đź“° 1/1/2/1/1 is inevitable, and I've proven it

Barrier tank, flanker tank, main damage, flanker damage, healer, flanker… healer?

And people tried to tell me I was playing Moira wrong lol

As long as you don’t go about telling people about your 4 gold medals, break a leg.

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We could even separate the rest, but tanks can’t be separated like that. Winston and Hammond only work as main tank sometimes, in others they are off tanks.

And in many situations two off tanks is good, or two main tanks.

So did you prove it or not? Your title seems to suggest you did, but then you seem to suggest you didn’t.

Clickbait then?

lol no way. Hook 1.0, coinflip, Zenyatta 150hp

Classic Overwatch is not as awesome as you remember

This is how I would balance the game. How to Perfectly Balance the Game

but anyway, I don’t agree with you saying it’s easier or harder to balance if you change composition possibilities i.e. no limits, 1 hero limit or 2/2/2.

The reason is any restrictions you place on hero picks the game is always balanced the same way:

  1. give a little nerf to the 3 heroes with the most wins
  2. give a little buff to the 3 heroes with the most losses
  3. wait one month
  4. go back to step one

Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice
Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake.


I think it’s possible but, I don’t think it’s inevitable.

Do you have as many people that want to be each on the sub roles?

If you don’t you’ve just driven up queue times.

What are you going to do about the borderline heroes?

Some roles may not have many options depending on where the line is drawn.

Will the game make it that long?

Games with skill based matchmaking need more players than those without it. Much of what is good about Overwatch is the polish and the polish doesn’t come cheap.

We might see a move to Overwatch 2/3 instead of a continued progression on Overwatch

Or since there is 3 shield hero now, we can introduce hero bans now.

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I wonder if it will come before or after hero bans and/or F2P. How long until its just basically 12 Soldiers each game?

Yeah, cuz that’s what we need,as a player base: more limits and restrictions, on our fun and enjoyment


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The problem with that is that a lot of DPS can fill both roles depending on teamcomp / playstyle. Even a handful of Supports and you could maybe count Sigma into this as well.

your mathematical argument is really cute but tell that to games like hots or LoL with 85 or even over 100 heroes…
i dont think its a realistic problem.

we should just balance healers and tanks so that most duos are viable. of course there will be meta combinations that are better than the others, but thats inevitable. as long as the other combinations arent all literally trash, thats fine.

By the time we have enough heroes, it’s going to go straight to 1/1/1/1/1/1.

I honestly doubt we will get that far though.

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Uhh, 1/1/1/1/1/1 makes no sense. DPS’s role is to do damage, period. If you’re an “off-DPS”, you’re basically a bad DPS…

Yeah sure, I really want to tag a game, look at the character selection screen and only be able to play 4 out of 31 heroes.
What a good feeling to be free of my choices !

O(NlogN) nice one, remind me of good old leetcode interview days and my cse101 algorithm class.
What you working on? Dynamic programming?

I’d actually welcome this change, it would just be a lot of clicking to queue / un-queue for certain roles. It would actually shoehorn people into doing precisely what their role is.

Another issue is that sometimes the lines between what people consider Main and Off are blurry.

PS: 1-1-2-1-1 is clearly more restrictive, but I played a lot of Paladins where you can’t even switch characters. Restriction isn’t inherently bad. Sure, it means that a few matches are decided at the character select screen, but it made the game far more interesting than the Rock-Paper-Scissors vibe OW has sometimes.

As a Main Tank player, I think the game would tag before I click the button.

Ehh, I don’t think people will be that exciting playing with Symmetra 1.0, Bastion 1.0 and Symmetra 1.0 again…