10 min DPS wait time in comp

I am sorry but why are you complaining excatly? que times before used to be 2 to 6mins long for a chance to get a good game (33% btw). Now they are between 6 to 10 mins long for a guarnteed good game. (you losing coz of a bad team is same thing as you losing because your team picked a bad comp

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they’ve already cut the staff of OW by about 45% of its workers, and the pro scene is what makes OW’s money right now.

They are not going to cut the pro scene, I can assure you that.

Losing almost all of its DPS players would be what got the game shut down.

Blizzard is a company here to make money, and they aren’t making it off of in game content anymore. I assure you, dps players leave, this game is getting the rope. They are the players watching the Esport, they are the players keeping the population up.

but please continue to push this thought process, Im sure it will work fine for you.


My library is so full that Overwatch getting shut down would affect me at 0.00%. All in all it would still be an issue of selfish versus selfless.

None of what you said was true, no matter how badly you try to disguise your lies with poor spelling.


as dps ques go down, other ques will go up. Less players means more que times overall. its really not that hard a concept to understand.

You seem to have this idea that OW has been in an okay state ever recently? OW has been on a downward trend since the release of DF and has stayed on that trend the entire time. The game is in a bad state right now. Losing another 60% of its players will destroy the game in one way or another.

the only thing I can see them doing to fix it would be going free to play, which will make your matches significantly worse, smurfs much more rampant, and match quality go down.

them turning to a subscription based service, which means you now have to pay a monthly fee to play OW

them monetizing all skins

or them cutting back on the amount of servers, bringing match quality down

or shutting the game down, which is most likely since blizzard has made far more off the game then they ever thought they would.

I am sorry poor spelling? xD
also no they are true ask any1 that is neutral from 222 (doesnt hate or like 222) they will say their ques are either 2 to 6 mins long. and back then you were just playing a lottery game hoping to get a good team. now its you tossing a coin which is more better than a lottery system


? Because it’s an issue… who wouldn’t complain about an issue?

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My thought process has worked well for me. I learned to play more than just DPS like everyone in this game is supposed to so I’m not limited to 10-minute queues.

If a bunch of DPS player leave due to long queue times, the queue times will be short, which will bring some back. It would also create new DPS players out of the crowd who didn’t queue for it before because of long queue times. The ones that don’t come back because they only want to play DPS and aren’t willing to queue with anybody of another role aren’t players we need anyway.

You need to accept that DPS players are absolutely the least important ones to the game’s longevity. They’re a dime a dozen right now and too many is actually problematic. They need to learn to flex or find another game to play.


Heres a guess play tank or support and be part of the solution and not the problem.


“80% of the playerbase isn’t important to the game” what an asinine statement.

What YOU need to realize is this game is a business, and blizzard is here to make money, and is in no way your friend. If this game losses Dps players, it looses most of its playerbase, at which point the game will go under major changes

it would go free to play, which would destroy the quality of matches

or it would go subscription based, which would take money out of your wallet every month

or they would cut back on the servers, destroying your match quality.

You keep looking at the game as if its in a healthy state. The game isn’t. it has been on a downward trend for the last 2 years. Losing more players will only make the game worse in one way or another.


Ez go 2 tanks and 2 supports stack. 15s queue time max.

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I giggled.

Selfless. That’s a good one.

Tank/Support elitists are so infallible, selfless, AWESOME people. They’re saintly! Why, I think without even one of them, the toxicity of Overwatch would increase tenfold!



I seem to have this idea that I don’t care one way or the other. No one here has a metric to count how many people are playing. Not you not me not anyone.

Well, this would be true it the categories of players were anywhere near balanced. I haven’t done the math, but clearly the amount of Tank and Support players are heavily out weighed by DPS, and I mean by a huge amount, losing DPS at this stage in the game will only lower the DPS queue time. It would take a monumental amount of lost DPS players to start affecting the queue time of the other two roles.

Let me reiterate a final time, I don’t care if Blizzard keeps the lights on for Overwatch. If they do, fine, if they don’t, fine.

“I don’t care either way but I will argue it to death”

Yeah. Okay. :rofl::roll_eyes:


The context wasn’t between the Tank/Support players versus the DPS. It is the selfish DPS, versus the selfless DPS. Your camp needs to figure out the solution, not mine.

Variety queue solves the problem. You get each role roughly 1/3 if the time. Caveat is you can’t queue for only one role like a dirty one trick anymore.

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Like I said in my last thread - just don’t allow people to ONLY Que for damage.
You have to pick at least one extra role in addition to DPS, and you alternate between DPS and the other role once every two matches.

You don’t get to play DPS in every match, but you get to play DPS once every two matches.

And before anyone says “but I only want to play DPS” - You and 75% of the community.
either compremise, or you’re gonna deal with MUCH higher que times in the future, since right now, quing up for multiple roles guarantees never playing DPS.

I am having my morning coffee. Here in Alaska, its still morning time. Passing the time on the forums. If it all goes away, I can hop over the WoW forums.

I said least important. Not “not important”. And I’m right. The game’s population would probably actually grow if there were more flex players and less DPS-only players because match quality would go up, which would bring more players to the game. You’re assuming that the player base is this static number that can only decrease. The player base is dynamic and lots of things can change it up. Less DPS players doesn’t mean less players overall.

A natural born patriot, only he doesn’t care.