2 Tank changes that need to happen

1: Reduce the range of Zaryas beam. She shouldn’t be able to challenge high ground in any shape or form unless she is literally on a icewall or the payload. There is no reason Sym should have to put herself in more danger than Zarya, with a much worse character design at the same time. If Zarya wants to contest high ground at all she should have to walk up to it or right click. Period.

2: Make it so Reinhardt can’t vacuum people with pins, and so seismic slam can’t go up walls/around corners, into your cousins house and steal their money.

3: I know I said 2, but I lied! Buff other tanks please and thanks. Or give us real counters to Reinhardt’Zarya cause I am literally falling asleep in my games now.


Rein Zarya is only a huge thing because of current meta and how garbage the other tanks can be in a lot of situations, compared to these two.

You should’ve just named this “More Rein/Zarya nerf suggestions” or something.


seisimic slam? New rein move?

anyways both of your changes are ??

rein one is super vague, reminds me of the “genji hitbox so large when dashing” or “remove moira lock on beam”

kind of a sign you don’t play the hero

as for Zar, her beam is fine, its well balanced out especially after the nerf to her decay rate

you would have to butcher the hero and make her a second dva in order to kill her on ladder


The issue is we’d be nerfing every tank and be back to square one of nerfing the next best thing.

We’ve had enough nerfs. We need to start looking at buffs and not nerfing anything. Or, if we do nerf something, allocate that power into other elements of their kits


I honestly wonder what the point of her alt fire is when she has a beam longer than my loss streak.


Or nullify the anti-Dive qualities of Brig, Mei, Bap, Sigma. Then buff Orisa/Sigma barriers.

And don’t lose 2-5% of Tank players.

That is funny.
Just in the past year, we had double shield. Then Hog Zarya. After that, Ball Sigma. Now we have Rein.
But every time dps mains will come crying for nerfs because they hate every single tank. It is just like that, sadly.
And Blizzard will nerf Rein and people will complain about the next tank in the meta.

That is why queues are so d. s.


Remember when if u picked a main tank you were throwing

Now if you don’t your throwing.How the turn tables

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As a former dps main, I only cried during double barrier, the OG one. That was the only time I couldn’t pog my way to victory.

Tanks are still the strongest role. Even if Rein/Zarya outright not exist this would still be true. As such there is not really a need to buff when nerfing is a more efficient solution that keeps the power balance relatively close.


Every role is important. If tanks really represented that much power, don’t you think people would be willing to play them more to fulfill that power fantasy?

The fact that a queue pass exists shows just how devoid the class is alone


Tanks are the most powerful regardless of what people who blame dps while tanks sit in choke believe. Their perception is not reality.

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If Zarya is in a position to contest ranged DPS on the high ground then your whole team is doing something wrong to allow that to happen.

More like doing nothing. And yes, I do agree, my teammates are to blame.

No, not really.

I think every game ever that has had role splits like Overwatch pretty clearly shows the majority of Hom0 sapiens want to play dps. There’s definitely things Blizzard could do to make tanking more appealing but I don’t think any amount of changes would ever override the natural bias to dps role.

They’d have to pry Genji from the cold, dead hands of these players and even then, they’d probably just quit before they seriously considered tanking.

*so apparently the word home-o is not allowed, learn something new every day :roll_eyes:


Zarya is ridiculously OP mostly because of her beam range and lack of counters.

I also think that Hammond’s pile drive shouldn’t affect characters who are in the air when it lands.

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Zaryas beam can reach from the floor level of Dorado to the top of the arch way without any assistance when escorting the payload to the second point as an example. Sym can’t do that without putting herself in danger, so Zarya shouldn’t be able to either. Especially since Zarya is just a stronger, better hero in every aspect.

If a Zarya is free damaging your DPS then your whole team is not putting enough pressure out. Zarya is balanced.

Don’t bring Symmetra into this lol


Alt is aoe. Goes well into grav at 100% charge

pew-pew everyone dead.

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Even if that’s true.

The idea that they need to balance based on equal impact to capturing the objective.

Is based on the premise that they need to prevent 3-4 Tanks on a team.

Which is ridiculous in 2-2-2.

What they need to do is balance roles to be roughly equally fun.