Codey is renowned for being the best Sombra (before he quit playing for a while). He’s come back to Sombra and says that “EMP Bot” felt much better and he really wants it back.
What are your thoughts? I personally agree with him. The current Sombra feels slow and clunky. Ult charge from health packs felt satisfying and frequent EMPs were very nice.
I believe the old Sombra only needed a few buffs (such as increased translocator time, cancel translocator, increase stealth time a bit).
The only buffs she needs are to hack visibility. Maybe make hacked targets purple with a sugar skull over them. And let teammates see them through walls.
It’d help Sombra in solo queue a ton without really changing her in pro play
I miss 2017 Sombra the most. I agree with him. “Soaking in damage” for ult charge was fun and risky. I know she wasnt really used back then, but she was more fun imo. That was before the hack nerf also. Codey was my fave Sombra player and motivated me to main her.
I agree completely. Losing the speed boost, indestructible TL, Ult from hacked packs, and especially Stealth contesting was a huge blow just to get perm invis no one asked for.
Current Sombra is more strategic you have time to think about what you’re doing and make plays. So you can be more intentional with your hacks and flanks.
Old Sombra was basically a sloppy hit and run hero. Your stealth and translocator cooldowns forced you to just kinda spray and prey and go for the first hack you saw.
Early Sombra (health pack/EMP bot) was boring because you spent so much time hacking health packs. Also, if your team didn’t play around you, you were boned.
Current Sombra feels too weak. Permanent invis encourages players to be useless and avoid combat. Players who don’t do that, miss the strength she had to give up for it.
This is just a lot of downtime when you could be building up ult charge.
Which is why I suggested increasing the duration of both. Current Sombra has too many trade offs for perma Invis/translocator (as stated in a comment above).
Literally the only trade off is that you don’t get ult charge from healthpacks. The ability to destroy your own translocator is a buff, the perma-stealth is a buff, the decreased spread is a buff, and the hack 2-second cooldown wasn’t compensation for the infinite stealth/trans it was compensation for the faster hack time.
I actually think they’re both as good as each other. I think Fitzy has better aim and callouts but Codey has better personal game sense and can keep calm in a stressful situation.
This sounds like a “just be careful 4head” moment.
If your translocator isn’t destroyed much, you probably place it too far from the fight. Watch the video in my OP and see how many times his translocator is destroyed (as a top 500 Sombra main). I would’ve thought that his placements are generally good.
It wouldn’t have been OP for Sombra to have had 20 secs + the ability to cancel. It would’ve been a nice QoL buff.
I disagree. There were plenty of times I’ve been able trigger overtime by waiting around the corner from the objective/payload and go invis and run on.