Oh my apologies, I didn’t see them in my scan through.
It’s a long winded thread, no worries.
These are my favorite threads. I don’t care either way, I like playing flex DPS/off tank, but I also like playing tank and actually having supports to back me up.
I just want to see how it all plays out.
So, this is what I don’t understand. For people who don’t want role queue, why don’t they just play Classic QuickPlay? Aside from it not having achievements, it’s the exact same game mode as before.
I get if you are a comp player and upset, but a lot of folks only play QuickPlay. And now you have 2 ways to play.
Would having a classic Comp in the arcade too fix the whole debate?
Not exactly evidence but possible scenarios that are entirely plausible.
Hmm Role Queue sounds familiar… I wonder why?
www.youtube .com/watch?v=tydJwdQRMqs
nexus.leagueoflegends .com/en-us/2019/03/dev-state-of-ranked/
Oh wow what a surprise (not really) they removed position queues (aka Role Queue) because people didn’t take off roles seriously, who would have thought that having more than one SR/ELO is actually really bad for competitive? Too bad though, because Blizzard won’t listen to the people who have valid complains about Role Queue.
P.S. Also note that the video has more likes than dislikes (this proves nothing just like the strawpolls you bring out as proof).
I suspect some might not even know!
A friend of mine didn’t and was very frustrated!
Ok,I’m at work, so I’m having to do this via phone, and without any of my notes, so it is taking time.
Scott Mercer with the generally positive feedback comment (I’m still looking for the interview.), And will find Reddit polls, but that will be
After bad movie night tonight (NZ time)
I’ll get the post data together as well.
I may as well blow this out of the water.
Why would a Blizzard employee ever admit that one of their decisions was received negatively?
Scott also said that average queue times were 4-6 minutes, which is complete nonsense.
Mmmmmk… so nothing has changed then and their claim still stands =_= I could make the claim that it’s just a bunch of mercy mains hijacking the polls trying to get back DPS from the mass resurrect days and it would be just as valid =\
That is far less likely to happen than the scenarios I listed.
Of course, which is why I’m after the interview as well where they used stronger language.
I am still waiting for you to bring a single piece of evidence in the other direction.
I’m doing all the work here, and bringing all the data.
Same question as before
It is just another small piece of evidence forming the mountain vs…
How much evidence is there on the other side?
It is literally none?
Because currently it is literally none.
You can try to poke holes all you bit sooner or later we will only end up with a large pile of evidence on one side vs absolutely nothing on the other.
Why can’t you bring evidence?
Is it that there isn’t any because it is so absolutely one sided?
Evidence that is unreliable
In it’s individual parts.
Time for you to stump up with something.
That is not my purpose of responding to you, my purpose is to prove that your evidence is unreliable.
The you still have no argument what so ever?
One side brings evidence, in quantity, which all shows the same thing.
And you bring nothing and you think it is equal at all?
It don’t work that way.
You have nothing.
The pro 2-2-2 can’t bring a single piece of evidence to the table because it is SO incredibly one sided that EVEN through random chance, they don’t have a damn thing.
Let that bad boy roll around in your head a little.
I didn’t cherry pick my evidence. I have been showing everything I could find which is quantifable.
It just happens it is completely in one direction.
If you had a damn thing you would be shouting it from the roof tops.
Evidence that is unreliable, as I have stated
So what are the chances that any particular strawpoll I have brought is wrong?
Let’s quantify it.
We can science the hell out of this.