šŸ•Š Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

Playing in GM thatā€™s like 90% of what I see Mercyā€™s do

60hps would make pocketing duos more formidable.
People already have trouble with Pharah and Mercy now imagine Pharah getting healed to full in 3s or less.

But then people will cry that Mercy is getting nerfed even if 60 is to much. Small steps up is better than going down once IMO.

Buff healing to 60 and nerf boost to 25%.



She doesnā€™t need 60 hps and since I donā€™t feel like arguing until I get banned Iā€™ll just leave it at that

I assume you donā€™t play at Diamond or above with that statement? The reason that you have gold healing as mercy is you are just healing with some odd damage boosting here or there.
While you may have gold healing, other healers like moira can have silver damage as well as silver healing. By the way a mercy has never out healed me as Moria in any game at Diamond level so you must have some terrible support partners.
Then you have to factor in other supports ccā€¦ Ana can sleep, Brig can stun both these abilities can lock out a ultimate from the enemy team and single highhandedly win your team the fight. Anaā€™s sleeps completely take a dump on Asheā€™s ult and make her an instant swap unless you are throwing.
Hell even Zen which is I would argue in the worst place right now, can get really sick picks on widows harassing your team in the backline, again what is Mercy suppose to do against that?
Then you have Baptist and Lucio. Bap puts out an absured amount of dps for a support and he has good heals too, enough said about him. Lucio if people are grouped can have one of the highest healing in the game. I have peeked at 26k healing with Lucio on Eichenwald and had gold healing over our moria which is insane.
Mercy does come with a powerful ability to res, but the cast time on it leads quite often to a trade, she may get the res off, but then she dies in that heroes placeā€¦ Itā€™s a very steep price for the ability which iā€™m fine with actually.

Also you have to include the sheer frustration Mercy players have to deal with in games, people shouting at you all the time for a res, even when it was clear you just ressed someone in the chat, and they get mad at you, what other healer gets that kind of abuse? In most of my games in Diamond, the team says when I pick Mercy at the start, can we please get a main healer? Mercy in my mind was always a main healer. THAT SUMS IT UP FOR HOW BAD SHE IS RIGHT NOW
PS: Zen needs a damn buff too, Jesus Christ Blizzard.

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Ohā€¦ gee I wonder why she would have that pickrateā€¦ oh wait thats right! SHEā€™S BEEN BANNED THE PAST 6 DAYS YOU IGNORAMUS!


:skull: :skull: :skull:

And yetā€¦ mercy is top 5.

Makes you wonder.

Maybe, just maybe mercyā€™s pickrate has more going for it than Echo, as some like to claim.

lol mood. so sick of still having to advocate for a small mercy heal buff 3 years going on

maybe people just like playing mercy even though sheā€™s really weak and its not the right pick. After all sheā€™s arguably one - if not the most - popular / iconic hero of overwatch


No considering Ashe is near her aka meaning mercy is played beside her and moira is banned meaning her players have to go somewhere and that where is other supports


Iā€™m still legitimately not seeing the problem here. Mercy has synergy with meta heroā€™s, itā€™s leading her to be played more oftenā€¦ and mercy players are complaining about it. Like itā€™s some how a fault that sheā€™s being played because she synergises with other heroā€™s.

We were talking about GM pickrates here.

She only exists to pocket 3 dps and only has any real pickrate in gm when one is popular only to make them better not because sheā€™s good and whether these dps are viable or not entirely hinges on the weekly bans


And what is with this 3 dps nonsense?

Widow, mccree, soldier, ashe, bastion, junkrat, hanzo, phara. She even works great with heroā€™s like ball and winston.

Her pickrate, like literally everyone else in the game, is determined by who they synergies with, and how good they are in current patch.

Literally the only reason anybody could be mad about her being played with heroā€™s she synergises with, is if they want her to be viable all the time.

Also if she if she is intended to be an off healer / pocket healer which I donā€™t think her original design really was, she lacks the defence ult to be ran as one and that alongside low healing and inability to do damage, only adds value that comes with damage boost - itā€™s the only thing she has going for her to make her viable in the current state of overwatch.

Or on the other hand, she has the nice ultimate of a main healer but lacks the healing outside of her ultimate to have any drastic impact over the mid fight with just 50hps thus not making her a good main healer either

She will always have her place being tied to a pharra - itā€™s the only way sheā€™s viable right now

edit: consider this. Other main healing supports can do mercyā€™s job, much better I must add, and also provide so much more for the team.
say for example moira -she has great damage output alongside having better healing than mercy when her kit is designed to be all about ā€œraw healingā€

Everyone can do her job better and provide so much more for the team


Yeah and there are multiple Mercy OTPā€™s in GM who force her everygame and then the rest of the team gets mad that they have to work around such a bad pick. Go watch any GM stream sometime, it happens ever 2-3 games.

GM players literally celebrated when Mercy got banned so they wouldnā€™t have her on THEIR team anymore.

Also again youā€™re arguing about her viability when the argument is also that she CANā€™T and ISNā€™T used as a main healer anymore. Thatā€™s the issue. Pickrates from this month mean nothing btw, bans have turned the entire game upside down.


First things first, off healer and pocket healer are two different things, mercy can be played as both but in her respective team comps, she is still a main healer. Nobody can replace her in a sniper comp, nobody can replace her in a phara comp.

See, this is the problem. Youā€™re comparing her to burst healers, which every other main healer is. Mercy is by far the best sustain healer in the game. She enables entirely different team comps. If you give mercy the hps to keep up with burst healers, you invalidate burst healers all together due to the natural inconsistencies built into their kit.

The above applies to you too.

She is not main healing in a Pharah or Sniper comp if all she is doing is pocketing the Sniper or Pharah.

Hence why she is only ever ran with Ana in GM and pro play when played with these DPSā€¦so Ana can do the main healing.

And the fact that Ana is a near must pick but thatā€™s a story for another day


I donā€™t think giving her a 10hps buff would make her a burst healer - itā€™ll just give her solidification and viability to provide enough healing in the mid fight. As of now her kit is all about healing but she canā€™t heal enough. Itā€™s a strange paradox.