2.32% pickrate, 47.98% winrate

Just because he cant burst shields at long distances anymore you guys are crying? At least he has health to tank it while doing, he is an off-Tank not a main tank neither a DPS, he is in a bad spot? Yes! But every hero has their ups and downs.

If blizzard fix his hook and the meta improves at his favor he will became viable, Zarya and D.Va are better than him now, deal with it, he is not a Bastion, Torbjorn, Symmetra, Mercy, Sombra and Mei case.

Excuse me!!!
Lets bugfix that character

we are “crying” as you say because he is F tier

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Yeah, Roadhog is apparently an issue, but Hanzo is fine??

Solid logic Blizzard! :clap:


Symmetra has being T tier since the launch of the game…

When the Symmetra mains were begging for buffs everyone just trash talked them - GIT GUD - She was unplayable for 2 whole years in high elos, in low elos she was a free report because Silver players thinks that “PRO/GM Meta” aplies to them… 2.32% pick rate is not good? try 0.7% pick rate then try me.

“T tier - Troll Tier”

your point being? just because that happened to sym players doesnt mean its alright it happens to hog players, honestly i loved playing as sym, and i love playing as new sym but i didnt dare touch her in comp unless i was with friends, sym mains shouldnt have had to go through that, sadly they still are going through that i know cause i do main sym now.

its funny right now my mains actually are sym and sombra(well they would be if i was actually still playing the game), all 3 characters are terrible

Im saying that he is fine! Why? His player base i quite large compared to Symm’s, he will get the attention if he really needs, the bug fix is not that impactful, he was a troll pick in the last season with it anyways, he was not viable, and he will not be viable if they just let the bug.

His counters are meta, unfortunate to him, people need to chill, just because they cant play their favorite heroes every game they dont need to be soo furious about it, in lower elos he still strong, why? Because he has an easy combo and he is very tanky, dont get me wrong if he was in the mercy spot for example, i would be the first one to step in his favor, but in my opinion he is more like an Ana situation in the last season, HAS SOMEONE WHO CAN DO WHAT HE DO BETTER THAN HIM, they nerfed Mercy to the ground now she is kinda of a low rewarding hero and Ana was buffed after that, nanoboost always was kinda lacking anyways, now Ana is meta, she is fine, Mercy is fine? No! Why? Because she is not fun to play, her HPS is low, her skill ceilling is not rewarding and she is in a bad spot.

Roadhog will be fine if they fix the bugs in his hook, he will be viable? Probably not, but some players will play him because they like the hero, like the Symmetra, Torbjorn, Bastion, Mei, Sombra and Mercy mains, they will experience the hate of play a off meta hero.

Yea yea i get it there are worse characters than hog, still not a reason why he shouldnt get buffed

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I’m pretty sure his falloff changes were meant to come with the other falloff changes with Soldier, McCree, and Bastion. They should buff him to compensate. Although, you should fix the bugs, then buff/nerf the character. Which is what they’re probably going to do. They’re fixing hook, then I’m hoping we’ll see some buffs.

I can still destroy with Roadhog, then again I’m in Platinum, so maybe my opinion doesn’t matter as much lol. But he’s not terrible, not a troll pick like Torbjorn. I would like to see him buffed though.

That could be true, he still didnt need those changes though

Here’s a hard pill to swallow, Hog was never meant to be a long range damage dealer :man_shrugging:

Fight me

Now hog isnt meant to be a damage dealer at all plus all he could damage at long range is a rein or a orisa shield

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Since this is primarily what the nerf entails, whats the big deal if he was useless at long range anyway?

Because his ability to break those shields is pretty much the only reason he would be selected, its umportant to win the shield break war

The only thing about this change that frustrates me is the fact that they just recently came out and admitted it was inconsistent for projectiles to have falloff.

Why are shotgun projectiles suddenly exempt from that? Especially when their massive spread totally negates any gain from a lack of falloff?

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i just wish for consistency

I don’t buy this whole “shield breaker hog” story. This is the antivax of the Overwatch community and Hog mains, I swear.

Now I never got in on the early beta, but in the prelaunch beta and in the 2 years I’ve played this game and used the forums, I never once heard or saw anyone say anything along the lines of “they got a Rein/Orisa, we need a Hog to break their barriers” most of the time it was go Bastion or Junkrat or Reaper or someone that could actually drop a shield fast and effectively. Barriers stopped a Hog from functioning effectively, unless that Hog’s job and strategy was to flank and attack from behind or pick off stragglers.

Hog was never an effective main shield breaker, I wouldn’t even say he was a niche shield breaker. Stop perpetuating this lie or at least come up with something that actually makes more sense.

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then tell me where does roadhog excel right now? what does he do better than other heroes that make him worth picking? even in pro matches they mostly used hog for his shield break potential but i am sure you know more than pro’s because you are the best player ever