2-2-2 people just as unhappy but now with extra wait

Occam’s Razor I believe it is called

Look at streamers where they have hour long queue times, countless reports of people having 7-10 and up queue times with the lowest anyone has ever reported was 4 minutes (In QP I believe is what they said)

It entirely likely that they are unreliable.

How unreliable?

Let’s put numbers. We have a lot of them, and they all point int e same direction so. What are the chances that one of them are wrong.

There is no way to calculate the percentage of chance in this situation that I’m aware of.

I’m asking you to spitball it.

As I bring evidence we will keep doing this, and then we will calc the chances that it is not like the underlaying population based on this.

I’m going to put this to bed real quick.

We could Bayes this. Bayes is good.

We get a starting chance, and then we modfiy it with each new piece of evidence based on now good or bad it is.

Now, since only one side can bring anything it seems this will slam the needle in one direction really hard, really fast.

As evidence vs no evidence should.

But this way we will have show exactly how it does so.

I’m happier than ever though

Edit: Just don’t play DPS 4head

This is going nowhere.

So for the sake of the argument, let us say these stats are pure, irrefutable fact that can’t be changed.
That leaves us with about a 2/3 for and 1/3 against, right?

So why should a 3rd of the player base be left out?

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No that’s just your opinion that what you put forward is the most likely scenario. Also, I dunno if Occams Razor is the best thing to hang your entire argument too…

Tbh that was unfair of me in this instance as I don’t think blizzard have (or ever will) release stats.

Streamers, particularly high ranking ones are likely to experience longer times at ranks that consist of relatively few people. Keeping in mind, others who don’t just play Damage are likely to to have very fast times.

You claim that a number of different straw polls aren’t reliable, yet…

is enough for you to say that

was complete nonsense… =_=“

That is a better conversation. But I got sick of this “our no evidence is equally as valid as actually having evidence”.

You know I am responsible for pushing for 7s, and priqueue, and moving Mei / doom to tanks and Sombra to support.

I’m working on the fixes to the problems which exist.

Because there ARE people upset and some of the problems can be fixed.

Queue times, we can fix that.

But I’m not going to fight both sides at once.

I would question your judgement if you thought all the Mercys voted for it just to spite DPS was more likely than those against it not participating.

Can you honestly say you have experienced a DPS queue times less than 4 minutes in Comp?

I’m from the oce. So the answer is most certainly not.

But, I didn’t have that before roleQ either OCE, what can you do?

DPS queue times are a lot worse though so. I won’t argue there.

I wouldn’t be working on fixes for that if there wasn’t a problem.

Not what I was saying but OK.

Have you thought of a solution to the lack of flexibility? I would be very interested if you did.

Because of you! XD

It’s just going round in circles cos you refuse to back up your claims that their evidence is worthless, and refuse to make a stand and back it up with points that could be argued over 0_o I think I liked you better when you just said “Clarification” cos it was funny at least.

Where did you pull the thirds from!? 0_o

What do I have to do with it?

Circumstantial evidence is what I believe it’s called.

Look at the most recent poles, they say it is about 1/3 against (some a little higher)

I have! I’ll use the same answer which we used the last time we had the problem.

Supports used to have a problem - tracer countered all of them.

You couldn’t switch to a counter, when none existed.

You got a good tracer on the other side, and your team doesn’t stop them you were stuck hard… You COULD switch to counter her, but you would have to abandon supporting to do so, and that is a loss.

Now the answer was make it so that there isn’t any hero which could counter an entire role.

Reaper does this to tanks which is an issue.

Doom counters the supports pretty hard so people are also angry there.

We need more heroes, with an eye to solving the gaps in each role.

Tanks needs a reaper counter.

Supports need a doom counter.

Pharah already has something which works well enough against her in each role so I don’t think we need something there.

Should have released more Tank/Support heroes before doing role queue, in my opinion. I just can’t stand the lack of choice. Especially when a switch is necessary mid match.

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I agree.

But the game was losing players too quickly for them to not roleQ. I think they made the choice to do it now because they think they will lose less players this way.

They worry about it.

Interesting. What about a way to allow some role stacking (3+ DPS) to counter such comps as double shield?

The problem with Pharah is that you need a DPS hitscan in the lower ranks since the other Pharah counters in each role are substantially harder to use against her.

I found the support hitscan (baps) just as effective, and D’va also works a treat.

I mean you need someone to can hit, but you are not helpless as a tank or support.

You have someone to switch to, which gives you just as good of a chance as the dps have as theirs

It doesn’t mean she isn’t a problem in low ranks, but lt she doesn’t present a “I can’t switch to something to deal with this” issue.

You can, but you need the same skills as you would need to use if you had switched to dps.

True, but now they’re losing players who really miss being able to be flexible in comp. Sure, there’s QPC but it’s just not the same.

So you claim.

Yay, then you won’t have any issues supplying these polls (presumably you have more than one from a number of sources/groups/communities)?