2-2-2 broke the game (told you so)

Sure a lot may be enjoying it but queue times are a serious issue and more importantly it didnt FIX anything…

Game is still unbalanced…
Only thing thats balanced now are amount of roles in each game.

So I hope y’all having fun waiting 40+ minutes to play your DPS and celebrate having 2 supp and 2 tanks in every match now.
(just hope nobody quits the match so you go back to queue).



I have not waited more than 7 minutes for my DPS games personally

And the game isn’t broken, but keep thinking it is lol. We will still be enjoying it


Every omelette needs some broken eggs.

We all knew about queue times, we all knew balance would be bananas for numerous patches.

The game is much better now and will improve further because it’s in a more stable, workable condition than before.


And you know this how?
Because I have seen zero indication they are improving/balancing the game.

All the recent balance changes have been pretty bad instead of good and the game is not ‘workable’ due to all the wait times and people leaving (even streamers now). So I am curious to learn what you are basing your arguments on because I’m seeing the contrary signs.


Queue times are long because too many players are queuing for the same role. That’s no more “broken” than the longer lines to ride the front row of a rollercoaster. If the rollercoaster ain’t running, then it may be broken. However, if it IS running but folks don’t like waiting in line, that’s called impatience. Impatience is more a personal problem; might just mean you’re the one that’s broken :man_shrugging:t2:


I know because I can play without sacrificing a first born for a tank.

I know because 78% of players are silver, gold and plat and won’t have much trouble with queues.

I know because Brig got rework and that couldn’t happen before.

I know because Winston got buffed and that couldn’t happen before.

I know because Defense Matrix got buffed and that couldn’t happen before.

I know because Reinhardt got a nice CC reduction and that couldn’t happen before.

I know because Lucio is being partially reverted and that couldn’t happen before.

Role queue is not supposed to fix everything and then cure cancer. However, It is helping and it will help further with a lot of things, balance and other-wise. Hasn’t been even a full season.


I get your analogy here.
Usually though a theme park has enough ‘‘fun rides’’ (aka roles/heroes) to spread out the population so not everyone wants to queue for the same role.

In the case of OW they need to either increase space (3-2-1) or increase popularity of other said roles.


PTR patch looks like the tank meta is going to be a lot less boring.


7 minutes is still an absurd amount of time to wait.


Eh. It’s whatever

I play Tetris, my ukulele, or surf the internet and I get a game and can play eventually.

If I really want to play quickly I just queue as tank or support.

Very easy


No. It’s not whatever. :slight_smile: Not whatever at all.

Do you remember when Apple told iPhone 4 users “Just avoid holding it that way”?

Many people said “ok.”

That didn’t fix the problem, did it? No.


7 minute wait
10 minute game quickplay

Bit weird no?


Very much so! But hey. When has logic ever convinced anyone? :slight_smile:

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Quickplay queues are actually very short for dps, usually 2-3 mins. With 2-2-2 lock, quickplay is actually playable now unlike before when I wouldn’t ever touch it.


That’s not what I’ve seen - and many others are reporting the same.

I’m just hoping this pattern continues aside from some of the nerfs.
The tank changes are good but some of the nerfs don’t exactly make sense, since a bunch of them were targeted at heroes not even causing the meta.

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Anecdotal evidence vs anecdotal evidence, we can’t really get anywhere with this. All I do know is that the quality of matches is well worth the wait (if there even is a longer wait). Also, if you want to get in games faster, pick another role like come on it’s not that hard. Tanks and healers are fun to play sometimes too you know


I have not waited less than 10…

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You say vs I say vs they say. You can choose not to believe us. That’s fine.

I have found the opposite there as well.

“Just avoid holding it that way.” - Apple
Totally misses the point. Doesn’t fix anything. Dismissive. Sad.

Indeed! But not for everyone at all times. :slight_smile:

The people waiting 40 minutes for a DPS q are some of the most entitled players playing this game because “I’m a masters player” or “I’m in GM, the smallest percentage of players in the game besides top500, how dare the game not cater to me, a DPS god.” And now the game is “broken” because you have to wait in line to dragon blade 6 times a match. WHAAAHH.