1-3-2, Overwatch is finally fun again!

Honey, keep lying with your 2nd account

We will see how long dps mains keep on playing the new “fun and op tanks”
(btw they are not raid bosses)


It wasn’t just now. It was at the beginning.

Here’s a reason to go with this “don’t want” statement.

Here’s another. And he’s actually completely correct this one. Devs flat out said if people felt it was too lethal, damage would be getting nerfs. And that was one of the most common pieces of feedback.

Here is another. There is an “I feel statement”

And the reasons behind it.

Like from the very beginning they posted a completely valid response. It wasn’t just now. It was from the moment they laid out their reasoning.


Now it’s obvious that you lie…

Symmetra is less viable now because there’s only one tnak…

Man, I’m done here, you really try everything for 123, you would probably even sell your soul


lmao what is ur issue. i dont know anyone here. i barely ever post on the forums im just here to see opinions on 1-3-2. what makes you think im using a 2nd account? ur actually crazy. also read what i say before u open ur mouth and say nonesense. i said its MY OPINION meaning its what IVE EXPERIENCED… symmetra is fun to play FOR ME. did i say shes meta? no. did i say shes awesome ? NO. Do i feel like shes more powerful now that most of the tanks have buffed shields and more armour so i can charge her primary without them dying? Yes. and thats a fact. more shield/armor and now having 2 healers focusing on ONE tank means i can charge my primary much more easily. why do u have to be toxic when i wasnt even talking to u lmao.

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Obvi it’s the ops 2nd account??

It’s extremely obvious, but keep trying honey


Stress is objectively good for any game that aims to be an esport. Higher tensions, more satisfying wins, ultimately a more exciting game to spectate because of it. If Overwatch wasn’t an esport, I would agree with them that the game is find being a lax party game with low-stress.

Rebalancing the snipers to accommodate for less shields is common-sense. Powerful snipers with 1 tank makes the game way too unengaging because snipers can engage with many characters that cannot engage back. So it’s only a reason that appeals to sniper mains, every other Hero benefits from a sniper nerf assuming 1 tank is kept.

Feeling that they are limited on impact isn’t an argument, in the same way, me saying that I feel more impactful isn’t an argument by itself. They have to provide a reason in which their impact is limited.

DPS hunting them is just a reiteration of the stress argument.

take a look at my youtube account that i made for my “second account” because im definitely gonna have a youtube channel for my “second account” on overwatch.

No. It isn’t. Smash isn’t and it’s a successful esport, for example. And why that stress is there matters.

Irrelevant. It’s a valid reason for OP not to want it. You claimed they gave none and only made “I want staements.” So your claim is objectively false.

Yes. It is. And they cited the reasons why they felt limited. It is not a repetition of the stress argument. Those are legitimately limiting factors on healer impact.

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Dude, ignore him and his 2nd account.


while i do think 1-3-2 feels kind of weird, both of you two are horrible debaters. sad.

I play smash, it is absolutely stressful. Stressful when you are off the ledge, stressful when you are being juggled, stressful when you are going for a risky combo or read. Smash is only a stress-less game when playing on the couch free-for-all with items on. Smash is a game that succeeds at being a stressful competitive game and a goofy party game, and Overwatch is the same way with Arcade and Workshop being the casual fun mode for relaxation.

“It’s a valid reason for OP not to want it.” It is a valid reason for the OP, but it doesn’t make a valid argument. They haven’t explained why it would be a bad thing for snipers to be nerfed.

“Those are legitimately limiting factors on healer impact.” In what way? Stating something doesn’t make it an argument.

I can live with that, still got a lot of time to learn.


You present this like a fact. You act like just because you and your stack enjoy it, it is factually an improved game.
That’s not how it works. The only people that can tell if it factually is improved or not are the devs with all the stats given. People have different experiences and people saying it has not improved for them are just as valid.

They are thinking that they’re lonely playing solo tank. That’s exactly it. This has nothing to do with responsibility, this is a game and if people have more fun being able to work with a second tank then that’s a valid reason to say they do not like 1-3-2.

Again, you feeling like it’s an improvement does not automatically make it an improvement. This is entirely subjective.


It never was much of a debate. They opened with telling me to respect everyone’s opinions. I knew from then on I would have to dumb down my arguments, I can’t explain on Overwatch forums why facts are not exclusively objective or why subjectivity relies on the existence of an object, because no one here would begin to understand what I’m talking about. They live in a black and white world where something can only be either entirely subjective or entirely objective. My best strategy was to use the idea of respecting all opinions to trick them into disrespecting my opinions, which worked perfectly and they didn’t even notice.

I have people accusing me of using alt accounts because someone agrees with me, there is no substance to debate.


Smash is only stressful if you’re making it stressful. It is not stressful by default. 321 is stressful by default.

They don’t have to explain why snipers being nerfed is bad because “snipers will be nerfed” was validation for a statement about wanting damage to stay at it’s current powerlevel. They cited it as an example. It’s absolutely a valid argument. Damage will be nerfed. And those who want damage at it’s current powerlevel, is by itself a negative fact that validates their preference.

You just claim something isn’t valid because it’s not what you want to hear. A fact that goes against your preference is valid reason to not like that thing.

If you cannot understand how increasing the amount of damage factually decreases the effectiveness of the current healing totals, then what little value this conversation had has now gone.


It’s finally fun for DPS, but not really anyone else.

The tanks just die because there’s too much damage flying around and only one easy target.

Mercy’s the only viable support. Ana and Zenyatta get flanked and die because there isn’t any peel, Baptiste has the same issues but can’t use his healing properly because of scattered DPS, Moira doesn’t have the range to keep any of the DPS alive, Lucio doesn’t have enough healing to keep up. And Brig can’t fight off flankers alone, do any supporting, or heal.

But this has the potential to replace QPC. Hear me out:

One really satisfying target to shoot.

Two easier kills for flankers.

Three relatively even duels to fight.

It’s perfect for getting ult charge and practicing your aim on both people your level and easier enemies.

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I respect your opinion about 1-3-2, bud. I just find your attitude disgusting.


I agree that 2-2-2 is a slow slog and that 3-2-1 is far more engaging because of how dynamic the fights are and I think that having the 1 tank helps to push teams to be more aggressive since there are not 2 tanks to hide behind. Plus with 3 DPS there is a lot more movement on the map.

So far even losing games have had so much more engaging fights. I like this. Even if 3-2-1 doesn’t become the main mode, I still would like to see 3-2-1 as a permanent game mode, but keep the 2-2-2 for those who like slower sloggy games. Best of both worlds in that case.

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You just claim something isn’t valid because it’s not what you want to hear.

Which is precisely what you did again when you said “It is not stressful by default” you gave no reasons as to why Smash is not stressful, meanwhile I provided multiple reasons for why Smash is. You are accusing me of doing what you are guilty of, it’s hard to argue with a hypocrite.

Healing obviously has the same impact because the lack of potential health that can be healed back is supplimented by the fact that DPS rely more on heals with the reduction in shields to stay alive. I understand perfectly well how damage changes healing impact, it seems you don’t understand the impact lack of shields has on the responsibility of healers.