12 loses in a row

You sound like you are burnt out, take a break several days or even weeks if needed

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I know you donā€™t want to tilt at your team, but mics make or break more games than people think. I almost never lose games where 3+ people are talking. I almost always lose games where Iā€™m alone in the channel.

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funny, i gained 350sr (still going up) by literally disabling any kind of communication.

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Sounds like you abused the fact that uā€™re a flex player that always picked something that the team needed hence winning over enemy was rather easy when they do dumb crap like picking 6 dps.

I guess all you need now is just a little break and maybe a little guide in how to play the roles as effective as possible in 2-2-2

If you lose like 3 or 4 in a row you should just stop playing for a while. If you keep playing and losing you will just get more frustrated and not play as well.

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I was mostly DPS back then, i didnt played Healer or Tank has much (mainly cause i found them boring AF) only started playing them more often after the addition of Sigma and Moira/Bap

interesting that your DPS tank is so much lower than the other ranks then. Maybe consider the currently broken echo.

Well the DPS i used to play got nerfed (A lot)

Such has Junkrat and Doomfist (Which i gave up on)

Still play Junkrat and added Torb and Ashe to the DPS picks

I feel you on the loss streak was on a 6 loss streak yesterday

Junkrat didnt get nerfed as far as Iā€™m aware.

Also, Iā€™m a doomfist main, currently destroying pretty hard. Torb is pretty much autowin tho, if you were masters before and now gold, then obviously youā€™re doiung something wrong you should be aware of.

I saw a guy beat Dark Souls with a dance pad for a controller once but that doesnā€™t mean he didnā€™t make it way harder on himself.

The nade size is what im referring to, it made his nades hugely inconsistent

They killed his fluidity with the last nerfs, those were the ones that made me gave up on him, those nerfs were just unnecessary and undeserved

Iā€™ve had 22k healing on a 2 round match. Saying you donā€™t believe that like itā€™s impossible is silly

I meant, 20k healing from each support, making a total of 40k

Yes. I have done 22k alone on bap in 2 rounds on kings row. More than once. 40% of teamā€™s damage healed. The other support was moira who wasnā€™t far behind me

Would be 5 if you stopped on 5th lost game and took a brake from tilting.

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I tried that once, and it lasted the whole week, with a 30+ lose streak

Welp at least we can hope that Blizzard makes a better match making algorithm in OW2 and puts players of equal skill in both teams.

Holy Smokes! Is this in comp?

And I thought going 13 game losing streak in QP was bad.

Yep, it was there