🔷 How the "5 DPS instalocks" problem could've been solved

the reason 2/2/2 was inevitable was because new heros allowed certain play styles to be used that would throw the game into chaos.
the 5 dps problem wasn’t what made them do this, but the dominance of tanks in owl.
tanks are too good, and having 4-5 made every match a mirror, and removed most picks from the game.

2/2/2 has been a blast from a tank main perspective. but that’s mostly because i don’t bother with comp.
ow comp is for streamers and people who want gold guns. anyone else is wasting their life on that mode.

I just want to say that is not a myth and that happens 30% of the time. Open queue is good were it is. In the arcade.

Just to bump your statement and adding a point to the other statement in your post.
The reason there are less tank and support players is the lack of fun in these rolls. Tank is unfun to play and supports get yelled at. This together with the recently introduced DPS nightmares Doomfist and Echo (designed to get new players into the game) made them leave.
The “unfairness” of long q-time by DPS players is generated by this major issue. Changing the 2/2/2 to a 1/4/1 or back to open pick, would proberbly make the games even worse (for the tanks and supports 100%). We will lose even more “main” tank and support pickers. The rest will start picking DPS based heros of their roll (Roadhog or Moira/Brig) that they can deal dmg aswell. I don’t think that will be fun for DPS either…

Well queue times would have still been a problem and what if I wanted to play dps why should I roll the dice and see what I wanted to play. This creates more problems than it solves.

Q-times are a problem because most tank and supports quit the game. The playerbase is to low with the majority of players beeing DPS.

There is no statistic or evidence that shows any role leaves more than the other. Also cc is getting a reduction across the board if you have heard so tanks should have an easier time. The queue is long because of a lot of dps players not because of other roles leaving.

So you say the playerbase is as high as it was during release? Statistic evidence is delivered by the time each role needs to get in a game. Tank about 2 mins, heal about 2 mins, DPS about 5mins (QP). I am more than convinced, that tank and support players left or switched to DPS since it is more “fun” to play or have an impact

If you have heard most tanks still don’t have an easier time, since cc was only one issue but not the main issue.

So Open Comp has returned after months of being gone. People have been deprived up the ability to swap, have different comps, etc, for months. If someone was starved of food for weeks, and you put them in front of a table covered in all sorts of food, do you think they’ll just sit there, grab a spoon, and then eat like a civilized person? No, they’d shove as much food in their mouth, even going so far as to harm themselves, because it’s finally something they’ve been craving for for a long time. That’s what’s happening in Open Comp right now, and it’s only been out for a few days. Acting as if it’s always been like this or will always be like this is ridiculous after such a short period of time being active and after such a long period of time where it’s been gone.

I don’t particularly want the game to decide what role I should be. What if I wanted to go rotate each week playing a different role? Your proposed system would make that very messy.

Role queue gives people the freedom to choose.

The dps would have just as long of a queue using this

I was very clearly referring to competitive open que.
Nice try, try again.

Nope. I’m not buying it. GOATs only accounts for a year of OW’s lifespan out of four…and, according to the devs, GOATs was only played at the higest competitive levels.

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Hmmm, it’s almost as if 3 days of Open comp being out isn’t enough to say “this is how things are going to be”. How about stop being instantly judgemental, yeah? That’s how almost every bad trait throughout humanity is created.

Wasnt a myth. Boy you dps really want the game catered to you

You cry whenever one of your heroes is nerfed, a la doomfist. Look at chipsa and how immature he was being.

You dont want role lock because of the 10 minute queue time that people now days cant endure because they dont have patience

You want tanks and healers nerfed so that you can go pew pew pew more

And you hate losing so much that you guys flame the team if one thing goes wrong

But Oh No, those are all myths

Get off your high horse

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Played it every day, gained around 750sr from that year on another account

Statisically, it was.

Ah yes, it’s always “you x mains”. Wonderful people here, on the forums. They always feel the need to try to attack someone to make themselves feel bigger than they really are. Good job bud.

Quickly go through my history, you’ll see me saying that Doomfist needed to be nerfed at times. Don’t worry, we’ll keep your bias here until you get back.

What does one, highly toxic player have to do with me? From what I know about him, he’d relate more to you than I.

From my experience, 10 minutes is a short wait, as I get an average of 15-20 minute per queue, and that’s in Plat in NA.

You know, when you have to find something to entertain yourself while waiting for the thing you wanted to entertain yourself with, then there’s something wrong.

Again, look through my history. The only times I’ve stated that Tanks or Supports needed to be nerfed was when they were blatantly overpowered and many people agreed, NT just DPS mains.

I think you’re talking about yourself again, here, bud, with all the toxicity in this single comment alone.

How did you get from the actual topic on hand to this? Are you that hatred filled that you will just blackout and type whatever comes to mind?

Sounds like you’re the one on a high horse, my guy. Someone literally said something you don’t agree with on the internet and you went and made a 100+ word attack on them just because they don’t agree with you. Are you sure you don’t need to look inwards or maybe take a break from the game if it’s going to cause you to act like this?

I just want to say that the “5 dps is a myth” thing was recently contradicted by jeff when he was talking about implementing 132. He said that it felt familiar because that’s how old OW was played. He said people were surprised to have a second tank at all.

If 222 was common, how is 132 “familiar” ? How is having a second tanks surprising if it was common? Maybe 5 dps wasn’t common but 3+ was.

Maybe 5 dps was an exaggeration but more tha 2 dps was was easily common, therefore making solo tank or support common as well.

it wasn’t a myth, but also wasn’t that common.
but i can tell you 1 thing it was probably one of the most frustrating things when it happened.

4-5 dps was a regular thing.

you really think that the saturation of dps is not at all related to forcing a 222 over a 8-21-7?

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