“#1 Sombra” says: “I miss old Sombra”

Last time I saw Codey play, actually the last… many times, hes been useless as Sombra. He didnt bother learning the new version of her so he isnt as good as he used to be at all.

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I have to disagree with Codey here as much as i love the dude.
Old EMP bot Sombra was a broken playstyle which rewarded you for getting damaged, or putting it the other way around, it punished the enemy for shooting, if they didnt get the insta kill.

Its also made her effectiveness way to dependend on healthpack placements and the strat was extremely exploitable if your teammates helped you out with farming it.
Hack was unusable on anything with mobility and didnt do squat to many heroes anyway as it didnt cancel passives.
Her gun spread was also even worse and didnt allow her to duel anything.

The hero was basically EMP and EMP only.
I’m very glad its gone.


it’s just making the effort to relearn your spots. In fact, just about all your complaints are probably because you haven’t adjusted to the new playstyle.

Codey took a long break and came back to a hero with a new playstyle and he hasn’t mastered it yet.

FitzyHere didn’t take a break and quickly adapted to the new Sombra playstyle. He never complains about the changes because he’s changed his style to fit them.

Spend 10-20 hours on the New Sombra and you’ll practically forget the Old Sombra.

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tbh I just want more QoL buffs that remove clunky play and reduces the amount of coordination she requires to be used consistently.

I hate that how I’m doing in a match mostly relies on my team pushing on hacks/EMP.

For starters, hacked enemies need to glow purple w/ a hack skull above them similar to health kits.

The best Sombras are in OWL. Fitzy is good but he’d stomped by any of the OWL players.

For clarification, I’m talking about the Ult charge changes for better hack and spread. The infinite duration patch was garbage.
The trade offs arent worth it.


Not true, Fitzy actually considered the duration patch a slight nerf.

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This is exactly what I told him :man_shrugging:t2: Hopefully he’ll take it on board this time considering one of the best Sombras also said it

Sombra was good for 2 weeks after her first tweaks were implemented. Then they killed her with nerfs like the 2 second delay after failed hack, line of sight nerf, ect.

If we cant go back to that version of Sombra then I think she needs the following changes.

  • Walk/run speed increased to be similar to Genji and Tracer.
  • Sugar Skull on top of hacked enemies
  • Damage threshold to get out of invisibility increased to more than just 1 hp.
  • Spread reduction the more you hold down fire button. Similar to Bastion in sentry mode but faster because of less ammo. So basically her spread stays the same at first but tightens up the more you hold down fire. So it rewards aim and tracking.

I honestly don’t miss old Sombra, hack a large medkit, throw down translocator, do as much damage as you can in 15 seconds, teleport back, rinse and repeat until you have EMP up.
Best Sombra was when Hack and Translocator got buffed and her spread got reduced but before the devastating Hack nerf, in those two weeks Sombra was in the best state she could have been in, everything just kinda flowed smoothly.
And then she got the 2 second CD nerf and became clunky again, then the Stealth “buff” and Translocator buff that I don’t think anyone really wanted or liked.

God i’d love that, ditch infinite Stealth, revert the LoS nerf and give her this.
Perfect scenario.

That was a long time ago and a knee jerk reaction. He’d barely played her with the changes when he said it.

Originally, Fitzy was fully against the changes and trying to petition the Devs to stop them. But once he played them for ahwile he realized she was fine.

If you asked him now he’d probably say to leave Sombra the way she is and stop messing with her kit

Other way. Fitzy is notorious for having bad aim especially at his tier, you can even see him constantly shaking his mouse when he shoots to atleast get some hits in because his tracking is bad. Codey’s aim is smoother and stays on target.

You can even see it in the video, Codey’s more confrontational, spending more time in front of the enemy team fighting them headon. Fitzy tends to flank constantly, preferring to blindside his targets. Falling down in front of an enemy while keeping the crosshair right on them as they bunnyhop? That’s not something you’d often see on a fitzyhere game.

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That was just making do with what he had, but his points about how these changes weren’t what she needed still holds true, even more so now in hindsight.

All that happened after the rework is that her winrate hadn’t changed, but her pick rate went up, meaning she’s even more hated now as she’s costing players even more SR as more games are now being lost by having her on the team.

Done with the setup? Fight’s already over, you’ll have to wait for the next push. You want to contribute to the push as it happens? 1 damage that can hit you at any random time makes you unreliable and out of position. They tried to make her hack more useful, but then hit her with the 2 second cooldown making her even more unreliable in a team fight. Remember when you used to run around the corner, start the hack on the healthpack as you run over it and keep going without missing a step? Now it breaks.

And of course, the new hack break

… that Tracer used Blink to break LOS

I think current Sombra’s stronger, but I agree with Codey that old Sombra was way more fun. Stealth felt more impactful with a 70% movement boost and the timer keeps you on your toes.

That wasn’t a blink. People just seem to only think that the hack nerf was the one related to walls, but there was actually more than that.

This is how hack breaks now, additional conditions have been added that makes hack unreliable, and it’s not a bug.

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That’s a pretty big factor. Fitzy constantly plays Sombra and has held the #1 spot way longer and feels like she only needs bug fixes/ quality of life changes. Sombra is fine.


He seems a bit rusty compared to old days. But at least his tracking is still awesome.

I mean, constant EMP’s were a little broken imo. Being able to just completely disable the enemy team and roll over them with your own abilities? Most people would prefer that over having to actually single someone out and focus them down one by one.

Doesn’t seem unreliable to me. Note how it only broke when Sombra wasn’t looking at the Junkrat, and he instead walked to her side.

It’s like Moira’s beam. There’s a certain thickness to it, and the moment the enemy steps out of that area, they’re no longer targeted.

It only feels wonky now because they removed the grace period so you actually need to consistently track with it instead of starting it and letting them walk out of the area a few times.