1 Year of Workshop + Popular Modes

Never thought any of my games would ever be featured in any of Overwatch Developers’ posts but it’s a unbelievable surprise that made me so glad!!! Really appreciated it, Overwatch Developers!!!

yes so?
also: https://twitter.com/swingchip930/status/1264680643377672193

Where is D.va Egg D=

I still want the option to add old hero abilities back.

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You forgot to add Infection in there

Hi. Thank you for the amazing work you keep doing the Workshop.

  1. Can we please get tools to customize how our game looks? When people got to use icons and colors, it made it easier for browsers to see the kind of game they might be looking for.
  2. Please please please can we get some featured modes already? It would be nice if devs curated these games from time to time and either put them in the arcade or as featured games in the workshop.

No I like that game mode too it was just a joke :frowning: