1 thing I'll miss in 5v5 that no one is talking about

They could still add them into the game for when they get played in arcade modes and whatnot.

But besides that we’re gonna get loads more lore and interactions between these characters during the story missions anyway.

He’s a mad scientist, nothing about that requires one to be rude. Merely smart and unhinged.

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Yep, the decision of 5v5 is not as simple as “other shooters are 5v5 too”. Overwatch limits what characters you can pick, so while in valorant/lol you can hear every character talking to each other, overwatch will always miss interaction between tanks, well because you literally can’t pick more thank 1 tank.

ooof didn’t know about mauga character, thats sounds like real missed good content right there.

ah good point, i completely forgot about ow2 being about PvE at this point. That probably will EASILY compensate for the cut interaction in pvp, IF you can pick 2 tanks in story missions that is, hmm can we ? I hope


I moreso meant during cutscenes etc.

But in the hero missions you’ll be able to pick any hero, so the potential for the tank interactions is still there



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I understand that for story mode.

Although I’m expecting it to be 1 tank 2 dps and support for most of the time in story mode with few variations. For the most part, unless there’s a non canon play through where you can pick any combination of heroes.

I’m just talking about moments in comp or quickplay where you’d just hear an off comment about Ashe laughing at Lucio’s skates and it sheds a lights on these characters. We’d lose that side of the tanks commenting amongst themselves.

There’s teasing of him between Baptiste and Sombra’s interaction. There’s also his avatar on battle net if your a pc player and Sigma was originally ment to be him. But decided his kit and personality didn’t mesh with his character. So they designed someone who did.

Bit of a gut punch when Hanzo got his “Simple geometry” voice line added back in as a buyable voice line even though scatter arrow no longer exists.

Wish Junkrat got a similar treatment or even a parody comment like “I’m getting a feeling they don’t have a shield generator.”


Yeah there’s a lot about him on his wiki page, i just checked. He looks so cool i really want to play that character regardless of his kit. Dude i love him, can only hope to see him on ow2, definitely a unique character.

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Same. It’s one of the reasons I was really looking forward to Overwatch 2. While it was cool to see Soujorn I really wanted to see Mauga. Even if it was just a highlight intro and a proof of concept on his abilities, it’d have been great.

It’s now a bit of a double edge sword in my eyes. I’d probably be sticking to pve because of the story, new abilities to test and hero selection. In 5v5 I’d be missing those tank interactions and not be able to queue with my tank friends together unless I’m on another role. Which is a shame because I like tanking as much as them too.

If they decide to actually make tanks playable. What will you do if tanks still suck?

Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope


That’s probably the one thing I won’t miss.
I heard them so much, I almost want them to allow me to disable it in the option. That’s audio clutter.

Audio clutter before the game even starts?

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Well, I play the game for 3 years, I heard those interactions way too many times already.
Most voice lines I’d like to be able to disable for myself are outside of the spawn for sure but it starts there.

I was hoping they’d add dmon at some point, if they ever do I’ll never get to hear interactions :(.

I think they’ll be very unlikely, but still possible if a Mercy does a rez at the right time.

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6v6* title mistake
bottom text
As far as dialogue goes, I usually don’t pay attention. I can’t list a single tank duo dialogue off the top of my head, just like torb brig or ashe mccree. A few moira ones too.

as in things they will miss in 5v5 (future tense). IE, once the game is 5v5, they will miss it. Not a mistake.

They listed most of the ones I can think of. “Champion of arm wrestling,” “I HEARD IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY OLD MAN, SO I WENT EASY ON YOU.” “D.va can I get your autograph, its, hehe, for a friend,” and Winston calling reinhardt sir.

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We’d still have opportunities in the PVE mode! And plus it might be that Dmon might not have her meka while she’s on the main mode.

It’s a 6v6 feature. If they are in 5v5, it is not an aspect of 5v5 they are missing.
You’re thinking of “One thing I’ll miss when 5v5 is introduced.”

I’ll is the grouping of “I” and “will” as in once the game is playing in 5v5, they will miss it. It’s simply a function of leaving off the unnecessary fat of the sentence. Not every thing in english always has to be fully written to be understood, in fact shortening things for conciseness is often more pleasing especially for titles.

The title is “1 thing I’ll miss in 5v5 that no one is talking about.”

“1 thing I’ll miss in 6v6 that won’t exist in 5v5 that no one else is talking about.” is unnecessary when most people get that you don’t have to include the extra verb at the end or middle.