šŸš Letā€™s review possible Echo kits!

Along the echolocation theme. she sends out a pulse that locates nearby teammates and grants temporary shield health that builds with each pulse. The shield health turns to heals if damage is taken.

Anyone else want to take a spin?

I. want. something. with. shields.

I have the feelingā€¦ they have a shield generatorā€¦
I want this voiceline backā€¦ :pleading_face:


Blizzard design is sometimes reactive to a unpopular comp. Dive ruled unchecked in pro play so they countered with Brig. Sniper was a unfun comp to play against so they made two off tanks to harass or disrupt unchecked long range threats. And since theyā€™ve failed to significantly nerf Mei for months, Iā€™m leaning toward a hero kit that counters her.

Primary Sticky Bomblets

  • Projectile that attaches to targets and explodes with right click.
  • Can be attached to iceblockā€™d Mei.

Echo Blink

  • Escape that leaves an hard light duplicate in original place.
  • Explodes for damage and heals close targets.

Ultimate Helmet

  • Enables free flight and gives self+teammates a short duration shield that covers the head hitbox.

Have you seen the Beams she has in the ow2 video?

On no, they are sticky bombs I see now.

I really hope she is a mobile support that doesnā€™t require good aim to use.


Echo speculated abilities:

  • Passive
    Free flightā€“moves like Mercy during Valkyrie mode.

  • Primaryā€“Bomblet gun
    Fires adhesive spheres that stick to targets and surfaces. Detonates 1 second after impact. Will also detonate any nearby bomblets in range of blast.

  • Secondaryā€“ā€œBarrier Beamā€
    Channel a bubble Barrier on an ally that will last as long as it has energy. Recharges overtime.

  • Ability 1ā€“Attack Drones
    Target drones. Holding command brings up a lock box. Holding a target in the box for .5 seconds places a single lock on the target. Continuing to hold a target in lock box will stack further locks or you can track other targets. Releasing command fires drones to locked targets where they will detonate upon reaching target. Maximum 6 locks and drones can be destroyed in flight.

  • Ability 2ā€“Healing drone
    Press once to bring up target ring, select area and press primary to send drone to target area. Drone will start healing all allies in area. Drone will remain as long as its energy allows it to. When drained by recieving damage or its duration expiring it will require a cooldown. Pressing ability again will recall the drone to bypass cooldown, recharging it.

  • Ultimateā€“Defensive Order
    Sends out drones to provide bubble Barriers to allies. Functions like Symmetra 2.0 Shield Generator but with Barriers instead of blue HP. Drones can be destroyed on the protected allies by enemy fire to shorten their duration.

Inb4 echo isnt the new hero and its Edgy Boi at end storm rising animation


I donā€™t think heā€™s going to end up being a hero, personallyā€¦ at least not soon.

But i donā€™t think itā€™ll be Echo either.
I could be very wrong, of course, but i donā€™t think itā€™s either of the two.

Remember when most people were hyped for Doomfist, and we got Orisa instead?

I think itā€™s like that. Doom came later, but firstā€¦ Orisa.

See, I can see Echo and I have feeling we will get her a month before OW2 arrives.
the edgy omnic Ehh I can dream :rofl:
We will just have to wait and see. I just want a new omnic already. Zen is starting to bore me

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Shameless bump of my Omnic hero design? :eyes:

I think yes.

[Hero Concept: "V" (Big read) šŸ¦¾]


But also yea, i really really want another Omnicā€¦ very badly.

Thing is, i think the edgy guy youā€™re talking about belongs to some kind of faction we donā€™t know anything about yet. Multiple ā€œNew factionsā€ Have been hinted at for OW2, and both him and Max have the same pattern of red dots on their headsā€¦ seems to fit if you ask me.

Mercy said she wanted an introduction, Max said he had many associates, then you see himā€¦ seems pretty clear that him and Max are a big chunk of a story to themselves, and likely one will become a hero while the other serves as lore to tie them to the game.

I am pretty sure he is Null Sector.
I could be imagining this but I remember someone spotted a nullsector logo on him maybe XD idk I just woke up XD

Zen has the same pattern as well EXCEPT do note they are blue

didnt she want an introduction to doomfist and we saw it take us to doomfist talking Edgelord69420 in Anubis doe? Also wouldnt be surprised if he is associates with Max. from how DF talks to the guy, it feels like Edgyboi is a leader of a big faction (which I thought was nullsector) so it would feel like the need a money launderer like Maxi

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What if it was both Echo and Null Hector? Simultaneous release of light side support robot and dark side tank robot.

I mean, it wonā€™t be both, but there would be nice symmetry to itā€¦

Nope, much different.




Enough to make me think theyā€™re a newer model, perhaps something along the lines of thinking that theyā€™re above other Omnics, perhaps even having some kind of hierarchy, the more dots meaning the more important the person.

Honestly honestly that would be dope. both are a result of the same experiment DrLiao conducted.
One showcases the true evil of humanity while the other showcases the true good in humanity. Blizzard dont miss this opportunity

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I actually see zens as being an older model. That does make sense. (considering he is monk with long teachings)
I am just petpeeved about one thing.
Does max have an ingame icon that has the same dot pattern as Zen?

I swear I remember something like that. Even in his game appearance I remember the other pattern not the pattern we see in comic

Edit: Actually no I remember wrong XD

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I donā€™t think so?
What do you mean.


Yeah I remember wrong XD
idky I remembered the other one

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Got solo-ulted three years ago, Iā€™m still stuck in the box. Is the game buggedā€¦?


No, but your house likely is.

Our echo chambers arenā€™t as lonely as weā€™d like to think.

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