1000 sr swings, how do they happen?

I have never had a 1000 sr swing 350 was my worst. If uour having that big of a swing you need to take a step back and get gud.

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That’s how this season has gone so far. Went 2-8 on my solo placements; 4 games with leavers on our team, 0 leavers on the enemy team, lots of terrible last minute switches (decisions that felt like throwing [tank or healer goes to a different role in a winning game] and then everything goes downhill after a lost team fight when everyone just trickles in), unlucky.

I know it’s been discussed ad nauseum but it kills me that they still haven’t figured out a better alternative to leavers in comp.
The 5v6 is possible for the handicapped team, but it often turns into a 4v6 or worse, leaving no hope for anything productive (aside from the knowledge that you played poorly or well and noticed things to improve on personally) coming out of your time and effort spent.

I’m not placing all the blame of this season’s SR loss on leavers and poor choices on my teammates behalf. I’ve made plenty of mistakes. My biggest self critique is improper cooldown management; I’ll often “amp it up” at times where it isn’t optimal, and I’ll find myself a few seconds later wishing I’d had it. Another one is hastily “dropping the beat” in front of a potential stunner in the periphery, only to get caught out and it’s wasted. There is a lot of room for improvement in my gameplay, and I’m practicing towards those goals. However I can definitely empathize with the plight of having a bad run of luck in the solo queue. Not the best start, but that’s okay. Now I just need to climb a little over 300sr to get back on the road.

I mean my other account that was masters i started using it for a support only account and now its mid plat, got banned 3 times midway there but we got there.

I‘ve been GM/T500 since Season 15.
I lost 800 SR in Season 21 and 1000 in Season 28… i didn‘t change anything.
I‘m a flex support and always have been.
The only thing that happen both of seasons I dropped like that was that I authentificated the account and changed the battletag.

If I wasn‘t so lazy and didnt know it wouldnt change anything at all I would do a video featuring the drastic changes to each and every game I did.

A 28 Games losing streak over 2 weeks.
I avoided playing more than 2 loses per day to avoid getting too tilted- but people Im telling you… I couldnt win a single game anymore

There‘s something out of hand in this system and you know it guys :slight_smile:

Wait… what…?


Why, why would you commit this heinous act of necromancy?


SR is basically random. It is intrinsically unrelated to player skill, because every match is algorithmically handicapped.

Blizzard has a variety of queue’s for players. For instance 6 stacks wont be queued with a bunch of solo players and so forth. They have a queue to break winstreaks (putting winning players with losing players), and of course griefer queue’s for players who get reported a lot. Ever wonder how you end up in playing 10 games in a row where someone either left, fed their brains out, or just sat in spawn all round talking trash? You got placed with them because you probably had a few too many reports yourself.

There’s nothing you can really do other than queue with enough players to disrupt their matchmaking AI (harder for it to cherry pick games on you with a smaller pool of available games) or rotate between accounts so that each account has enough idle time to clear the matchmaking filters. Why do you think so many t500’s have 5+ accounts? It’s not just to do bronze/GM streams, it’s to keep them all in balance. They know the moment 1 account starts to lose a bunch of games that it’s been targeted so they swap.

Really? That’s your conclusion…

Boosted one or another way.

Call out boosters when you see them. They will get angry and put you on avoid across all their accounts. That will ensure that they are always on the other team, and you will lose as much SR to their aimbots as they want.

Boosters don’t use aimbot :joy:

At least not all of them.

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No, they pretty much all use aimbots now.


You sure their boosters then?

Boosters are usually just 4.4+ players making $$$ off of the “I deserve better” crowd.

Not saying your wrong. I haven’t played in Diamond/Masters for a few months so I don’t really see many of em anymore.

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I’m talking about lower ranks. 3-stacks, two are aimbot DPS, one is mercy. Masters and above, I’m sure there aren’t as many – people know how to spot them there.

SR swings because every match is algorithmically handicapped, so ranking is essentially random.

If it’s random then how come all my accs are within ~200sr of each other?


Coincidence. Why do you have multiple accounts?

For someone who came up with a 20 page conspiracy this is such a poor reply.
Guess it’ll just be “coincidence” next time I get another alt close to my mains peak huh?

Because I don’t like throwing games. All my alts eventually hit masters and I end buying new alts so I can play with my plat friends.


Sometimes the truth is simple.

Please tell me more about how it would be “just coincidence” if I were to hypothetically take your hardstuck low silver account to masters.

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