Pharah needs a buff

Something tells me Mr/Mrs/Ms/It OP only likes to respond to posts that lack a constructive rebuttal. :I

Jeff said that pharah is in good spot right now.

Am not op, but have a response?

Gopher it mi amigo/a, I’m all ears.
Well, 2 ears. 2 eyes, and like…a nose.


While i like this idea, i feel like it might start adding TOO much to her kit to keep track of.

I would more or less wish for a passive, that when on the ground pharahs concussive blast reverts back to beta, doing massive damage to shields. Seeing as we now have SO many shield users, having a character made for shield breaking on offensive would be nice.

why do I need to be a pharah player to know that she’s bad?

(The only time I ever played pharah was when I had a throwing in comp, so I decided to try her out)

She is a DPS, of course her pickrate is lower. There are, what, 15 DPS heroes vying for 2 (typically) DPS slots? Meanwhile there are 6 tanks competing for 2 (typically) tank slots. Naturally tank pickrates will appear inflated. I see pharah in a ton of my games and I rarely ever see Reinhardt. I cannot speak for other ranks, but that’s how it is in Grandmaster. I understand Rein is played more in the diamond and below tiers. I believe Reinhardt is not viable in the top tiers (Master and GM).

Also, I’m a little offended that you think my viewpoint on balance would be that selfish and narrow. I care about every hero in this game DEEPLY and want them all to be viable. I believe that Pharah is viable. Also, if you’ve seen me respond on the forums a lot, you might have noticed I base a lot of my ideas about what’s good and what isn’t around the professional meta. That is just my philosophy on balance, that I think the game ought to be balanced around them. I understand many disagree with that, as they are less than .1% of the community, but I have a whole list of pro’s and con’s on the subject (casual vs professional balance style) and I ultimately feel that the pro’s outweigh the cons on that. I’m not going to list them, as it would be too long of a post for me to type out, but my point I’m trying to get around to making is that Pharah is prominent in the pro meta. This shows off that her potential value is through the roof and her skill ceiling is high. If anything, she gets even better as you go down the rank tiers, as players have a harder time aiming at her with hitscan heroes.

I’ll re-iterate: I believe, as impartially as I can, that Pharah is in a really balanced spot right now

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I would have to argue that pharah skews to the overpowered the pharther (word play woo) you go down in ranks, and goes to under powered the higher you go.

Thought experiment: Removing pharahs ability to fly, what makes her a better pick over other offensive heros?

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That is a good interjection; personally, I do see what you mean.
But regardless, she is still very viable; maybe situational the higher you go, but still worth playing/played. So, in light of the OP’s requests/pitches, I have to say I can understand why, but fail to give a good reason or a good enough pitch to make her ‘viable err’where’ without her being destructively OP in lower ranks.

She isn’t seen much in the top 15% of the players so she needs a buff. Good logic. You know how much hell she would cause for the majority of comp OW players?

Nothing really… Maybe that you don’t have to aim as much?

The game shouldn’t be balanced around the top players. Besides Pharah is a strong pick on certain maps and against certain comps in OWL. She’s also extremely strong with mercy basically being unstoppable at lower ranks.

It’s pointless to propose Pharah buffs on the forums. Apparently, a portion of players can not kill her no matter how hard they try. Hero is pretty bad and doesn’t offer much other than countering immobile heroes, like Zarya, Symmetra, Mei or something of that caliber. I don’t think that Blizzard cares about Pharah though, it’s never mentioned in their posts. Probably they are happy with Pharah’s being played at least in some tiers and on consoles?

I think that’s the issue. On the ground, she isn’t much more viable (If at all) than other heros. At high skill tiers, many hit scans can ground a pharah. I think that’s the main issue here. Once you’re grounded, there isn’t a point in playing her, better to just switch off to another dps.

Pharah is good against flankers like genji and tracer (… eh to tracer though, she can do a surprising amount of damage at range) but heros like:

Good Zenyatta
Good Roadhog
Now Sombra
hell even a good torb

makes her useless, when they can aim.

Her niche of being able to be in the air is pointless when many heros can deny her that niche.

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I just want her to be invulnerable to her own rockets, like every other explosive using hero

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She’s very good constant damage. She makes people NOT cluster up. She destroys shields and will make you think VERY carefully about getting close to edges. Once you locate static structures she can just go in and erase them, her map traversing is second to none and only equaled by lucio who takes much more skill to get to the same places.

she has some Problems: Hitscans destroy her. She’s very floaty and easy to lead if she runs out of boost. Her ult is possibly the most risk for the amount of damage it puts out. Without support she will usually die when using it.

She’s skill countered with a low skill floor.

I don’t see anything gamechanging needed.

Can we make it so that pharah’s helmet prevents head shots in ult?

Or is that too much?


Junkrat shouldn’t be the only one getting attention <_<

Still not replying with constructive criticism/rebuttals nor actually replying to those who have it.

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Dude, you need to relax. I literally have said or done nothing wrong to you. chill. I tried my best to speak as objectively as I could, but you clearly disagree with me. That’s fine, you don’t have to agree with me, but you don’t have to be a jerk either. I’m done until you can talk in a chill fashion.

Also, Pharah’s mobility is not worth much when hero with 600hp that blocks rockets with ease can fly up directly to Pharah and completely destroy her using superior weapon.

I’ve almost completely stopped seeing Pharah players after that DVa change that allowed shooting and boosting at the same time. Pharah has to hope that DVa makes a mistake. And that Moira beam range…