🚁 Let’s review possible Echo kits!

Obviously 3 abilities are easy to guess, Bomblet gun and likely two more for flying stuff.

But the last 2 are hard to actually guess because they would likely be the healing support and Support Ult ability.

(Post your suggestions below)


OP according to forums ability #2
OP according to forums ability #3


I would be very surprised if flying isn’t somewhere in her kit.


Shield generator.

Ultimate is “echo chamber” which places an Opponent in a box so they can be alone with their thoughts.


She has been flying at jet speeds in two blizzcons

So likely flying is major part of her kit… (taking two ability slots to function)

would an ability called echolocation be too cliche?

how about reverberation or reflection

Suggest focus more on support abilities

I reckon they might try to make her a shield-based support.


What if her passive gives her free flight? But in order to keep people from solely staying in the air, it has a drawback, like if you stay in the air for too long, her shield health (which I assume she would have) starts to slowly deteriorate – lore reason being due to air pressure, maybe.

I think she will give sheilds
Like old sym

They already nerfed brigitte armor
So it probably yes one of her ability is to give sheilds


AoE damage reduction to allies, or AoE weaken on enemies.
Ally fire rate+reload speed increase.

I doubt she can fly. In Lore, heroes like D.Va and Mercy, but also Reaper are able to fly without limits.

I think she is a DPS. With a Beam weapon and Bomblet gun as Secondary fire. Her abilities might be somewhat supportive. I’d like to see a new kind of health that negates burst damage, such as McCree’s Primary, Mei’s Secondary or even Widow’s Snipe Shots. This could be added to teammates via ability, similar to Sym 1.0’s Shields.
Her second ability could be anything. Mobility, Protection, Anti-Barrier (like Pharah’s old concussive blast), Building (I’d love to see some “drones” that guard or assault allies/enemies.) or something totally diffrent.
Her Ultimate might actually give her flight, similar to Mercy. But instead of healing, she could create a rain of bombs or a giant Laser from the sky. (Imagine this like the Pokemon Deoxys from Smash) It could also be the Shiiiiiield Generator.

So here is what I hope:

  • Health: 200 HP, 50 Hard-Light HP
  • Primary: Anti-Mobility Beam. Can scare off flankers via a) disabling movement abilities after some time or b) a lock-on mechanic
  • Secondary: Bomblet Gun: Shot multiple exploding projectiles at once. This can punish barriers by hitting multiple bombs at once. The projectile arc is straight at first, but falls on the ground later. (Imagine Torb’s primary arc but more drastic)
  • Ability 1: Hard-Light Health (Sorry for the name, it’s from one of my potential Sym reworks). Give an ally 25 Hard-Light Health. The shot that destroies the last remaining Hard-Light Health is reduced by 50 damage before damaging the rest of the health. This HP regenerates like Shields, but cannot be healed.
  • Ability 2: Gurad Drone: Send a small drone to an ally. It gives them 50 Shield-HP and attacks enemies.
  • Ultimate: Take flight, increase movement speed, become immune (or gain temporary health) and replace your primary fire with some bombs that fall straight down on the enemy team.

Primary fire
Toxic blow
Proyectile that explotes over time. The greater the toxicity in voice chat, the greater the dmg is done

Ability 1
Salty Bois
Summons 3 bots that’ll join voice chat and be toxic, this will obviously make primary fire stronger

Ability 2
Toxic flight
Echo can fly depending on the toxicity on voice chat

All salt United
Creates mountains of salt that explote after a while, both toxicity from your team and the enemy team count towards the dmg done by the ability

Now toxic players can finally enjoy a character lol


more interested in the time it takes the devs to dull down her kit this time around

I feel like she’ll send out a reflection of her self which heals people

it was already confirmed ages ago flying would be part of her kits an interviewer asked a dev something along the lines of “so will Echo be able to fly in game?” and the dev said “shes got wings dont she?” and thats literally what the dev said xD

Vertical tracer support hero. Free flight can’t be the thing he gets unless it’s inconsistent. But it could be like a double vertical leap to the sky.

I want them to try a shield support again. Go back to OG sym. And see what they can do here. It would be sick to make it main healing worthy.

A passive that increases effects on teammates while airborne.

A slow aoe or a cc resistant aoe is something I’d love to see introduced.

But to what extent? Like mercy free flying? Or like pharah flying?

No idea i assume they would try and do something different so maybe it could be free flying without a resource like Pharah or maybe with a different kind of resource.


Well, we know for sure that at least one ability is going to a a type of CC