🔷 How the "5 DPS instalocks" problem could've been solved

Do you even hear yourself ?

Here you guys are repeating the “mantra” that 5 DPS instalock was a regular occurence while talking about bias and scientific evidence.


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Because Blizzard designs tank and support roles like dps ones but making them boring to play for many people. Imagine if a tank had actual impact ond not just beeing a shield-carrier? Imagine if a Tank could Place a giant Wall with 5k HP on a flank route or a route in general to force the enemy to either kill the wall and fight you while doing so or to choose a different route? Imagine real synergy in Overwatch… like for example… if Winston were a dps and he could charge the wall with his tesla gun by shooting at it and he would need like 2 or 3 reloads to charge the wall for up to 30 or 45seconds so any enemy that comes to coles gets electrocuted? THAT would be real synergy, something where heroes actually work together and not playing bunker comp and calling it synergy because shields and a turret work good together LUL.
Imagine Mercy puting an improvized healing station on the point so people could get a healpotion (they could use if needed) and Torbjörn placing a little worktable where people could pick up some armor plates? Or Symmetra placing that old Shield generator where people can pick up shield charges? Imagine in that situation a tank would have 1500 HP but doing 90% less dmg than he does now. Then you would only need one tank (or it should be only one allowed since goats would be redicilous lol) and 1 heal + 1 support and 3 dps. A healer would be someone like Mercy and a support someone like Symmetra/torb and then the pure dps roles. I bet there would be many dps players who would start playing tank/heal if the roles were actually different than just a boring dps role. If those roles had actuall impact on your team where people would LIKE to work together and pick heroes to actually COMBINE their skills into one. Imagine Junkrat playing bombs on a wall and Symmetras turrets igniting them when enemy comes near them. Or Roadhog that can take Mercy’s laboratory and start inhaling all the stuff to turn into a stall-tank on point while the lab isnt destroyed? It wouldnt just look funny and fun to play… it would actually mean something if certain heroes are on the map. Or Roadhog taking adventage of enemy Mercy lab and inhaling all the stuff for 5seconds destroys the lab (which would have 1k HP for example, not bs like kill it with 2 shots. Imagine how fun and how many comps and tactics this would create… with so many options to play with it would be hard to create a meta that dominates ALL like we see in OW for years now.

You’re kidding yourself if you believe it was a myth lol

I’m glad i found this thread, i’ve been playing overwatch since the beta and i had not come back in like a year or two ( don’t remember really ? ). I’ve been very surprised to see that ranked play now forces you to play 2/2/2.

I really can’t get behind that, its like putting your players in shackles and forbidding them to be creative. I remember doing crazy rotation to push or defend, changing our comp dynamically to take out some opponent or get the upper hand on some special terrain. This felt like tactics, nowadays it just feel like queuing for LFR in wow…

It was the biggest issue which is why I mentioned it if you want we can discuss smaller problems but we should talk about the big ones that will have the most effect. Also dont play semantics and try to say I said the player base is bugger than launch, every game has a bigger player base at launch then it dwindles down as the hype dies out I am just saying the idea that the main reason for people leaving the game is not what you claim it to be.