2-2-2 broke the game (told you so)

Do you know what type of shooter is Overwatch?

Fixed it for you again. You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

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-sigh- i have killed far too many brain cells TRYING to explain this to you in a way that you could understand and possibly even hold conversation about.

but ill go back to my previous scenario since you seemed to enjoy it so much. you enjoy your plate of :poop: if you like, myself and others will be busy burning the restaurant down with you in it.

You’re part of the problem. You like to “fix” things to bend the truth. When it comes down to it your “fix” is just imaginary.

*You’re. :slight_smile:

Fixing your grammar is imaginary? That’s cute.

The only ones bending the truth are those saying there is no problem. I wonder. Which camp does that put you in? :slight_smile:


Your afraid to answer my question . I understand.

As far as the :poop:, your still hallucinating.

Thanks :blush: Fixing grammar is with in our power. Trying to fix the truth is not.

I implore you to try using it. :slight_smile:

You seem to think it is. After all, it’s what you’re doing. :slight_smile:

Yes. So you’re part of the problem. I am trying to convince players to stop playing Overwatch like a “single player” game.

Ah. Classic. If a person disagrees with you, he’s “part of the problem.” Adorable but ineffective in civil, adult discussions.

Sure, Apple. Whatever you need to tell yourself. :slight_smile:

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Keep hitting you’re thumb with the hammer. You’ll get it eventually.

Literally nobody besides GM experiences this

If you want people to stop playing OW like a “single player game”, Role Q is the opposite solution.


Truly adorable. I love how you have failed to address literally anything said here. But hey. :slight_smile: You do you.

Oh … you’re the type that likes the last word after losing.

Go ahead…:roll_eyes:

…aaaand you lost me right there. When you’re ready to discuss the issues without being condescending, let me know. :slight_smile:

See, the thing is there are good arguments for RQ. But many of those who support it - like yourself - are actually proving our point.

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Damage players waiting on average between 7-10 minutes has to do with there not being enough tanks and supports in the game and the overall balance of the tank and support roles.

You folks are getting some pretty good wait times. :neutral_face: I’m on PS4 and I’m lucky to get in under 10 minutes for DPS. Later at night it usually hits closer to 20-30 minutes for ranked, sometimes more. Usually about 15-20 at that time for quick play. It’s driving me bloody mad.


Yikes. Can’t blame you there. Of course you know someone ^^^ will want proof you’re not lying because your issue doesn’t fit their narrative. :wink:

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I took a photo showing 18:44 for quick play the other night. That was for DPS at about 10pm. On the bright side, my house is spotless right now because I keep myself busy by cleaning while I wait. :joy:

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