1.0 Mercy is unhealthy

Sorry to contradict you, but your proof has nothing of “mathimatical”.

  1. Going battle Mercy can help you to get crucial picks (mostly Widow & Pharah) which can solve the situation if those characters were preventing you from pushing.
  2. Even though it was right, this doesn’t make Valk a bad ultimate.
    It would be like saying that Nanoboost is a bad ult because it has almost no synergy with Mei.
  3. I did the maths you claim your post contains
    Valk is an extended amp it up.
    ~ Same healing
    - 15s duration vs 3s duration (5 times longer)
    - 48.5s of uninterrupted healing to charge the ability vs 12s cooldown (~4 times longer)
    It is 5 times longer for a “cooldown” at best 4 times longer, assuming you are constantly healing someone.
    You assumed a 1min charge time, which leads you to a different conclusion which seems more accurate to be fair.
    However, one can argue that having the same effects of amp it up for a longer duration at the price of a lesser effectiveness is more valuable than having a better (or same) effectiveness at the price of a lesser duration.
    In other words, it lasts longer, which makes it more valuable.

If you’re not convinced of it, let’s imagine 2 forms of an hypothetical ability:

Version# 1 2
Effects 50 hps for 3s 50 hps for 6s
Cooldowns 10s 25s

Which one is the best ?
The first one has the most effectiveness, while the second one has the most impact.

Anyway I don’t really want to engage a debate about is Valk a good ult ? mostly because good and bad can have different meanings.
I don’t think Valk is a powerless ultimate. It is at least able to make Mercy much more harder to kill, and gives extra utility through chain heals.
However, I do think it is a bad ult because it negates every weaknesses from Mercy’s kit, and goes against her concept as a strong single target healer.


you mean the mercy that was complained about enough that they decided to do something about it and change her? that mercy? why would that ever be considered unhealthy

(and yes people are complaining about this one as well…i just dont think old mercy is an answer given we’ve been down this road once already)

Well regardless of past mistakes and how long it took, i like where she is.

I may be a little late, but FINALLY, I CAN ABUSE THIS AGAIN! :smiley:

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You’re right, instant cast with no line of sight is a bit of a problem. Mass Rez itself isn’t. I’ll try to go into more detail later.

Valk is easily countered, because it doesn’t really do anything beyond make Mercy harder to kill. All Ultimates counter Valkyrie, because Valyrie does nothing that base Mercy’s kit doesn’t already accomplish. At least at one time, it made your team (partly) immune to a single Winston, but now it can’t even do that much. This weak of an ult, and yet it still is stupid giving Mercy AoE healing, letting her take over the roles of other healers. Terrible design.

Everything else is just a description of how her ult worked, and could be used. I don’t see really much else to reply to there. But they could fix Mass Res with LoS checks, cast times, or other mechanics. You might think we adamantly disagree with you OP, but all of us who are constantly complaining understand that no LoS checks was bad, and pure 1.0 isn’t the best option. There are so many great suggestions you’ve probably missed thanks to the Mercy thread being a dumpster for ideas.

So I’ve played 1.0 Mercy, 2.0 Mercy, and I guess you could call it 2.5 Mercy.
And I have mained her throughout all 3.

1.0 Mercy isnt the solution, although there is some debate to the “hide and rez” argument (literally tons of DPS players Hide and Ult i.e Mcree, Junkrat, ect)
I dont think its a valid solution to the problem.
I think 1.0 with a twist, would be a good solution, wether thats a cast time on a team rez, no invulnerability, just something.