mobility and low range

What makes her so strong is simply her consistency, how sustainable her damage is over a large amount of time, having the only cleanse ability in the game besides Translocator and her ultimate. Beyond that you have to minmax her effectiveness and tediously keep minmaxing her output in a game for her to be a valuable asset for the team and nerfing her damage even beyond how weak it already was is just horrible gameplay balance-wise especially since all the tanks need buffs right now

To me this seems like nothing but them paving a way for removing her bubble limitation in OW1 already and then give her an extra charge of bubbles for OW2. There’s no other reason to nerf her already low damage output


That’s weird. Maybe then you can explain why dva is most picked tank in OWL when Zarya can delete people in 2 seconds.

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All the tanks need buffs? Lmao. Most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.

Zarya is very tanky because she plays besides rein which is what makes it quite powerful.

Low burst damage? Low damage output? You can grav a group of squishy targets even four at once and kill all of them easily. I have abused zarya alot and she can do massive amounts of damage. She can even win up close with reaper easily if she has charge even easier if she has a bubble.

Uhhhhh good spot? She was sort of the strongest tank in the game, which makes you the strongest hero in the game. Also its not really a big nerf if you simply do not let your energy be at 0-25. I for sure notice it but its not a huge change and I will likely have adapted in a couple days.

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I don´t play her…but every Zarya bragging about her gold medals…even I got bunch of gold medals on her in mystery heroes as a total Zarya noob…that just proved she needed nerf.

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Zarya is tanky because another hero is tanky? So in other words they’re not tanky by themselves? :rofl:

Yeah. Quite clearly I already pointed out how low it is. Please do give actual relative number to any DPS hero that’ll point out that her damage output is in terms of numbers on the positive side of the average/median damage output. Not some random irrelevant

Scenarios that aren’t even plausible to begin with. If you assume the best out of the whole random grav scenario, then you’re already dead to the DPS by the time the grav lands because you have to assume the same from them. If you’re not dead, any combination of healers with a main healer can outheal you can nobody dies. I have gotten these gravs and killed the squishies but it takes you pre-firing projectile + grav at the main healer + beam + projectile + melee burst combo to actually kill them and then finish off others during which the Grav will already run out assuming you’re not shooting it at melee range

Right, all she has to do is farm 80 energy from 2 of her bubbles, then use allied bubble to farm her energy back to high energy while retaining her personal bubble to take on the Reaper. It’s a long process and a setup and even when these things align the Reaper can take their time to wait for her to inevitable use the bubble or get lower energy and even after he fails to engage he can still use his own abilities to escape

But yeah all tanks need buffs because it’s extremely harmful for the game for tanks to be the weakest role in the game while still effectively being bottlenecks for team-wide performance. Even if you don’t agree, they’re still going to receive big buffs going into OW2 anyways


Another patch, another downgrade for Zarya for just being Zarya. This is the only thing I will ever complain about in the game, while others complain about McCree, Genji, Doom, Mei, etc.

She keeps getting dumpstered for no reason or just by association and never gets anyhting good in return because of some other character. Grav Dragon was a thing? Grav volume gets reduced by 50% while Hanzo gets away scott-free. Rein Zarya was a thing? Her damage gets reduced while Rein gets away.

Very annoying and then people wonder why no one plays tank except for me and some other people.

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Bookmarking this now. Zarya’s average per-match damage on Overbuff is 15.2k, just 200 shy of McCree. I’ll bet it goes down no more than 400 points.

Zarya’s average energy stands at around 40%. Considering that she drops to zero every time she dies and stays at zero until she gets back to the fight, that means a vast majority of her time actually in the fight is going to be high-energy. Meaning that 20 DPS is much closer to a 5 or 10 DPS reduction. Those are just inferences based on stats though, literally anyone who’s played Zarya for more than a few hours knows they spend most of their time in combat above 60% or so energy.

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All I have to say at this point is you dont understand tanks. Moving on from everything not worth it. Zarya is super powerful does alot of damage and can win a one v one with any dps in the game. Easily. If you buff every tank in the game dps would immediately have zero impact and they already don’t have alot as is. Sure though. Buff all tanks before ow2 and you will see exactly how what I just said would happen.

The fact you think tanks are currently the weakest role in the game just adds to what I said above you thinking the strongest role in the game is the weakest.

Yes they are buffing the one tank in overwatch two because there will only be one and the oppressive tank synergy to every other role that’s not tank will no longer exist.

Zarya main. Lmao.

Welcome to OW where if a tank thats performing just slightly over the “decent” line, they get nerfed! :smiley:


Not to mention McCrees damage is going to go down with his nerf.

Welcome to overwatch with every dps that is even a little bit good gets nerfed into the ground because of mercy.

While tanks overpower them in every possible meta.

just leave at this point
your telling people they don’t understand tanks then say something like that
Ihanian is just talking and your being so rude
I presume this response is in Mcree getting nerfed in which case: HE WAS WAY OVERTUNED
and still is somewhat
I am all for hearing feedback of the other side but your just being rude about it

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Fair enough. I won’t leave but he’s a zarya main complaining about a zarya nerf that does absolutely nothing to her. When she’s the best tank in the game and the best dps in the game.

And McCree is only viable because of rein. Look at owl now. They don’t touch McCree after two weeks of rein being banned because he’s trash without rein.

While requesting every tank In the game gets buffed which will immediately make them oppressive.

its 20 damage
that’s allot

this argument is made whenever any tank is good and somehow an excuse for them to get nerfed?
maybe buff tanks up to her level
shes not a dps

they don’t touch him because the meta comp there is HEAVY dive
Mcree is still overtuned but their not going to build a whole comp around him when the Dive comp is better
they would play sombra in there if she wasn’t banned
because she is though they play echo

Tanks aren’t oppressive
DPS are
Tanks are strong I am not denying that
but they need allot of support from their team to do basically anything
DPS are the opposite just being super strong in general

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I’m done being rude but sorry tanks are oppressive. It’s been that way for the entire history of overwatch.

You are entitled to your opinion on dps but they just aren’t as oppressive as tanks.

And it’s a joke about zarya getting more value than any dps in the game as a dps she can’t melt tanks and Squishies. I personally don’t care if zarya gets nerfed but if they are going to essentially nerf every dps which they keep doing. It’s fair to nerf zarya.

Honestly if we just removed sigma and reworked ball also Baptiste. The game would be a much better place and not nerfed anyone but here we are.

This is totally fine nerf.
1, Makes her harder to play, great for lower ranks
2. Basically does not affect good Zarya’s as they can maintain high charge
3. It’s not even that big of a nerf, she will be dealing the same damage as pre-nerf at around 20% charge which isn’t even that high.