🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

What? The only other time she was picked was in Blizzard World for less than a minute. Again, am I missing anything? You said to check the video and I literally did just that.


No we’re going to act like brig was played a majority of the time because she was and that every time mercy was run it failed and they swapped which happened in every example you’ve shown so far


Lmao, say no more. It’s not like your argument was even good so might as well quit now. :pensive:


argues that mercy was used for like 3 seconds, therefore she’s fine
so what, if JJonak or whomstever is in OWL at this point plays anything for more than a moment, they’re automatically not broken?


If this is changed about mercy I think it would require a heavier rework than people think. Because yes she does basically no damage compared to other supports and her healing is not as high as theirs but despite that she isn’t the bastion of supports like you’d think. She has stuff other supports don’t that make her still viable.

I don’t think you can just give her a reliable burst heal along with what she already has otherwise she’d be way too good. i think she’s already good imo. It’s not that mercy is bad…it’s that certain supports are better than they should be.

She literally cannot perform the role the devs intended for her and as a result has poor synergy with other supports.

She doesn’t need a burst heal, she needs hps back. She had this same exact issue the last time she was at 50 hps. Literally the same one, even before Ana.


I dont think she needs a reliable burst heal, I think she needs 60 HPS minimum to be viable as a main support. It doesn’t matter how much you nerf Ana, it won’t make Mercy good at healing tanks with a Zen or Lucio. Mercy will still be unable to fullfill this role.

If they want her as an off support that’s fine but then they need to rebalance her Valk to be a defensive ult (maybe 10 seconds, 80-100 HPS?) and buff damage boost but that seems so complicated. Would rather they just test 60 HPS and if it’s too much nerf it to 55.


Idk if an extra 10hps will make her that good. Sure she’ll have the most heals/game and that might look nice on paper but i think the supports that are already better will still be better. I’d rather they move valk as a normal ability and bring back mass rez but actually balance it.

Yup. Because even when the game launched she couldn’t keep up tanks. And Zenyatta was trash. So they ran double Lucio since if she cannot keep up a tank, there is zero reason to sacrifice a defense ult for her.

It was true when there were only 3 healers, and it remains true now. Mercy has never done well with 50 hps. Ever.


It will because it will restore her synergy with Zenyatta instead or making her compete with him.

You need 1 healer to keep up tanks and a defense ult for the vast majority of successful compositions. That’s the barebones. It’s why every meta has always included either Lucio or Zen.

If Mercy isn’t gonna have a defense ult, then she needs to keep up tanks. Sacrifice whatever else to allow it.


The game needs more defensive ults imo


Sure. That’s fine. Giving her a minirework so Valkyrie is a defensive ult would also work.

60 hps is much simpler as it gives her a niche with dive and sniper comps. But it’s not literally the only solution.

But one of those two things needs to happen


I am a support flex and it’s very rare I can’t outheal a Mercy if I’m on any support who isn’t Zenyatta :skull:

And even my Zen can take/rotate gold healing without ridiculous trans

Your anecdotal evidence is only as effective as mine


You have to realize, that healing per round is useless stat. Even more, you can get it high by doing literally nothing - I pocketed Pharah entire game and managed to outheal Moira, because about 80% of all gunfire was aimed at Pharah.

I guess we have to measure ratio between healing and average survivability of teammates, where Mercy is unlikely to be among top performers, except few specific heroes.

Then he focuses on Mercy…
Or hitting multiple targets at once.

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well technically taking winrate out of context like that doesn’t really hold much merit. Symmetra for example held the highest win rate of all heroes, only because she would be used for incredibly specific situations where victory was assured.

If you looked at winrate, you would think she was OP, but in actuality she was super weak everywhere except her niche where she was mediocre.

I feel like mercy’s stats are just one part of the equation anyways.


Won’t lie, thought you meant “Give Mercy only 60 HP” and this was a “Why even bother, the hero is ded” thread.

Let them be. We don’t want Anas 17% pickrate (keep pretending this isn’t wrong). We want her to not suck for us and not be flamed for playing 2 off healers

How does a support have a lower winrate by someone not in her role :joy:

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I’m afraid that won’t be happening in order to satisfy the pros. High skill (Ana, Zenyatta) Supports should be forever must-picks, while beginner friendly ones shouldn’t.
Somehow Reinhardt is always welcomed even though he’s the easiest Tank to be picked up & worked with compared to other Tanks.