2-2-2 ; A suicide move

Hello everybody!

Since a few days you can play ranked only as 2-2-2 comp.
Now we have played some games and we collected some experience with the new ranked rule.

For first the new 2-2-2 is an exciting experiment and i would love it to see a new experiment every new season!

Do you like the new 2-2-2 system or are you dislike it?
Pls comment your opinion with a reason! :slight_smile:

In my opinion the new 2-2-2 system is a bad move that will kill Overwatch.
And I will explain why!

Overwatch is a 6v6 PvP game in which you can change your hero to an other hero who is needed to counter the enemy comp or to win the game.
Sometimes it is necessary to change from a tank or heal to a 3rd DPS, swap the roles or act as 3rd tank/heal.

2-2-2 was an average comp that was nice and very balanced to beginner.
We recommend every new Overwatch player to play as 2-2-2 because this comp has few disadvantages and good advantages.
But Overwatch is not 2-2-2. We played Overwatch a lot and we saw many comps. From 6 tanks to 6 DPS or 1-1-4 or something. And every comp did won a match at least one time in history.

2-2-2 is great, but when you have 2 DPS which are not that good or don’t counter an enemy hero than ikt is better to support your DPS/ your team as 3rd DPS. Same as healer or tank.

In this 2-2-2 system you are forced to stay in the role which you picked and this is not Overwatch. 2-2-2 is a great comp but Overwatch is not 2-2-2.
Now each match contains a lot of luck whether we will win it or not.

I saw healer and tanks that didn’t healed or tanked anyway. They focussed on dealing damage because they are main DPS and just want to their promo games or get a free lootbox.

I see damage dealer which play their heroes… Only their heroes and they are not even try to win. They only want to play their heroes and kill anything.
Sure, before 2-2-2 we had the same situation but before 2-2-2 we could support the team as 3rd DPS who countered the enemy team.
Today we know that we will lose and sadly we cannot do something against it.

We are forced to play something that is sometimes not good.
70% of my matches were one-sided that means one team had no chance to win since the start.
Before 2-2-2 there were bad matches too. But only 30% of my matches were one-sided.

Like i said… 2-2-2 is a cool experiment.
But it will kill Overwatch if we continue it after this season.
2-2-2 is Overwatch. But Overwatch is not 2-2-2.

To satisfy the player base:
Add a 2-2-2 ranked mode and a wild ranked mode where player can choose what they want.


Team mates who aren’t willing to switch are even harder to deal with now then before, because you can’t do it in their place yourself.
It gives the soloqueue player even less control then we already had.
Need a Rein to push through the choke? A Sombra to shut down Wreckingball and Doomfist? Well that’s too bad, because your dps wants to play Widow.


i’ll pass on this one. queue times are already large, this will just split it in half even further


I hate 2-2-2 too its inflexibility makes metas more powerfull and less competitive , u simply cant deal with some metas* by just being 2-2-2



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3-2-1 isn’t bad. Going 3rd dps isn’t bad. Unless the other 3 aren’t flexing either. A big issue players ran into is what did we lose to get that 3rd dps. If it’s an off healer or off tank that’s fine. But was it our frontline that now gives snipers free reign. What happens when the off tank doesn’t swap to help out? What happens when the only support is now a brig? Did you consider the detriments of swapping? Did you just assume they would also swap? What if they don’t? What if the dps swaps to main tank, and we’re back to 2-2-2? Most players swap without considering or discussing with the team. That’s when swaps are detrimental.


I feel like stubbornness and toxicity in players have increased and people have become more vocal about their frustrations. Usually going “3rd” dps was meant as, “my team isn’t doing zhit let me do it myself,” but players usually lable that as “throwing” unless they spesifically ask you to switch to a third dps.

Situations like that, switching to 3rd dps ended up with a dps fiesta of everyone switching to dps. (4-5dps)

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Yes, because returning to open comp and allowing quad barrier is a good idea.

2-2-2 is the only way we are getting more main tanks, and we need more main tanks. Sigma is a great character, but not possible to be added without 2-2-2.


Well, what to tell you other than “don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” :man_shrugging:


It is not necessary to switch to a 3rd DPS, tank or whatever, and it never has been. It is necessary to be a better team than the opposition.

All 2-2-2 is doing is exposing weaknesses in people’s game play that they used to be able to hide by switching when the going got rough.


Again, the problem is are you part of a team, or are you trying to do it all. Just doing plain old call-outs can often turn a game around, or positive suggestions.

I’ll add to your post that 2-2-2 also is making it quite clear even more how badly people’s play on a role is and how much having 3-5 DPS hid the under-performers, and ditto for the other roles.

These 2-2-2 dead-ender posts are going to be very entertaining for the next three months… as always, in Overwatch, its always someone else’s fault the team is losing…


Yes there were issues before with players not picking team compositions, but getting forced into roles is probably the worst which could happen. On certain parts of maps it was nice to act adaptive and switch off from 2-2-2. So I would like to have options and not being pushed into a corset.

yeah, goats should come back for sure otherwhise rein is dead

Is that nice for you or nice for the team?

Even its just your opinion, you’re very VERY wrong about it.

222 is here to stay buddy.
If you dont like it, go play qp classic where the other anti-222’s will be playing, or you know, go play other games.

Not everything’s about you or about those who doesnt like things like 222.


So far, it seems like about 3/4 of the player base is in favor of 2/2/2 based on the straw poll. I would say not having 2/2/2 was killing this game. 2/2/2 is much much better than what we had. It’s a significant improvement in my mind.


It’s a TEAM-based hero shooter. It’s been apparent for quite a while that a good portion of individuals failed to grasp the concept of “team-based” neither communicating with their team and basically making selfish picks forcing their team to work around them… thus forcing the comp anyway :man_shrugging:t2: Now a forced comp is on Blizzard’s terms and not on Dan-from-down-the-street’s who’s instalocking his one-trick.

And even though there are limitations in place now, this is still Overwatch. Box art says “switch heroes on the fly” which is still true… only now we can only flex within our role.




I’ve had amazing experiences so far personally

Some of my favorite games of Overwatch actually


For 222, not for wildcard.