2-2-2 ; A suicide move

The game needed it to move forward and survive, it’s that simple.

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It fixed some problems, created others, and expectations were raised far beyond what it could ever achieve.

I don’t think the game is better for it, but I don’t think it’s so much worse that it will kill Overwatch. Broadly, a lot remains the same, comp always was broadly 2-2-2, and so it will now always be. So for the most part, little actually changes.

What matters is what happens down the road from here. What new heroes we get, how heroes rebalanced and adjusted to the new reality.

If we get more Tanks and Supports, and get them fast and properly designed to fit key gaps where we’d drop those roles to DPS instead; then maybe that will feel less bad.

If they can avoid homogenising heroes to retain switching gameplay, their character and unique traits - and continue to develop those in new heroes, then that will be good too.

What I don’t want to see happen is more homogenisation and ideas of doubling down on role lock to accommodate people who won’t switch and continue to cause problems by not doing so. Be that through hero lock, more homogenisation to make countering ‘easier’ and ‘less necessary’, or whatever else, then that would be a very bad direction to go.

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All I know is, if the pros, who actually communicate about the best comp and are actually good on the heroes they choose to play, can make Role Lock work then so should we.

If the rest of us can’t seem to get it together, then the problem isn’t the game, not at all. The problem is with how we treat one another and oftentimes merely a case of actually gittin gud.

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Honestly, the bad-to-good games ration went from like 3:1 to now about 1:5, its sooo much more fun, its almost surprising when its not fun.


While we are on different sides of the fence on 2-2-2, we basically agree on every single point.

I do think the game is better for it, at least in the long run. But yeah, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, there are definitely issues it creates.

Sure, Overwatch was not 2-2-2 up until now, but from my experience the most fun games were when both teams were playing 2-2-2. Also there was an obvious problem with healers and tanks completely taking over which was severely limiting design space, forced 2-2-2 completely fixes it.


per role SR…
the reason your DPS right now “isn’t that good” is you’re low gold. I question a clearly DPS main in low gold bashing out a whole break down of 222 being meh, when a low gold DPS main.

I mean we get it, you want to play DPS and if you dare play anything else you want to instantly swap over to DPS anyways. Then wait in line and just queue for DPS…

Either that or learn to have a bigger impact from the other roles. This whole obsession with low SR player that DPS is always the problem is so random being you can rank up and (most of all from the lower SR ranges) as any hero.
It’s not like 3k+ support/tanks are “Oh thank you DPS” for bring us unworthy players along with you on your coat tails.

put your head down, play your role, stop looking at team issues as a player problem and try to win games from with in your role with a focus on what the team needs. Win games, move up, get better players in every other role just like you will be when moving up.
That’s this new 222 system.


Dude if you’re so, good at dps that you would literally be the deciding factor in the other two dps playing better. Why not just queue in as a dps?

I’m pretty sure Blizzard decides what Overwatch is. I mean it use to be no limits and now it’s 2-2-2. I’m sure there were players complaining about no limits going away, and now you hardly ever hear about it. Blizzard definitely didn’t just make this change out of the clear blue sky. Years of research into what the player base wanted in their games probably went into it. So, the decision wasn’t made lightly. It seems the majority of the player base is for 2-2-2. So, it’s not going anywhere any time soon. Going to have to get use to it man.

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What a declaration on day 2.5 of the beta in comp on Live… a little premature in our analysis aren’t we?

This would have been fair.

This exactly. People like to cry foul and claim that every match is 5 dps and they’re solo healing! But that’s far from the reality. I see more matches with 2 healers than not. Tanks are a bit more rare.

Blizzard should be a good company and create incentives for people to want to try tanking / healing more, not create a system where people feel obligated.


If bunker is so bad then just have a Sigma on your team, he can wipe them all out with his ult since they’re all perched together.

I think overall it’s very positive. On average, I feel like the quality of matches is better than it was before role queue. I do see the negatives, but I feel like they are easily outweighed by the good stuff.


I am still open to role queue, and do appreciate some of its positive aspects. I also expect that there will be more positive aspects over time as the more constrained play space allows the developers to more readily maintain balanced gameplay.

That said, it is hardly a panacea, and includes a host of unanticipated consequences that are not positive. Some of these have already been mentioned in this thread, and I’ll add another one in the way that I think overall this may make the tanking role even less desirable to play than it was before 2-2-2 (I know that many main tanks will disagree, but most of these players already played tank, while those of us on the margin and more interested in the non-shield tanks are now discouraged from filling that role).

Edit: Role-based SR (and hopefully MMR for QP) are the greatest benefit of the change, I think.

2-2-2 is amazing and has solved way more problems than it causes. Game quality is much higher and games are more evenly matched


How so? I find being teamed up with another tank and heals makes it more desirable, not less. What am I missing?

What you are missing is that there is a significant chunk of the player base that is happy to play the off-tanks, but will find queuing as tank to be an invitation for toxicity and verbal abuse because people demand shield tanks (or whatever else they believe is necessary to win).

The set of players who find the shield tanks fun and satisfying to play is (significantly) smaller than the set of players who regularly tanked prior to role queue.

Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m surprised I don’t get paired up with someone who wants to go Sigma more often. Zarya’s really cool with the beam fix, but I don’t get to play her as much as I did on the PTR. But shield tanks being few yet highly desirable is a problem with or without 222.

Hopefully they can make Orisa’s gameplay more fun; maybe they can nerf her barrier more and compensate her by giving her some damage or something. They’re probably watching Rein since they gave him the knockback resistance buff.

222 means that they can add more shield tanks down the line without some abominable comp that pukes out shields everywhere. It’s a shame that we’ll have to wait years for that to happen but hey, what can you do.

Classic you start to read the topic “I dont like 2/2/2” checks his profile his top 5 heros are 4 DPS LOL.

“Another dps main complaining cuz can’t go on a 5 DPS team-comp” and keep ruining the game for everyone

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I know of no valid data to support the claim of 3/4

I personally find this change to be by far the worst change ever made to this game

You keep saying this, but I’ve given you several data points. At this point, you’re just lying.