1 hero limit is already causing drop in the player numbers

I am not surprised even one bit.

Classic with no limits is what OW was ever about.


“On whether Marvel Rivals will have role queue, or continue as open queue only:”
“No role queue, at all - we want everyone to play who they want”

god bless marvels


There has always been “No limit” mod but strangely, nobody plays it.


This is not my experience, OP. I am not having any difficulty getting games, nor am I getting the same players over and over.


There was but the game wasn’t balanced around it anymore and ppl just abused it to stack 6 or the same because they couldn’t do that in the normal mode.

You may not feel it but the steam numbers are back to what they already were before classic mode just within a day.


(Releases 10 more duelists.)

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That’s what most of my Classic games have been…

But I agree its not balanced anymore ; just like OpenQueue…

It’s so barebones and unbalanced a mode that it doesn’t hold any staying power for me. Rather play live OW2 any day


Hmm, I wonder why hero limit was added into the game just a few months after launch if this is what it was always meant to be. Can’t quite put my finger on it.


That’s what they say now….
Lets wait and see what happens shall we?

Remember, the Ow devs also took the same stance for years. In fact the ow devs had an even more casual stance than marvel rivals of allowing multiples of any hero at launch.

Not even marvel rivals has gone that far with player freedom. So when the marvel rivals devs say ‘anyone can play who they want’ that isn’t actually true cus you cant play 2 venoms on the same team. So if 2 people queue into a game wanting to play venom 1 of them isnt getting to play who they want


100% bet marvel rivals will have role queue this time next year because of balance issues and match consistency just as ow did.

There will likely be some broken sustain comp emerge in high ranks consisting of multiple tanks and supports as usual which dominates the game. The devs will be forced to act or people leave. We’ve seen this play out already.

People IN THE BETA were ALREADY complaining when they didnt get a tank or support on their team. In the BETA! Guarantee this game doesnt go long without some form of role queue.

No way a ranked system is going to be taken seriously when you can go 1 game with no support or tank and then the next with only support and tank

I enjoyed marvel rivals beta and am looking forward to launch, but acting as if the game will function without role queue is delusional.

Once everyone is past the honeymoon phase and it loses its new shine, people will quickly start to realise how garbage matches can get when you are running 4-5 dps comps with no consistent tank or supports against an enemy team who is running a good team comp.

The blame game will start, fingers will start flying telling people to swap to tank and support or they throw etc. We’ve done this dance 5 yrs ago. We know what happens


Nah, Overwatch was at its apex when RQ was standard and dive was meta
Everything else is just casual play

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disagree, cajuls need the extra structure rq provides

Yeah according to a lot of OG players (I started playing OW shortly after the hero limits change went live), the decision to implement hero limits was perhaps the only change that the majority of the devs and the player base agreed was a step in the right direction.


I’ve started on launch and the change was definitely a popular one.

I think role queue was the next best change, at least for competitive. Maybe not for QP. Always scrambling to get at least a semi workable team comp was one of my biggest gripes with the game back then.


Yea I think open queue is how me and many other people who weren’t combative enough during hero select became support (Mercy) mains lol

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Funny enogh, I ended up eventually gravitating towards Ana and support in general naturally, so I might even have been fine at this point if role queue was never implemented, but my god was it a pain to see everyone else pick DPS and then complain that nobody else is picking support or tank. And they’d never be the ones to swap.

People complain about having to counter now, but having to fill not just the correct heroes, but the correct roles for your team was on another level.

Said people most likely did not switch to Tank or Support before complaining about the lack of Tank and Support on their team during the beta… At this point I’m starting to wonder why game devs bother with these archetypes when designing games, when the majority of players don’t even want to play them nor like playing as them.

I understand that the competitive meta will always favour a balanced team composition, but… Upon seeing that the Overwatch devs’ solution to Quickplay taking forever to log you in was to change the game mode’s name to “Unranked”, I think people’s frustration nowadays is amplified by the quickplay not being quick, nor letting them play.

As someone who played in the beta, I almost dropped the game because playing dps with 5 other dps against 222 wasn’t really fun.
having to play a role I didn’t want to wasn’t fun.
forcing my team to work with me and the other 4 dps always felt terrible.

Role q saved overwatch 1 imho big time.
thats when i really started sinking like 3-6h into it daily.

could look completely different with the ow2 hero roaster.


Becasue fresh players whent he game came out didint understand how to counter stacking.

It’s like how this time around you hardly ever saw winston stacking, since one good Bastion would chew them up. Back when people didnt know the game, that didnt happen.

The average skill and knowledge are definitely at a higher point now than in 2016, but it’s not by that much. People still don’t understand counters that well, and even if they did, it wasn’t about counter for me. Stacking the same hero multiple times never felt fun and got stale very fast.