10 minute queue, match ends after 10 seconds

If Overwatch can’t control their problem with leavers, they need to do something about the queue issues. I should not queue for DPS for 10 minutes to have someone leave before the match begins, before they would even time out!!! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! This is the only game I know that bumps you out of the queue when this happens, any other game puts you back at the head of the queue, you might end up waiting 2 more minutes, but not another 10 minutes.

So why are so many people leaving this game? Because the queue. What pisses them off? Crap like this. My suggestion is fix this problem, because with the new addition of hero pools, you’re going to have a lot of angry players who already can’t play the character they want, have to queue again because someone who queued for 3 minutes or 2 minutes left the game.


Just play support, problem fixed. I switched too, because I have very little time to play. Getting 1-2 minutes queues.

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The solution to the leaver problem already exists in other game modes - backfill.

It would solve the problem of leavers entirely and would also help reduce queue times.

Ah, but do you play Support as Support or do you play Support as Damage?