1000 sr swings, how do they happen?

I’m talking about lower ranks. 3-stacks, two are aimbot DPS, one is mercy. Masters and above, I’m sure there aren’t as many – people know how to spot them there.

SR swings because every match is algorithmically handicapped, so ranking is essentially random.

If it’s random then how come all my accs are within ~200sr of each other?


Coincidence. Why do you have multiple accounts?

For someone who came up with a 20 page conspiracy this is such a poor reply.
Guess it’ll just be “coincidence” next time I get another alt close to my mains peak huh?

Because I don’t like throwing games. All my alts eventually hit masters and I end buying new alts so I can play with my plat friends.


Sometimes the truth is simple.

Please tell me more about how it would be “just coincidence” if I were to hypothetically take your hardstuck low silver account to masters.

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Performance Based Skill Rating has been proven to force exceptional players toward their correct rank.

MMR works as intended.

Indeed my friend, indeed.

  • Zenyatta

PBSR doesn’t select the same players as “exceptional” who would otherwise climb in rank with fair matchmaking. People are guaranteed to rise to the top, but it’s not the right people.

I corrected it for you :slight_smile:

Yes!! Those that put forth the effort :innocent:

Or pay for a boost :roll_eyes::unamused: (the dark side of competitive gaming).

So you’re implying that a Gold hitscan performs the same as a Masters hitscan?

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Some of them do, yeah.

Lemme put it this way, I’ve spent more than my fair share of time in Gold. In fact, I think that’s where my account is sitting now. But I know that I’m better than many players who are currently at Masters’ level.

You were low silver/silver border last time your profile wasn’t private and back then you claimed you would never play again the first time you created your conspiracy thread as a coping mechanism.

You’ve barely gained any levels in the past 3 years or so. Does this mean you have multiple accounts or are you just lying right now about making it out of almost bronze?

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Do you have an alt account that you’ve been grinding on?

Mavour? Or whatever it was?

Do you mean the active player base or the inactive ones who haven’t played in over a year?

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As a matter of fact, I did play a bit of Overwatch recently just to get content for my video, about algorithmic handicapping. But it had been years and I have not played again since. I have never purchased and played another account because it’s a waste of time and money.

It’s not possible for him to have multiple accounts because that would make him a hypocrite to his own cause….

You know I honestly feel a little slighted by you. In our discussion on “your” thread, I asked you to remove ego from the equation.

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You were slighted by Activision/Blizzard, who turned this competition into a farce, not by me.

Lol…. You really could be a politician….

Very good at “attempting” to deflect and pass blame.

You’re also good at capitalizing on people’s frustrations and prejudices.

Edit: I think we just had a president like that :thinking:

You know enough technical lingo to sound really smart and then argue the “thank you for smoking defense” when someone counters you.




I suppose a compliment is a compliment, even if it is backhanded. Thanks.

I’m not familiar with this. Please, tell us what the “thank you for smoking defense” is and how you think it applies in this case.

It can happen it’s happened to me I’ve gotten tilted kept playing kept losing. You guys would be surprised how small little things can change your game play especially if your in the lower ranks where your team won’t always bail you out if you make a mistake


Statistically, that is false.

If it’s “essentially random,” the probability of any account obtaining a rank should correlate to the probability density of that rank. Since it’s a normalized distribution, we can actually test that hypothesis for being “random.”

Meaning, anyone with multiple accounts in GM+ (like streamers who do unranked to GM series), we know it’s extremely unlikely to be occurring by chance.

Using some old (but otherwise methodologically sound) data from Season 9/10:

-the average SR was 2266
-the standard deviation was 610 SR

If only 20 streamers (a very conservative estimate) made alt accounts and climbed back to GM, the statistical likelihood of that occurring by chance is < 0.00001 using a two-tailed z-test.

i.e.–it’s not random, it’s not even close to random.