1-3-2 Isn't bad imo

1-3-2 Isn’t bad… As long as the devs properly rework everything accordingly. I think 1-3-2 is a good sweet spot to redesign their game in and balance the weight of all chars in that aspect.

Hog changes are one of my favorites. Char feels like he has the right amount of weight on his design. Finally, it doesn’t combo kill you but still does nice enough dmg. He can heal his team and reduce incoming dmg. Plus some CC. Overall, I think its solid.

(I believe one-shotting should not exist outside of ultimates in general.)

Zyra is one that I feel needs more changes. I feel like they need to improve her defense/ team defense capabilities. The shields don’t last long enough imo. Too high cd for short duration. It needs to be shorter and or longer.
Maybe rework the skill entirely.

Tanks are essentially supported chars. Instead of focusing on sustaining and enabling fights. They negate/take damage, lead the team, and put pressure on the field. I really like that they are shifting the dmg to more defense/utility/ supportive capabilities.

Blizzard should feel encouraged to make more drastic changes and redesign abilities completely.

DPS rooster and support roster needs updates as well before we can rule that 1-3-2 is the right form for Overwatch.

Heroes like, SYMMETRA, are heavily impacted by this form. She was already in a bad spot. Now she feels more of a weight/ burden to the team than before.

Sym should just have her sentries remove because it limits her design potential. With the defensive role completely executed out, I feel like there is no reason to keep her sentries. Maybe turn them into gadgets and or traps. Sym should also return back to the support roster. Her powerful utility and design theme would help benefit this role more. A huge rework for her with healing put into her kit would fix her up easily.

Heros in the same position as SYM need to be reworked entirely to fit the new overwatch vision.


I personally like 1-3-2. I feel that 1-3-2 is like a proper FPS, scrappy and a crap ton of killing. It takes “the primal instincts” of FPS and puts it into this mode. As Jeff said, the system (performance/reward) is structured toward DPS. The only details directly presented in the kill feed are kills. I don’t understand the huge hate against 1-3-2.

" (I believe one-shotting should not exist outside of ultimates in general.)" I completely disagree. Hanzo and Widowmaker require skill and they are high risk, the high return types of characters. If you were to completely take out one shotting, there would be no reason to play these characters. They are designed to be one-shot killers because they require such high skill and teamwork to succeed.

However, Overwatch isn’t a proper FPS. Overwatch requires teamwork to win and kill, protect, and heal people. 2-2-2 fulfills this goal of Overwatch because the team is forced to work together.

1-3-2 is a break from the constant teamwork of competitive and QP. You want to just kill people and light up the kill feed? Go into 1-3-2 where you can hopefully shine.

I do think that many characters do need to be reworked in order for them to feel rewarding and helpful to the team


I’ve been enjoying it as well. Hoping the devs keep tweaking the concept


I’m fine with it. It’s not as terrible as I thought it’d be (considering we used to have this but I guess balance has really changed a lot since then). Still, I personally prefer the 2/2/2 system as it just feels like it has more team based gameplay, which should be equal to if not greater than the FPS elements.


High skill is not a reason to reward one shoting.
They should be rewarded with high damage output, more than others… but not to the point of one-shotting.
Shifting that power into their ults would fix that. Widow’s Ulti could also enhance her scoping time and power for example.
Honzo’s ulti could empower his arrows from the dragon spirit.
it makes the game feel much healthier.

1-3-2 doesn’t feel that way to me. You actually still require teamwork. DPS players just don’t realize how much support they are getting as they do their job. 1-3-2 makes it easier for support players to do their jobs. Now they don’t have to focus their utility on two meat shields all the time.

This game needs a full rework/expansion. This is why I always say that OW2 was a missed opportunity to do so. This game was initially designed as a casual game with no limitations on the heroes you choose and how many versions of that hero is out. It was also designed with Defensive heros as a role. Things were moved around but never fully.

Its time to fully commit now and rework the game. Overwatch Expansion.

Yeah man, let’s show some love to 1-2-3! :two_hearts: :heart:

I think the biggest issue of 1-2-3 is that it is quite different from what people have come to expect. And require different strategies that players are used to.

Other than that I found it more enjoyable! :smiley:

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There is an official developer experimental 132 post, at the top of the general discussion thread.

If you haven’t voiced your opinion there, yet, I suggest you do so.

That way, they can have a whole host of feedback, all in one place


thansk, ill do that sometime this week once i get more testing! thanks againf or letting me know!

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No problem, Diamond

Here is the thread if anyone would like to add to it.

(I have already given a couple positive comments, myself)


I absolutely LOVE this 1-3-2 setup. I love playing tank but it always felt kind of meh with two per team and weak shields. Tanks didn’t really feel like “TANKS” but more like a large ult feeding dps. But having one tank per team and them being a bit beefier with more team effects and threat, just adds so much more to the flow to the game. It also incentivizes a lot more hero switching on the tank side and getting stuck with that crappy widow one trick won’t be so bad with 3 dps.

I wouldn’t say every tank change currently in place is good here, but I do like a lot of them. Especially the hog AoE heal.

All in all, I think this is a really good idea, making tanks a threat that actually takes teamwork to take down makes both the role of the tank feel more valuable and also much more enjoyable to play.