I’ve been seeing threads on how to improve queue times for DPS and it made me wonder if Overwatch is capable of having 7 stacks instead of 6 stacks? Note, I am aware that even though it might aid the issue of queue times, it also bring in it’s fair share of drawbacks as well.
The concept is as follows, 3 DPS, 2 Tanks, 2 Supports. But the game would have to be re balanced to accommodate the extra fire power. Probably, continue the support balances until it’s evened out then slightly buffed in correlation to the added dmg from the extra DPS. Not too high where no one dies but not to low where it feels like people die too much.
As for tanks, probably buff their shields but not as much as it was prior. . . somewhere in the middle as the extra DPS can also add to shield break.
But with the extra DPS, comes an additional ult to be weary of so perhaps nerf the ult charge gain in some way. Not entirely sure if it’s just DPS, certain DPS or global.
Lastly, is the compositions. It might become problematic where some DPS combos become oppressive. You know your favorite omnic turret, BASTION. . . now try it with a sym tele so he has mobility, 3 sentries and a torbjorn on defense. It’s not impossible to get around but it sounds very unfavorable imo. Or having waaaay too many snipers to where even dive can’t counteract them all. On the flip side, say you have two DPS who don’t play hitscan to deal with the enemy pharah, the 3rd might be hitscan so there is that. Note - These are just hypotheticals and they might be wrong to some degree so take it with a grain or perhaps a boatload of salt.
Just wanted to add to the conversation of what could be done for Overwatch.
Anyways, feel free to agree or disagree.
They said the game is optimized for 6v6 and 7v7 would not work, plus 3 tanks just makes the other queues even longer.
Yeah, the overhaul just to have 7 would be alot since the UI and the game isn’t balanced for 7. Also 3 refers to DPS not tank. 3 tanks is just asking for some hybrid of goats XD
Order (in game and usually in these threads) is Tank/DPS/Support. And in the 1-3-2 thread the Jeff said that 7v7 will not work for Overwatch.
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Still food for thought tho of potential roads, even if it’s super unlikely.
None of them good though, protecting another DPS as Tank or healing them as support will be much more stressful than it is now. Only advantage is that unlike most 1-3-2 suggestions it won’t raise DPS queues while trying to drop them.
True, it’s just another person to track. If I’m on a non-mobile healer with long range and the DPS is not with the objective, it’s going to be harder to heal. I guess if the other DPS was a flank and used packs it would lower the stress on tanks and healers but that is assuming the DPS is a flank at all or even a good one that doesn’t die by overextending. Among other possible scenarios.
Funny you mentioned 1-3-2, that was one of the reasons I typed this up. I was worried for the pressure to be on the other tank to stay alive to keep the team up. It sounds stressful to be the only tank with the only peel being DMG to kill the people trying to kill them and your healers but not another tank to cover you in case things turn south.
Jeff said they can’t do that currently.
Soma mentioned it as well. . . but thanks for the heads up regardless.
Yeah, but that doesn’t mean they won’t, just that it has some technical hurdles.
Most of which was limited by their servers hardware.
And then a few months later Blizzard said that were switching all their servers to be hosted by Google.
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It’s more to do with cost apparently.
Redesigning their server systems would probably include a dev team weeks or months. Tons of debugging and problem solving after. Large amounts of testing both internal and beta.
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Thanks for the excerpt. Plus they are working on OW2 as well with a similar if not the same system as well.
But I do recall a weird glitch where someone spawned a lot of bots but not sure what was the drawbacks of doing that. Nor will I try to act like I understand how this all works behind the scenes.
Why dont just make a megathread about the same thing which hundreds have been posting already?
3-2-2 or 1-2-3 will never happen. Why cant you guys just give up with this idea…
They will try the 1-3-2 with the experimental mode, Jeff said that (indirectly) answering to someone who asked about that
It was more of a we’ll let you see it kind of thing.
Sometime late feb right? I guess it’s alot closer now than when it was announced but seems promising, especially if it’s incentives with rewards.
Lol, what is up with people and meaningless incentives?