[100+] One tricking CAN BE poor teamwork

I don’t believe that. Sometimes evenly skilled teams can result in only one winner. And it’s natural for weaker players to be worse than others even when trying their best.

Although you have to admit this game is full of throwers.

From your perspective, I’m sure it is.

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Just watch the dame video, Jeff talks about situational picks and one tricking in his “popular community topics video”. On that basis, that is how a Blizzard CS should determine whether a person is worthy of being banned or reported

I think you should watch it. I provided a multitude of links, quotes in his own words… not paraphrased. If you think you ahve something that says otherwise by all means produce it.

I even think I know the one you are talking about and he said something like, ideally everyone would be flexible which is a far cry from your idea that he is telling people to report them.

He’s right though. It’s a matter of fact

Doesn’t really seem like you’re making a point here and, if you are, you’re doing so using a bad analogy. I mean, it seems like you’re saying “people” should choose the best tool for a job. Which is…fine…I guess…

You may have noticed a couple things about Overwatch that complicate the use of this analogy though.

  1. People aren’t working alone
  2. It’s not a carpentry simulator.

Would you please help me by providing the reference for this? Facts being supported by evidence and all…

Some quotes from Freethinker on other heroes:

This seems like a player I would trust to accurately judge their teammates’ performance.


So if I believe that the optimal comp for let’s say Numbani is Tracer, Sombra, D.Va, Winston, Zen and Lucio, I should be justified to report anyone who picks any other hero?


Blizzard made it blatantly clear one tricking is not against the rules, is not classified as poor teamwork, and is not something you should report for.

Blizzard themselves said this.

When the very people who MADE THE GAME are telling you “hey, don’t report for that” it means one tricking is allowed, regardless of your personal opinion on the matter.


dont be a pedant about it

Speaking as an experienced Symmetra player, this is totally false. All 3 of these heroes rely heavily on gamesense skills that are in no way transferable. Also speaking as an experienced Torbjorn player, there is no crossover with Junkrat whatsoever.

Also, trying and failing is not reportable by Blizzard standards. Poor teamwork covers the actions you take with your hero of choice, it does NOT cover the hero choice you make.

I’ll grant you this, though, and this only: I do believe it is possible for intentional throwers, to throw games via hero choice. These cases, though, are extremely easy to identify as such.

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Im not even going to respond anymore… it sounds like most of you haven’t even read my post.

by blizzards definitions one tricks are not throwing nor are reportable even when their hero choice isnt working, and if you or others are reporting people for that then you yourself are likely to get punished instead


Here’s the thing. If there is maybe one thing in the world worth being pedantic about, it is “facts.” They’re kind of the bricks that hold the rest of our reasoning together. Bad things happen when we get loosey goosey with them.

EDIT: BTW, accusing a someone of being a pedant is a great way to say" You’re right, but you’re annoying" which I can live with.


I agree with you Freethinker. If someone plays a hero that totally doesn’t work with the agreement of the other 5 people in the team and even worse, is just totally failing at playing the objective, because the enemy team composition 100% counters him, so he just becomes an easy ultimate charge - that’s a bad team work for me. And many one tricks fall under this case.

Just today I had a match that started with 3 people quick locking Junkrat, Widow and Hanzo. I don’t care about the specific heroes being played, but that composition has very little chances to work. So the first thing was asking these people to reconsider their picks. Two of them switched, so we got that 2-2-2. But after that Widow died like the 4th time to Tracer and Sombra without any contribution, but feeding the ultimates of these two and we were just getting steamrolled, we asked him to switch. Guess what. He left the voice chat… That’s a pure teamwork! /s

Luckily the rest of us agreed to just ignore him and started to play really well together. He was just a back line punching bag that was keeping their Tracer and Sombra somewhat busy. I got convinced to play Ana for the first time in competitive and actually did much better than I have ever imagined.

Sadly that’s a one time scenario that ends with a happy end. Mostly people instead of starting to work together even more (what to be frank is unfair, because why do you have to work twice as hard for the same result) tilt and you just get steamrolled two rounds in a row and lose ton of SR, because one selfish rat decided not to play with the team.


Every hero is good on every map when properly built around a team. torb & bastion with orisa can pretty much set up on anymap any place they choose to create a choke point. Symmetra is always a solid pick for defense on point A but if the enemy takes it sym not so good on point B but you CAN use her on other things such as payloads and such but yeah winston dives in might want to switch.

Your NEVER playing based of the map. Yeah the map can provide strategies but if you not building around your teammates and countering the enemies, it dont matter if you playing tracer or mercy at that point as long as it WORKS. Kings Row last night 41 kills as torb on defense AND attack and our DPS got silver with 24. I had objective time, elims, obj elims, and got the MVP card “AS AN ATTACK TORBJORN!”

People like you were trying to force me off torb but i ALWAYS start with torb on Kings and I had to carry them HARD, twice i faught off the objective with my molten core solo, I really wish i was streaming just so i show people torb isnt useless and be like LOOK SEE WHAT “I” CAN DO!!! GIVE ME A CHANCE!

If i had played junkrat like they wanted we probably would have got ran over cause my turret was the only thing stopping genji cause reaper was too busy warping to the enemy spawn to help us and point fingers at you-know-who, me. Even though i was playing on the objective, guarding healers, watching flanks, building turrets and all around doing everything in my power to help my toxic team succeed, which we did.


Speaking of not reading, you should read all those posts by Kaplan and other senior staff on the OW team. Might open your eyes a bit.

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I understand where you’re coming from OP.

Unfortunately the OW team have said “One-tricking is NOT reportable.”


It’s up to Blizzard to make any hero viable on any map if they’re going to allow such selfish behavior in comp.

Aww, that’s cute, you don’t know how analogies work. Adorable. Or are you just being contary for the sake of it?

You, the player, are the carpenter.

The hero you choose, is the tool. They each have different functions, very much like tools! Each good and bad at different tasks. Using a Reaper to fight a Pharah is like using a hammer to saw a board in half. It’s not meant for that, but if you hammer the board enough it might eventually crack in half. Are you picking up what I’m putting down or do I have to make it simpler? Heroes are good at specific things; you can force it to work, but don’t expect your team to be happy about it.

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