1 thing I'll miss in 5v5 that no one is talking about

The tank interactions with each other.

:muscle: Zarya: “D.Va, have you seen the Svyatogor? Now that is what I call a mech.”
:selfie: D.Va: “Size isn’t everything.”

:horse: Orisa: “Zarya, I have learned to utilize my graviton charge by watching you.”
:muscle: Zarya: “Your compliment is unwanted.”

:selfie: D.Va: “A giant gorilla! Just like in those old video games.”
:gorilla: Winston: “I get that a lot.”

:muscle: Zarya: “Reinhardt. You said you would arm wrestle me. Nervous?”
:beer: Reinhardht: “Nervous? Me? Never!”

:beer: Reinhardht: “Ah! Winston! It’s up to us to keep our comrades safe!”
:gorilla: Winston: “I’ll be right behind you, sir.” that one didn’t age well. :sweat_smile:

:gorilla: Winston: “Hammond?”
:hamster: Wrecking Ball: dramatic squeak

Plus Recently added.

:gorilla: Winston: “I remember you, you visited the doctor on the Lunar colony.”
:brain: Sigma: “He was a good friend and you were much smaller back then.”

Just all the small little interactions that build and mold these characters up through interactions with others.

I’m still in mourn over losing Junkrat’s “I’m getting a feeling they have a shield generator.” voice line. But that was just one line, not multiple voice interactions between the cast. It’s just a shame we probably won’t be able to hear these lines unless it’s outside 122 :confused:


Proof that sigma is a humble person

Also one thing i miss from dva no limits is that she’d say something like “another me?” and other stuff


This ones my favorite! It’s so cute!!

Also, there was another few Rein zarya ones, I think it went like
Rein: Haha! I have beaten the champion at arm wrestling!
Zarya: I heard it was your birthday old man… so i went easy on you


Rein: idk i forgot lol
Zarya: Heh, that hammer doesn’t look so heavy


We’ll hopefully still get them in Open Queue, unless they remove Open Queue but I’m sure they’d never do that. Heheh… heh… :sweat:


Tracer also has a line like that.

He tells Zarya she should lift a real weapon.


Oh yeah there was another rein zarya interaction (I love these so much!)
Rein: Idk again lol
Zarya: I think I’ve got this old man :]


Forgot the Rein/D.Va interaction where he asks for her autograph and on Einchenwalde where he comforts her saying it can be rebuilt.

With role passives being implemented they might. Otherwise you’ll be dealing with a 5 player version of Goats. Unless they switch them off for open queue which they’ve not balanced around.

Found it.

Reinhardht: “Keep training, and maybe someday you can learn to handle a real weapon!”

Zarya’s response is random between two possible replies.


Rein: I can’t believe I beat the arm wrestle champion (pretty sure it’s not like that)
Zarya: I heard it was your birthday old man, so I went easy on you


This as well as “Sextuple kill!”


If BOB counts then we can keep it :joy:


This could happen if they over buff Tanks, which is a possibility. However, as I keep having to say, in EU Open Queue is fine. It’s basically never a “GOATs fest”, but obviously that could change if they overbuff Tanks now, which they might be tempted to do because each team only gets one each.

So, I’m mildly concerned of them either A, removing Open Queue entirely or B, overbuffing Tanks which may ruin the Open Queue.

I understand from how people speak here that US Open Queue is apparently nothing but GOATs, but that’s not the case in EU and I don’t wanna lose the mode I enjoy due to OW2.

In yesterdays AMA they said they will most probably remove 6v6 Role and Open Q completely because of balance concerns.

I addressed that matter here as well if someone is interested:

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I really hope we don’t lose resurrect so we don’t lose “Looks like they were just playing dead.” because I love that voiceline

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My favourite </3
I’ll miss this one so much.

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I won’t really miss this at all considering how much better it’ll feel to actually play tanks

ye thats actually sad, completely cut content and lore there.

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- 5v5 is an opportunity to get rid of role lock, but make it so the team must pick at least one of each role

that way, we can min max the strength of the team. wanna go double tank? you only have 1 dps and two supports, and with the new dps speed increase it might be difficult even for the modified tanks to keep up and secure enough space.

want to stretch it even further? triple tank- but you must pick 1 dps and 1 support, so you max protection, but you lose on healing and agility.
and this goes on favor of all roles- wanna go triple dps? go for it, but understand you only have 1 tank and 1 support. triple support? meme on buddies! but careful you’re gonna get flanked!

as for the community and the fear of toxicity and “instalock” I think after 5 or so years and 2 of which has been with role lock- I think the community is ready to have those shakles removed- the developers should be more confident in us.

Overwatch was designed for experimentation of team compositions and with 5v5, whether it’s one less tank or one less of any role- it’s less clutter already.

so what I’m asking for is to consider removing role lock, but not entirely. I wish it could be tested, I think it’s an opportunity for Blizzard to allow Overwatch to return to it’s community experimentation phase of the pre GOATS era.

ohh and of course, tank interactions galore! :wink:

“Maybe some day you would learn to handle a real weapon”
"Heh, that hammer doesn’t look so heary(yes, I spell it with an r on purpose)

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Cutting down current and possible future lore and interactions.

Like we won’t get interactions between Reinhardht and Mauga. Two tanks on polar opposite sides (Overwatch and talon) and motivations. Ones protective while the other is self centred. Ones in it for the honour and glory. While the other is in it for wealth and power. The dynamic alone is just brimming with potiential.

Or Junkerqueen and Roadhog. Build off the history they have together and explore their relationship further. Maybe she asks why he keeps an eye on Junkrat and could reply “It’s just what mates do.” or “Someone’s got to keep him out of trouble, might as well be me.”

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