2-2-2 DPS queue times - fix the demand not the supply

In my experience, it does. I queue with a friend quite a lot and we often get games within a minute even when one of us queues for DPS.

One thing they could do is change Doomfist and Mei a little bit and move them to the Tank category. Bump up their health a tiny bit, lower their damage, and set their cooldowns appropriately. Mei would serve as a good “anti-Reaper” tank that everyone is asking for, and their hard CC wouldn’t be stackable with two other tanks (all of which do CC in some capacity). Their mains would then probably move to Tank along with the heroes, or disappear.

I’m not sure if any of the DPS could get turned to support though, except Sombra, Torbjorn, or Symmetra. And since healing is a staple of the support category now I’m not sure how it would work.

I mean if you’re goal is to piss off a big chunk of your player base then that will do it…

Supply is not the issue in the case of these two roles

There is plenty of supply, but not enough demand for these two roles

I think you got it backwards.


Clarification: there is no shortage of support or tank slots (the supply)…there is a shortage of demand to play tank or support

Statement: Adding “Clarification” to your posts is redundant.


Clarification: i dont see it as redundant, personally

Arguing semantics doesn’t get anyone anywhere. We all know that there’s a discrepancy between the number of each role needed for each match and the proportions of the playerbase that are playing each role.

The question is: What can be done about it?

Well, you can look at it in two ways

  • either see supply as ‘the heroes that Blizzard has designed and made available to play’ and then demand as ‘the heroes that the people want to play’. This is the most straightforward, but completely ignores the matter of role queue (and before that just balanced team comps)
  • therefore it might be better to see supply as ‘the heroes that the people want to play’ and the demand as ‘the heroes required for a well-functioning team comp (which is now 2-2-2 without exception)’. This is how OP is looking at it.

A lot of long term stuff that they should have started a year ago and some massive overhauls.

Any combination of the following will ameloriate or possibly resolve the issue

  1. Increase the supply of dps slots

  2. Decrease the demand for dps slots

  3. Increase the demand for tank/support slots

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actually players dont care about roles - they care about heroes
as simple solution blizzard can just add more hog\zarya\hamster style tanks to lure some dps players to tank heroes… same thing with zen/lucio/oldbrigitte style healers

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Theoretically, Sombra is closer to Support. But do you really want that? Teams tend to have her take the tank slot rather than support slot in practice.

Maybe they should make a fourth category “Utility” that can be accessed by any of the roles.

With ALL respect, and not meaning to insult you in any way, you fail at Economics 101. ‘A shortage of demand’ is a non sequitur. The market of people either needs / wants something or they don’t. You don’t solve economic problems by telling people they need to eat more cheese, just because there is a bunch of uneaten cheese that is being produced by the system. You either figure out another way to use the cheese, or you maybe figure out a way to stop producing a bunch of cheese that nobody wants.


I really don’t mean to insult you at all, but it sounds like you feel the problem can be solved on the Supply side, and well I seriously disagree with that, I am totally open to ideas on that side.


This would not help the big problem of sustained DPS being absolute garbage, ESPECIALLY with how many barriers are in the game now.

If anything that would make things even worse and slow down the game exponentially.


It’s not terrible, LoL has the same. Except they solved queue times with autofill so even if you queue for adc/mid (physical dps/mage dps) and you don’t have autofill protection you may get support or top (tank). Now the cool thing is, if you complete an autofilled game (or you queue for fill because you feel like you rather go for a filled match and then have your choice) you’re guaranteed to get your role the next game and other people will get filled instead.
You also have the option to swap roles with other players in the team setup lobby, the only exception is, your hero pool doesn’t get limited so you technically can pick a burst mage as support but that’s a thing anyway so…

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Skipping queues just because you played a tank would be pretty unfair to the people waiting for 15 minutes in the queue…

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Well that’s why it’s important to also depopulate high ranks of excess DPS by making it more difficult.

You cant just randomly pubish people for only wanting to play dps.
It will ger depopulated, but not in the good way, but rather the leaving the game forever way.