“#1 Sombra” says: “I miss old Sombra”

Compared to before? Yes it is. What did you think the nerf was for? It wasn’t even warranted.

Like I said, it’s not inconsistent, you just can’t track and don’t have the cushion you used to.

And like i said, it’s not a bug. And removing the ‘cushion’ that made her hack reliable wasn’t even warranted, or rather they didn’t remove anything, they ADDED the restriction.

When did I ever say it was a bug?

You said it’s inconsistent, I disagreed.

Well yea, of course he wants it. It’s one of the best ultimate abilities

For the Sombra lol. Not for the quality of matches for everyone else

These are what makes her inconsistent. You go in to do your job, it breaks at random. It’s what makes Sombra so unreliable.

Also, you quoting that is EXACTLY what i was talking about when i said this.

Do you even know what the hack nerfs were? Because that video WASN’T related to the 0.1s grace period.

Hack is very consistent. You just can’t consistently track.

Moira’s beam doesn’t go on a 2 seconds cooldown when she takes a single point of damage. Sombra rely a lot on her hack, and it’s literally unreliable. Have you watched the clips ?

Video’s right there, and nerfs were added to make hack inconsistent and unreliable. How the heck do you justify that?

Judging from the clip I was responding to, it didn’t go on a 2 second cool down when he broke the hack by not being able to track, especially because he didn’t take damage. So that part is irrelevant.

And the conversation is about it being inconsistent, not unreliable. The two are different words, thus they have different meanings, so they shouldn’t be used interchangeably.

Dude, breaking hack does not put it on 2 second cooldown. You don’t really know how hack works do you?

Dude, if you can’t do something consistently, you can’t rely on it when you need to do something that you need to count.

I literally said it didn’t…

You really can’t read, can you?

But the issue at the moment is the player.

Hack’s mechanics are very consistent. It’s not like the code just randomly decides to change itself for the luls. If you do action A, then outcome B will happen every time. If you fail to do A, then B will fail to happen every time.

The only inconsistency is your own inability to track, and, as you said, that’s where the unreliability comes from.

Like I said, inconsistency =/= unreliability. Hack is unreliable because you’re inconsistent, not because hack is inconsistent.

I can’t link things here, so just search sombra hack bug compilation on youtube and come back after that

I’d have liked the old stealth to come back + an extra two seconds added to the duration (8 seconds total).

Bring back indestructible translocator, buff the timer to 30 seconds and let Sombra cancel it.

Bring back health backs giving ult charge.

Bring back the 0.1 second LoS forgiveness on hack. The only thing it would really change is that Sombra would reliably be able to hack hypermobile characters (again), and we really need that considering how badly Blizz’s last attempt at a dedicated “reliable counter to Tracer” went.

(looks sadly upon the smoking heap of nerfs and bad design that is Brigitte)

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It’s not even about the bugs. It’s about limiting Sombra’s ability to actually be useful. He refuses to accept that they actually did that to Sombra and is resorting to semantics rather than the actual argument.

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Say what you mean and don’t be wrong when you use words and I won’t feel the need to correct you.


Like I said, hack is consistent and only breaks when your crosshair leaves the enemy (or swaps targets if someone steps in front of it, again, just like Moira’s beam). If you’d like a buff such as a bigger effective radius or whatever to make it easier to keep your crosshair “close enough”, or if you want it to be an actual lock on ability then fine, ask for that. But actually ask for it, don’t just mindlessly complain that it’s the game’s fault that you can’t consistently do something on your end.

Adding the restrictions is what made her hack inconsistent and unreliable.

I think it’s time to let it go already

but his opinion doesnt matter all that matters are the plats and diamonds posting how the characters they dont even use or have experience with are ““okay”” but touch their main and they riot, like lucio mains did once

who cares what one person with an inflated ego thinks?