2 Tank changes that need to happen

Can’t go around corners and would be more useless then it is if it didn’t go up steps.

But the vacuum thing is a real issue that could be changed.

It goes around corners and REALLY goes up stairs and walls.

Ummmm ok.

I do know what the strawman argument is.

I said

“If you’re letting Zarya free dps your high ground then you’re not doing enough to pressure the enemy team.”

Some guy said

“Here is a list of things not related to this post, I’m also gonna throw in that you’re strawmanning and everything you said is anecdotal to diminish your point”

We’re talking about Zarya, not Baptiste lamp

Kinda hypocritical dontcha think

I would rather have a dog than a cat

Why do you hate cats?

If Zarya is free dpsing your high ground then your team is not doing enough to pressure the enemy

but well if Baptiste denies a bunch of ultimates with his lamp, then would you say your team is not doing enough to pressure the enemy?

Let’s make the only good tanks really bad, let’s go


Sym was explicitly designed to hold a space with her turrets. Zarya is literally designed to run at enemies. There’s a pretty good reason for it to be harder for Sym to do Zarya’s job.


I think they said this was impossible for them to do.

Okay. How would you buff the tanks? You’re just suggesting some blanket miracle buff that will go off without a hitch and perfectly integrate into the game?


I would be happy if the cart blocked shatter.

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You explain why she should.

See above.

They said that about a lot of things they have fixed since closed beta.

It isn’t my job to come up with how to balance the game. If you want to pay me the money, then I will more than happily put mental effort into this.

Why Zarya should be able to shoot onto high ground? Ok.

By default, she’s a character with finite range, but in lore and in game she was a soldier made to battle in the front line. By that reason, she should be able to attack anything that’s in immediately front of her regardless of high or low ground. She’ll always have a weakness to extreme distance (she should), but I don’t see a reason why she shouldn’t be able to shoot a widowmaker that’s a few feet in front of her just because that widow is on high ground.

She has to be the face of the fight, so her gun should accommodate that as it does.

Compare her to Symmetra, and you get the polar opposite character. She’s made to hold an area and punish people who runs at her. While sym CAN run at enemies and get value, its obvious her strengths lies in waiting for the enemy to come to her.

Because of that, why would she have advantage against enemies on higher ground?

No, they said the Reinhardt thing after closed beta, too.

So why in the world should we listen to you about your Zarya changes? You admit here that you aren’t willing to put forth be brain power to solve any problems, so I can assume this goes for your “Zarya shouldn’t shoot at height” change, too.


You dont even recognize that the topic was Zaryas beam range. You changed it to “DPS getting roasted because of a lack of pressure”, which IS the strawman. The fact that her beam primary can reach where she should be using her projectile to get to is the issue, not whether Zarya is roasting people.

This makes your weak little argument a straw man. No one made it. You made it up and argued against it. The Oxford definition of straw man.

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You could literally say this about 90% of the cast. lol. Reinhardt can’t reach people on high ground yet Zarya should be allowed to? Winston can’t do it unless he uses a cooldown to get up there. I don’t see how any of this makes Zarya ‘special’ in any way.

This is why most people are bad at Symmetra. She is made it be very offensive not sit in an area, maybe in platinum and below she will work like that but her entire strategy is using good teleports to out maneuver the enemy. Not "sit with muh turrets and :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: ".

They’ve said a lot of things. Things change.

Cause it took me no brain power to come up with a change that doesn’t nerf Zaryas damage/bubbles but forces her into positions where she actually has to think to be played.

Forcing people to require more skill in right clicking is what people should want from her.


The point

Try arguing legitimately, people would get your point a lot faster.

Let’s not forget that even unable to do it with beam, she still has a projectile secondary with splash damage that can get there.

There is no legitimate argument I have seen that justifies Zarya having a beam as long as it is.


So you’re the only one that can dictate if an argument is “legitimate”


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No, and no one ever said such a thing.

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Yet to no ones opinion is correct or worthy of consideration

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You are not “everybody else”. There have been many good arguments in this thread. Have you ever seen a professional for that Narcissism? It can’t really be cured, but with enough effort, you can get a lot of help coping.

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Why would a narcissist need coping with the fact that they are a narcissist? That kind of goes against the idea that they are a narcissistic.

Why does the pot call the kettle black?

Ahh…the “I know you are but what am I?” variant. I think I’m done with this thread, it has long passed its usefulness, and I’m not going to get into a “Last word” contest with a narcissist. Enjoy yourself.