2 things I wanna discuss

Here’s the funny thing. How was anyone suppose to save up enough coins to purchase the abomination skins when we all just learned about them?

For all season people bought regular OWL skins cause they didnt know about these. Now they throw them out at us at the end of OWL.

How many people do you think actually saved coins? It was a cheap move on the devs part. They should have mentioned something way ahead of time instead of waiting the last second. All they want is more money by us purchasing OWL tokens.

Well, I mean it’s to support the League.

Nobody is required to buy them.

Easier said than done… I tried to watch most of the Gladiators’ matches and only managed about 80 tokens at the end of the season. If I had watched every single map than I probably would have had over 100 tokens, but that still wouldn’t be enough for one of the All Star skins.

Updated the info and added “overall”.
Still decreasing. Still I think blizz needs to take more feedback rather than statistics. It should be their ‘feeling’ + feedback

Statistics sometimes lie (like, Symm has crazy dmg, mobility and utility she could provide to the team. Yet her pick rate is one of the lowest)

Ugh. Watching these people obnoxiously doing X.1 team VS X.2 team (I mean its the same composition) because ‘thats meta’ makes me anxious.

money-thirsty? you can bet they have a team that has all the ways the game will make money all planned out before the game was even released. Only difference is where we are on that timeline, same timeline made by the same people who made the game you fell in love with. Cant release a 15 dollar skin while OW is new and doesn’t have a following that’s willing to invest the time to make the skin purchase worthwhile.

Here I thought there might be “two things to discuss” that weren’t Mercy. My mistake!

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Well then I’d gladly ignore every single one of your comment since you can’t even admit your failure to be right. :slight_smile:

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Not gonna lie your right there, but that doesnt cancel out the correctness of my statement either. I didnt save any either cause like you said i didnt know about them.

And nothing of value was lost.

Good point, i personally find it entertaining.

You’re arguing with a known Mercy thread troll, what were you expecting :man_shrugging:

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Sooo engaging, lol.

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NeonLight I played comp with u today, Kings row I think

I just don’t see the point of quibbling over a minor winrate difference, especially when pickrates haven’t even stabilized yet.

I watched almost all the games and collectively had about 400 ish. I got the 100 token bonus a couple times too though so that helped

Even if you see it that way it’s much more engaging then staying out of the fight and pressing Q for POTG.

Ye I know. His replies recently have become less and less constructive and everytime someone proves him wrong he ignores that certain someone and looks out for someone else to start trolling.

Also jsut a question for Grey. Mind if I ask you what do you think was the problem with Mercy 1.x (any version but the invuln one)?

I don’t remember but I remember being tilted yesterday so I guess it wasn’t the best experience, sorry

Maybe the dev team doesn’t have the same dictionary we do :man_shrugging:
In their dictionary it could be:

A very rare type of moth, OP, must-pick, and a meta-dictator.
Always followed by a storm of countless nerfs.

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U were playing healer I think

oh wow another mercy topic

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