12 loses in a row

Glad to know at least I’m not the only one this happens to.


Ah man, you describe what I feel perfectly. I try so hard to get better, make plays, improve aim, review my own gameplay qnd mistakes, only to be team up with a Sigma that solo ults the last person of the enemy team instead of saving it for the next fight. It’s so difficult to comprehend or accept team mates like that. I don’t care about winning or losing, I just want a fair game that shows that two teams are of equal rank and skill, no one is running over the other. This isn’t just you feeling like this. All I can say is what I did, I don’t enjoy the game and I stopped playing it. Try a different game or avoid ranked, because it’s not worth it. I’d rather enjoy an anxiety free match of quick play, than suffer through a ranked victory.

Eh, don’t beat yourself up over the game. By design, so much of what happens in OW is completely out of your control. You can’t clutch, you can’t win a 1v6, you can’t really carry( unless you massively outrank your opponents ). All you can do is play your role to the best of your abilities.

Don’t get too invested and just play for fun.

I lost 15 out of 17 of my last matches. I have fallen hundreds and hundreds of SR this past week.

To say I feel your pain is an understatement.

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For starters, don’t make a smurf account.

Some advice for solo Q below mid masters:

  • Set join voice to never join
  • ctrl + shift + C to hide chat.
  • Play your own game
  • Try to die as little as possible, also spam “need heal” shortcut when low on health

That way you will likely be more successful climbing in SR. Due to the game being as toxic and most people being hyper deluded thanks to the bad design of the game the chat in general is just a recipe to tilt yourself.


If you’re persistent: keep losing in order to get closer to your next win. Losing is a part of winning.
If you’re burned out: play something else. It’s not like this game is overflowing with new content that you’ll miss if you take a break. Go play a new thing, or an unfamiliar thing, or a thing that you’ve been putting off

Losing is learning and Winning is teaching🤷‍♀️
It’s only natural to eventually go on loss streaks, especially when there’s balance changes or a new character being added.

I complete understand and agree with you.
In this week I start to write a giant post about the 10 huge problems with simple fix solution in Overwatch, and I would talk about this problem, but I gave up in the middle, cause probably none in the dev team will read.

Overwatch is a competitive team game but don’t give any in game help to communicate with our teammates other than using the microphone, and ask to attack the objective, need heal and come near to me.

We can’t point enemies on map, we can’t mark positions, we can’t say to put more pressure, or fall back, we even can’t see our teammates stats in Competitive mode.

Beyond this, the current SR/Rank system only give points to the winner team, in other words, to guarantee a rise in your rank you need to be better then the whole 6 enemies players.
You can be the better player of the match, you can do more damage (or heal, or have more time in objetive) then to sum of the others 11 players, but, if your team don’t get the objective, you will lose SR.

So, take this communication problem, sum with the current SR system and take a bunch of players who don’t care to rank and you will understand that: Do you want to rise in competitive mode? Make friends and never play solo again.

I really love to play solo, but, in the lowers rank, you need to be lucky or play much much better then everyone.

Took a small break, now its 10…

If it’s any consolation, I have lost every game I have played today.

This new hero is probably going to lead me to quit. :frowning:

Stop playing when you’re tilted. There’s no rush to climb ranks, you’re not trying to go pro.

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Can you share replay codes from a few of your most recent losses? :slight_smile: @Megumi

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Well after 12 loses i finally got a win

Still, doesnt feel like an accomplishment…

Oof it be like that sometimes I had a match where our combined heals was close to 50k and we lost, good times

That is the one things I hate about the game. It can feel like a terrible grind sometimes. Still I usually find if I look back over 10 games, even if I’ve lost most of them there is usually a single moment or two I really enjoyed. For instance I was proud of the fact I got two D.va bombs in one ult with Echo. It is small but daft stuff like that can cheer you up when you’re losing a lot of games. Or when I cloned Lucio with Echo’s ult killed him and then ult’d on his dead body.

lmao why are you still playing?

Once you lose once you try again, if you lose twice then just stop. Exhausting your brain to accomplish something that feels impossible to achieve is not helpful and not healthy for yourself, the more you try the worse it’ll get.

Just take a break.

out of curiosity, what rank are you even

Most games are winnable you just have to get better

Used to be in High Masters before the Role-cue, dropped to Plat due to inactivity

Lost a huge portion of my Placements, still remained in plat, Healer and Tank are Plat, DPS, currently at 2280 down from 2900+

I am losing a lot tonight too. I am like 2 wins and 9 losses or something dumb. I just assed out and made a quit thread I am so frustrated lol. Hang in there.