🐸 Lucio needs competition

Yeah, it’d be nice if we had a new tank/support that catered to speed boosting or teleporting. Cause for me personally, I hate playing Lucio but he’s the only one that has a speed boost that is catered towards basically the entire team.

Edit: maybe temporarily phasing could be a thing eventually(kinda like tracers recall)

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AoE heal stacking which wasn’t really a thing until Brigitte enabled GOATS; Lucio just enables Reinhardt to be viable is more what i was getting at.


And it can be the Swedish daughter of a hero already in the game right?

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Brigitte was only there to shut down Dive
Lucio was the foundation GOATS was built on
without him Brigitte wouldn’t’ve had anything to stand on

to put it in a metaphor,
Lucio was the cake
Brigitte was the coloured icing and cherry on top

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I think maybe another healer that can provide speed.

I think Brigitte’s ultimate speed should apply to her whole team, I guess it’s still not much competition because Lucio’s is constant and the extra speed on a 12 sec CD.

I’ve never understood why her ultimate only applies to herself, but I guess maybe 6 people getting armour and speeding in… might be very OP :stuck_out_tongue:


I can see how quoting me like that says Brigitte alone enabled GOATS. But I’m saying it’s aoe heal stacking.

DM is unique and does multiple functions, one of which happens to be very high impact, which makes it hard to balance.

Speed boost is similar but all its functions are high-impact enough, so it’s basically just nerfing it into the exact right spot that makes it balanced that matters. It’s technically easier than dva cuz the speed boost sweet spot doesn’t need as much trial-&-error to find.

I like this idea because it doesn’t totally derail Lucio’s uniqueness. Brigitte needs a utility like that.


The only person who can really counter anything Lucio can do is Sombra, right? apart from Nade nade, which affects all healers.

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Would you hit the snail?

I mean, no one has to play anything…

It was just a question…

Probably because people like Lucio more than Moira?

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Never, you dare suggest tyranny

If you play in an organized setting, you HAVE to play things.

They swapped the Moira for Zen

Healing wasn’t what GOATS was about
It was about getting in and winning the fight as quick as possible
Pocket the charged Zarya
Kill discorded targets
Let Reinhardt do his thing

GOATS wasn’t a new concept
Deathball was a thing long before GOATS
GOATS was just a Deathball variant with Brigitte as the standout
but all Deathball comps are built on the foundation of Lucio’s Speed Boost
Without Lucio it would all fall apart

but without Lucio there wouldn’t be the chance to make it in the first place


Moth meta kept Lucio out of the meta for roughly a year, but yea, “mandatory for 4 years.”

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He was still picked then, what are you talking about


Unless you’re being mind controlled, you don’t have to pick anything.

You’re the one with the weapon :man_shrugging:

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I could look for another team to get kicked off then. Cause if you’re not willing to play what the team needs, then you’re not needed on the team.

But wasn’t mandatory. That’s what I’m talking about. Also, Dive with Zen Lucio … good luck playing those two supports if you weren’t GM. You’d be whined at all game due to low healing output.


Lucio and Brigitte stacking was enough.

Lucio made Reinhardt the dominant main tank for GOATS; I think without that Winston would be more viable but I suspect after shield bash got nerfed those times Winston would have been better way faster. On second thought, the aoe healing might have still been too much for him.

Well Rein can be played without Lucio and vice versus, but I’ve heard it’s very difficult to play Rein Zarya without a Lucio.