1 week of ultranerfed Brig and

:John cena are you sure about that meme:
She’s left with 5HP to recall with and have back to 150 health while Brig has all cooldowns expended and just flails around helpllessly trying to survive


Luckily most Tracers aren’t good Tracers then

It’s 145. Tracer lives with 5 hp.


You right…I kept adding 75 at the end in my head…


I am like a high-platinum/low-diamond player, and have very little time on Tracer, and easily play around Brigitte, even before the nerfs. She’s stupidly easy to fight against now. I can’t even imagine how easily a GM Tracer can crap on Brigitte now.


We can argue whether Brigitte is trash or OP all day long, but the final point is that flankers/divers like Genji/Doom/Tracer need some kind of counter…

McCree with his flash bang and mcfan can’t be the only solution…


Did you guys try like a hog mei or cree to deal with Tracer? Those 3 in combo with Brig really ruin her day


Genji has plenty of counters.

Brig is still good versus Tracer because of armor, although she is obviously weaker versus her now.

Doom is just bad right now he’s completely outclassed by the other two.


Again, we’re assuming armor has been applied to the entire team, which in most cases, it hasn’t been because teammates love to run away from Rally for some reason.


I know the DPS shills will come out of the woodwork on a Brig topic.

I thought the nerf to shield going through barriers was fair but if they are going to keep the damage at 5, we need lower cooldown on SB, and also need the flail to have longer range on the flail to reach tracer’s operational range.


That’s more your teammates fault and not to do with Tracer being OP


So would a simple 5dmg buff to the shield bash work then? 2 hits plus bash combo doesn’t seem to bad (or 1 I guess depending on what you mean by combo)

I’m not saying Tracer is OP? What’s up with people on these forums putting words into people’s mouths.

I actually think Tracer is quite balanced. But a good Tracer will play around almost every obstacle. She has a kit that is very forgiving, but has strong potential in the right hands. And now one of her counters has been severely nerfed.


An utling Genji? Why should you be able to 1v1 him??? That’s stupid. If you think that’s balanced, then I’d really like give other heroes an “ultranerf”.

If your team can’t muster up 5 damage between them, then Tracer should go free. It’s really not hard. Even if she does Recall and live… She’s out of the fight for 12 seconds. That’s a win.

Yes, and it’s equally obvious that people who think Brig’s lack of ability to erase flankers is an issue have n concept of balance anyway.


Repair pack exists for a reason, and the combo can still force out a recall or potentially get a kill if you get an assist.

Tracer may still have issues but right now she’s fine, she isn’t tearing up ladder or anything like that.

I’m not against Tracer changes but I don’t think she needs any in the current state of the game and we should focus our efforts on other heroes who may be too weak/strong.


My bad but if the Tracer is playing around all of these counters and having to keep track off cooldowns enemy locations people returning from spawn etc Does she not deserve to do well?

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Again, I’m not saying that.

This is a thread about how Brigitte’s nerfs put her in a place where she barely counters dive now, which is what she was intended to do in the first place. Now she just strengthens GOATS.


I honestly think she still counters dive fine since her rally ults massively reduces the damage of all dive heroes and has massive snowball potential into other Rallys like if your team don’t win a teamfight against dive with armor then you were outplayed and deserve to lose. I am not talking about you btw just in general

Brig is still really good and probably (imo) even more powerful as a Support than ever. Her heals are insane for an off healer and she alone can guarantee winning a brawl with her damage and heals. This was a blessing in disguise. She doesn’t need to be a dps to be good.


I totally agree that this game is about outplaying your enemy. 100% agree with that. I also agree that when people practice and get good with their heroes, that they have earned the right to succeed.

I think people are getting annoyed because, even though her healing was buffed, she feels a little sloppy at the moment. I still play her, and I still play her fine since I play her alongside my team. I never really cared for rogue “1v1 me, bro” Brigitte because that’s a playstyle that shouldn’t be favored in a game like this.

But I can out damage Brigitte as Moira now, who doesn’t need to do damage to enemies to heal the teammates around her (yes I know she needs to recharge her healing, but I’m not referring to that).