1000 sr swings, how do they happen?

Seriously, Posts complaining about dropping 1000+ sr is not uncommon each season, or swinging up and down that much. But I’m at a loss how this happens?

How can someone swing/drop SR that much?

Seriously I’ve done that twice. First was when I first started playing and the second time was when my life literally fell apart. Otherwise I generally seem to stay within a few hundred sr or slightly climb.


Placements are broken, thats how.

An outside influence was affecting you my dude, I wouldn’t be so surprised. Your mental state affects your performance


First, you lose your placement matches and end up in a crapzone with people that play competitive, but are far from being competitive in their method of play. They in fact don’t counter and probably don’t even know what countering is.
That’s only the beginning. Let’s not talk about how they feed.

I’d say higher ranks don’t have this, but what would I know. It could be just as easy someone bad to be carried into higher ranks as good players are torn into lower ones.

As far as I’m concerned this issue won’t get fixed. All their money to be made is coming from Esports.
It’s quitting time.


Unless the person is throwing or was totally boosted it has to be a symptom of a dysfunctional matchmaker.


Instead of looking for a flaw in the matchmaking algorithm, the blizzard white knights blame 1000SR swings on supposed psychotic mental states that players have where they go crazy and are unable to perform 1/8th as effective as they usually do. They say it’s “tilt”, ok dude, yeah we’re tilting for 1000SR…


Sorry, but tilting to a 1000 Sr decline is ludicrous. It simply should not happen. It’s indicative of something gone horribly wrong with the matchmaking

So if 1k sr swings happen, and if it’s caused by the match maker, how come it doesn’t happen to everyone? How can some swing so wildly and others stay in a fairly tight range?


Did you not read the OP’s first post? He said his situation was far beyond tilt.

I only ever go on 200-300 swings. Play what you’re good at and you won’t fluctuate a lot.


It comes down to luck a lot of the time. Also placements are actually really bad.
Ive fluctuated around 800-900 SR multiple times, where I get a lot of bad games for a few sessions and then end up climbing back up in like 3 days with win streaks.

Its kind of stupid honestly.
And match making a lot of the times feels very RNG based.
A lot of people equate this to ‘‘fair’’ but in reality its not.

I remember theres was a thread where a guy did the math supposedly that only about 2% of players will lose more than a 100 SR due to leavers every 100 games. This sounds like a very small amount of players but in reality its 800 000 people who will experience this. It also requires these people just to win just as many normal matched games to just make up for it. And thats not counting the RNG regarding throwers, trolls, boosters/boosted, smurfs etc.

In the end if you belong in the higher ranking you will climb back eventually, but getting bad rng with match making can easily get you into wild SR swings if you play a lot.

I mean in my last 5 games the most notable:

  1. LFG group of 4 in the game, the 2 guys Qed as tanks pick torb and Symm, and much to their group member frustration and surprise. Trolls that just laughed and ran around the map.
  2. A guy that climbed into dia when mercy was broken, then Brig, now hes duoing on Widow hanzo, sporting a 20% win rate on a solid road back to silver.

Just my example from last 2 days.
Climbed from 1980 to 2483 and i barely remember any loss. Today? 0-9.
I was drunk during my huge win streak i decided to play my best with dva so i played her no matter what because she is my main and i can usually drop game changing ults.
Today i was sober i had really good form and my mindset changed to “maybe dva is not the best choice every time” so tried to flex. I am tank/offtank main so i am fine with playing rein, monkey or zarya. If we need shield i go rein/orisa, if we have hanzo/rein i go zarya. Guess what. Nothing really worked.
Second example is my friend. He is soldier main and he got from 2600 to 2900 but after that he decided to flex as well. Result? He dropped to high gold. He eventually escaped from high gold to mid diamond playing only soldier and sometimes healer.
So my main conclusion is sticking to your best char unless you are heavily countered.

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People are human and performance is tied to mental state. 1000+ swing is actually not common. That means something changed to significantly alter your performance. In this case:

The first case you placed too high to begin with. Placements are notorious for starting people around gold even if you’re a bronze level player.

That’s because flexing literally means “playing heroes I’m not as good with.”

Even if you think you are as good, you are wrong. Everybody has heroes they are better or best with. And it’s often impossible to tell which those are simply based on feeling. Only results speak for themselves.

Blizzard gives themselves too much credit when they say 250 SR swings are common and 500 is possible. It’s more like 500 is common and 1k is possible. I don’t believe tilt can be the sole reason for dropping that much. If you’ve ever experienced such a drop you can clearly see for yourself there are other forces in play when you’re on a losing streak. When I’m tilted in chess I’m dropping maybe 100-150 elo max.

i dropped from mid plat to low gold roughly about 700 SR. i get tilted pretty easily but that wasn’t the only factor that played in to it, there’s a tonne of throwers in gold. i had a dude almost throw my game because they didn’t like the team comp.

i took a day to reset mentally and climbing back to plat was a breeze it felt like i was smurfing most of the time.

They were placed wrong or boosted before. Normal player playing in his elo cant possibly lose 1000, never going to happen.

Just to put it into perspective:

1000 SR drop roughly equals 40 more losses than wins. This is assuming an average of -25 SR per loss. Say someone does 3 matches in an hour, that’s 13-13.5 hours of losing.

The only way this could happen outside of throwing is by continuing to queue when you aren’t mentally and/or physically able to play properly. Like not being able to concentrate on the game because of rl issues.

It sucks, but that’s not the matchmaker’s fault.

So many people overlook how mental state affects performance.

Overwatch is a very frustrating game when you loose, as are most team-based competitive games. Going into a play session already in a bad mood will only amplify those tilting factors when you loose.

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Somehow these streaks stopped as soon as i hit 3k

Do please not ask me why

Like i was legit hovering between 2.9 and 2.3 but for 2 seasons constantly in low Dia now

Well in any set of statistics there will always be extreme outliers on either end. To those not caught up in that mix it can be hard to grasp. For every 2 or 3 people trending upwards do to favorable circumstances there will be 2 or 3 facing the inverse. That is a full on symptom of not just the MM system, but the MMR that doesn’t take nearly enough variables into account.

A person with 10 hours play time can achieve the same mmr as someone with 1000 hours. It’s luck of the draw.

The devs telling us we’re imagining it despite there being countless threads with hard facts and data to back them up (the really detailed ones tend to be removed if they get too many views to quickky, makes you wonder…) show the systems flaws that our handlers like to ignore.