1-1-4 Role Queue

Like in TF2 where you just gather around the Heavy(s) and keep them alive. Good times.

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Halo Infection mode was never very balanced but it was very fun

Plenty of heroes could already solo heal or solo tank. They aren’t doing it because it’s more effective to stack more on.

TF2’s Medic healed at 24/s. Overwatch has an offhealer that drops in @ 30.

TF2’s closest thing to a tank was the Heavy with only 300 hp.

TF2 and OW are very different games. I came to OW hoping it’d be the successor to TF2; I was sorely disappointed. Then I began to appreciate OW for what it is, rather than trying to see it through the lens of a TF2 successor.

Rather than that, just have it so the game has atleast 1 tank and 1 healer. Solo tanking is not an issue especially in QP.

This is how my QP games usually go:

I instalock my Tank. The next two to get picked are usually the healers with atleast one of them a main healer, then i either get an off tank or a 3 DPS.

Since the DPS are constantly over extending, that meant the healers tend to stay close to me and i end up getting pocketed by both. Which means i can go full aggro to keep up with the DPS.

You just need someone to pick tank, and then you get two healers. No begging, no requests, no comms, no one is forced, your team picks them on their own.

Later on (especially if we’re getting overwhelmed) one of the DPS would switch to an off tank. Like Roadhog or D.va, again, on their own. You just need someone to pick a starting tank.

For three years, this has been my games. There are rare (very rare) occasions where i did get 5DPS but i honestly can’t remember the last time that happened.

I occasionally switch to DPS to take out a specific hero (i.e. my team can’t handle Doomfist so i switch to Sombra), but if that’s a problem just make it so i can’t pick another role if i’m the only tank. Usually when that situation happens, someone’s already resorted to Roadhog anyway.

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My point isn’t that they are similar but that overwatch has and can change, there have been many balance changes and there are many ways the balance of any team comp can be achieved. 2-2-2 Role lock, any role lock opens the door to those types of balance changes. the balance was changed to bring DPS players back into OWL because it’s more fun to watch DPS, there are more DPS total as well. So my question was why 2-2-2? Which was answered.

I’m not sure if this is still a question because you said it was answered, but yeah, the 2/2/2 was introduced because OW has an abundance of DPS players in comparison to tank/support players, and that’s a problem when you randomly jumble up people into teams; there’s likely going to be a majority of people who’re queuing for DPS in comparison to tank/support.

This has overall made for a subpar gaming experience, and hence, here we are today (in addition to GOATS being a thing).

That makes no sense. Because there was an over abundance of DPS players… We are restricting teams to 2. How is that a solution for the problem?

An overabundance of DPS players chose to form 4-5 member DPS comps for the past 3 years, and that’s sucked for a lot of people.

What else do you need to know?

We’re here today because they kept nerfing tanks for OWL, making it such that using them is such an “unfun” experience that nobody wants it.

So the solution, rather than actually help the tanks, is to FORCE people into it.

Okay, I don’t really get your plight because I don’t mind playing tank but okay… Why are you being forced into it?

It sucked for 1 or 2 people, according to your logic. I know some DPS did not enjoy it too, but the solution in the OP was definitely the logical approach. This is the arbitrary approach.

You really think 2-2-2 isn’t a composition that’s being forced on the players?

You don’t think there’s a reason why there are fewer tanks now than before?

Ah, the DPS approach. Thankfully for you and me, there’s an option. Classic Quickplay. A place where you can DPS-squad all day, to no detriment of anyone else. Everyone who enters knows what they’re in for, and so all is fair.

If you can only play DPS then you still have an option. If you’re still upset… well, there are a lot of great games out there.

This, although its OK on WoW raids versus NPCs. What will happen in PVP is drastic simplification of combat. Healers only real job becomes heal and babysit tank because if our tank dies team is withdrawing. DPS’s job is to burn enemy tank’s shield to kill enemy tank.

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I mean, the matchmaking is going to be so bad that the last thing I would call it is “fair.”

All conjecture, and from you, not really relevant.

So now you admit that rather than making Tanking more fun, you’d rather people be forced into it.

Conjecture? You can literally have silver players in the same lobby as master players. That is not even close to fair by ANY definition.