2-2-2 Ended it all

disagree otherwise we’d have moira ever game, it’s their too strong utility dude…

Moira is the highest healing, but healing is still higher than 50 hps max like it used to be. Just because Moira isn’t top of the line doesn’t mean healing creep hasn’t destroyed support balance.

lol if healing was really that important how comes Moira is much lower than so many supports and why is mercy much better than Moira in every rank?

u really underestimate how good utility is in this game, anyway gotta go dinner, healing is not the reason


Other supports heal ludicrous amounts. The margin by which Moira outheals them doesn’t compensate for the other stuff they can do.


Mercy heals 55 hps compared to 50 of what she used too. Not to mention Valkryie is 60 hps AoE for 15 seconds. This is clear healing creep.

Thank you.

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errr… Mercy used to be 60 healing?

It was buffed to 60 to compete with Ana. It was OG 50.

Ana is a well designed hero, she is NOT a functionally well balanced hero, they didn’t realize this at the time with all the praise people gave her and incorrectly balanced the game around broken Ana.

what’s the reason for why Brig, Zen and Lucio were meta for goats as “healing is important”

btw fyi it was not healing that made goats good it was armour

Because with 3 healers you had enough healing.

Their combined healing was enough to keep their teams alive. Going with less utility-based supports would’ve been overkill. There were teamfights in OWL where multiple ults were used and nobody died.

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I knew it

no, it was Brigitte armour mainly then Lucio ult + speed and Zen discord

Damn that sounds like healing but stronger.

When half your team heals of course you have enough healing. Not to mention there was a glitch with Brigitte’s armor originally where each application of armor stacked the defense so it was actually blocking some where around -5 6-7 times per shot instead of just once.

Just because Moira isn’t OP doesn’t mean that healing creep is insane in this game compared to what it used to be. Honestly the fact that you think its a valid defense is comical.

Literally every single healer in this game heals more than what they used to heal on release. Even Zens ultimate was moved from 200 to 300.

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imo, player choice has never been a burden on the quality of the game…quite the opposite, player choice is (or was, until 222 infested the game) one of the very best features of this game

after an excessive wait time, yes


2-2-2 didnt break or ended anything, it only fixed what should have been implemented right at the moment when they decided to put a competitive gamemode in Overwatch.

So once again, like in the majority in their balance decisions, to little but way to late.

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competitive does not actually require any given forced arrangement of roles

one can play competitive with any 6 hero choices

I dont feel 222 “fixed” anything at all, though it did add many severe problems to the game


U can go and play with 4 DPS if u wish for it. I for one, think and have been always in favor of this change, have rather a healthy, balanced state, where it has reveiled that stacking tanks is problematic in high ranks, and stacking DPS, which was one of the biggest issues in ranks below master, was a rather quickplay / arcadey experience.

The change was needed, healthy, and should have been way before in the game.

You know that Goats and the other multi tank comps are ran by Brig Moira and Bap right? Their AOE healing and sustain is what bought them alive

How often do you see 4 damage dealers though? And is it really a problem when it happens? Because I don’t really experience it as a problem. We’ve even played together in open queue before so it’s not like we’re having drastically different games are we?


222 is not needed now, nor has it ever been needed

the game can be played perfectly well without any such limitations, as evidenced by the millions of matches that have been played and continue to be played without those restrictions. those matches could not be played at all if 222 was “needed”

it was and is unhealthy for the game because of the many severe problems it inflicted upon the game and the subsequent massive amount of dev resources that have gone into attempting to fix or replace it. These diverted dev resources could have instead been devoted to game enhancements, which actually WOULD have been healthy for the game; rather than bandaids like the fast passes

not at all…

…given that the game was marketed from the start as one where every player could choose or swap to any available character at any time. the restrictions imposed by 222 violate this overarching intent of the game