2-2-2 people just as unhappy but now with extra wait

True, but now they’re losing players who really miss being able to be flexible in comp. Sure, there’s QPC but it’s just not the same.

So you claim.

Yay, then you won’t have any issues supplying these polls (presumably you have more than one from a number of sources/groups/communities)?

He is looking at the polls I supplied.

Each poll runs about 2/3 for roleQ 1/3 against.

He is using our data :). So I’m good with it.

Baps is also harder to use as the way his gun works is that it gradually shoots higher.
Lower ranked D.va can’t deal with Pharah’s that well from what I’ve seen. Low ranks often need all the support they can get so it would be best if a support could switch roles with another player so the team will still get healing with the addition of a dead Pharah

Also, if you DPS heal than you will get reported multiple times (according to the forums)

As someone who plays in the lower leagues, I can confirm this. Most of the time I would switch from Support to DPS was because the enemy Pharah was wrecking face.

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I got to plat by using (frankly abusing) Moira dps style.

I got reported but no bans.

I found baps is about as good as any dps for dropping Pharah.

He is what I use to force them off her.

Ana too if there is a safe position to do so.


Of course

You have to get used to the burst of his gun. I don’t normally play hitscan outside of Soldier, so it took me a few dozen games to get the burst pattern down. For supports, Moira or Ana would be a better counter at bronze/silver (where I reside)

That then brings up the part about how lower ranks need all the healing they can get, so it would be best for people to switch roles to get optimal value.

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My queue times are 16+. Where are the 4-5 minutes scott talked about?


What away from support to dps to take them on?

Who is going to switch to who in this case?

I can heal my team and flatten a Pharah as baps and that is useful.

What switch are you looking at?

Because HAVING a anti Pharah hitscan in support is about as good as you can get.

Ah my mistake, apologies.

For what role/rank? Not that it really matters… it’s just a personal anecdote. On the other hand, they don’t really back up there figures either other than saying trust us.

I think I replied to the other guy but I decided that it was unreasonable to say prove it seeing as they haven’t really “proved” their claim.

The people who switch are a Ana and Reaper.

Having a hitscan in DPS is the best you can get.

My $0.02:

  • Some of these straw polls are total jokes and counter-factual evidence that really shouldn’t be brought forward.
  • My votes literally just shifted things by 2%. Most of these have ~100 votes. How can a decision maker admit such a biased, unrepresentative sample and call it evidence?
  • There should also have been counter-factual surveys like: ‘how long would you be willing to wait in queue to play dps in a 222 environment’ to get alternative-hypothesis testing in place.
  • Most of these dip into the same biased pool of non-hardcore types (forum goers != gamers fighting for dps or moving to other games).
  • The respondents are all basically tip of the iceberg, low-lying fruit due to poor survey propagation and superficial accessibility.

Theres a ton of stuff that could have been done better, but a few random straw polls, arguably dipping into the same biased pool is being called science lol.

And you could have saved yourself the trouble digging up your so-called ‘science’. A meta-survey already came up with and accepted the 2/3 number.

And that 2/3 was before 222 or during early 222 honeymoon. And its safe to say they’ve plowed away a chunk of that remaining 1/3. Theres now a tragedy of the commons effect, and you probably wouldn’t be able to get a pre- and post- comparison going without even more work than before - again because the wrong channels are being used, and jailed 222 has literally forced more of that minority away.

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The role is dps. An account in plat: 10-5min
High Diamond, low masters 16+min.

Source ?

I’m happier with the game atm and personally prefer waiting abit to play in more structured games

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  1. unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.

How exactly is the straw poll biased?

And? Are you claiming most who visit the forums are for 2-2-2 while not representing the general player pop? What evidence do you have to support this assertion?

No, I’m actually more satisfied to be able to play more consistent matches and not waste the start of the match fighting about what role I’m going to play.

I’m still upset about Doomfist being no fun to play against but thats life, just gotta deal with him being in half of my matches.


People don’t like the meta not the fact that’s it’s 222

I still prefer this meta than 3-5dps teams not knowing what teamwork is thinking they’re all doing the carrying

Just because you don’t like them, it doesn’t make them not evidence.

I am WAITING for you to put some evidence in - any day now.

Because we understand things like sample sizes WAY more than you do, and we know about samples of samples.

And we are STILL waiting for ANYONE on the other side to bring any evidence what so ever.

Go make some, OR, you could just look at the times people ARE waiting for DPS, because if people were not willing to wait that long, the queues couldn’t get to the sizes they are.

People are willing to wait 30 minutes for DPS, because they are already doing so.

and? The playbase is the player base.

Again, once you learn about sample sizes you can come back and talk.

IF the same size wasn’t big enough, you would see PLENTY of polls point in the other direction as well.

But you don’t, so the sample size is big enough.

Go learn you some stats.

Better than what you are bringing. Oh wait, you brought nothing.

So why did you fight so hard to say that it wasn’t the case? Oh, and, the VERY samples you were complaining about, had the same numbers in them. It is almost like stats actually works (the horror!)

oh good, we can stop hearing people whine then.